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Sixth Edition of International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, "IC-ANMBES 2022"

8–10 June 2022, Brasov, Romania

Biomaterials, Interfaces and biosensing, Bioelectrochemistry, analytical methods, Biophysics, Nanobiotechnology, Food, Enviroment, Medicine
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Dear Colleagues,

It is our privilege and pleasure to invite you to attend “IC-ANMBES 2022” which
cover different aspects presented in the frame of two main themes of Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for :
1. Biomedical Applications
2. Environment and Food Safety Applications

See you in Brasov!

Welcome from the Chairs

Bursaries are available for students and post-docs!

Poster Award competition for young researchers!

It is our privilege and pleasure to invite you to attend the 6th edition of International Conference on Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, “IC-ANMBES 2022” to be held in Brasov, Romania during 8-10 June 2022, organized by Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.

The conference is designed as an international forum for an effective exchange of knowledge and experience among researchers, from all over the world, active in various theoretical and applied areas of biophysics, biochemistry, medicine, bioengineering, environmental protection, and food safety. We hope that this conference will represent an ideal opportunity for you to stay abreast of the latest developments in those areas of research, to present and discuss the most important scientific problems during the scientific sessions, as well as to meet old friends and make new ones.

The “IC-ANMBES 2022“ will cover different aspects of analytical and nanoanalytical methods, which will be presented in the frame of two main themes:

1. Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biophysical and Biomedical Applications
2. Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Environmental and Food Safety

To encourage young scientists (bachelor, master and PhD students) to present their best contributions, a panel of judges selected from members of the International Selection Committee will select the best posters presented to be awarded prizes in the Poster Award competition.

Besides the scientific aspects of the Conference, our guests will have every chance to enjoy the hospitality and the beauties of our historic town, Brasov.

See you in Brasov!

Sponsors and

Call for submission

Dear Colleagues,

It is our privilege and pleasure to invite you and your colleagues to attend the 6thedition of International Conference on

Analytical and Nanoanalytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences


8 -10 June, 2022,

Brasov, Romania.

The conference is designed as an international forum for effective exchange of knowledge and experience among researchers, active in various theoretical and applied areas of biophysics, biochemistry, medicine, engineering, environmental protection, and food safety. Topics will cover classical and modern aspects in biomedicine and environmental sciences, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Biophysical methods for protein science
  • Bioenergetics and signal transduction
  • Interfaces and biosensing
  • Biomembranes and model membranes
  • Molecular and cellular electric/magnetic field effects
  • Atomic and nuclear analytical methods
  • (Micro)spectroscopy
  • (Nano)biotechnology
  • Novel materials and biomaterials
  • Food production and authentication
  • Innovation in Environmental Monitoring
  • Early diagnosis and precision medicine
  • Clinical diagnosis and therapy

Poster Awards. Outstanding posters will be selected for the Poster Awards during the poster presentations. Winning posters will be awarded in the closing ceremony of the Conference.

Travel Awards for Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows working in the EU area (non-Romanian) are available.

Travel Awards for Romanian Ph.D. students and postdoctoral fellows are available.

We would be extremely grateful if you could display this document in your laboratory and forward it to your collaborators.

Sincerely yours,

Monica Florescu

Chairperson of IC-ANMBES 2022 Organizing Committee

Conference Chairs

Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Medicine, Romania


University of Liege, Belgium

National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies (INCDTIM), Romania


Important note: The final deadline for paying the conference fee is 15 May 2022. No abstracts will be included in the
Conference’s Book of Abstracts unless the registration fee is paid by 15 May 2022.
Please confirm your participation in the social program together with the registration.
Students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) applying for the reduced student fee should ask their advisor to send in parallel with abstract
submission a short letter by e-mail confirming their student status or to confirm your student status by sending us a scanned copy or photograph of your current student card.
Early Bird
Until 9th May 2022
Until 14th May 2022
From 15th May 2022
Supported documents
Regular participants (with gala dinner) 270.00 EUR 350.00 EUR 350.00 EUR
Students (with gala dinner) 170.00 EUR 200.00 EUR 200.00 EUR Student ID, letter
Partner associations - Regular participants (with gala dinner) 250.00 EUR 270.00 EUR 270.00 EUR The proof of membership.
Partner associations - students (with gala dinner) 150.00 EUR 170.00 EUR 170.00 EUR Student ID, letter, membership.
Poster presentation without gala dinner 150.00 EUR 170.00 EUR 170.00 EUR For oral presentation please choose Regular participant fee.
Invited speaker (with gala dinner) Free Free Free
Accompanying person/participant without presenting (with gala dinner) 75.00 EUR 75.00 EUR 75.00 EUR
Gala dinner 50.00 EUR 50.00 EUR 50.00 EUR
Cancellation policy

Policy for cancellation
Confirmed registrants canceling after May 15th, 2020, will lose their entire registration fees. Cancellation before May
15th, 2020 will allow 50% refund of the registration fee.

Payment methods

Wire transfer

Instructions for Authors

Submission Information


Please make sure that your poster corresponds to:
- A0 format (84 cm wide and 120 cm high),
- orientation Portrait.

Abstract Submission

Submissions should be made by authors online by registering with by using the "Submit Abstract" button or the "New Submission" function once logged into the system.

All participants at IC-ANMBES 2022 (with and without presentation) are asked to register for the conference. In the case of participants with a presentation, the presenting author will register.

Procedure for Submission, Peer-Review, Revision, and Acceptance of Conference Papers

IC-ANMBES 2022 will accept

  1. A 300-word abstract in English for the Book of Abstracts (maximum 2 abstracts for one registration fee).
  2. Manuscripts to be published in associated Journals and Books.

The accepted abstracts will be available online on during and after the conference.

Full Papers can be published in the special issues of different journals after the peer-review process.

Please follow the instructions for the authors of each publisher.
All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed by at least two external referees.

Please note that abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes.

To register for this conference, please follow this link.

To present your research at the event

  • Create an account on Sciforum if you do not have one, then click on New Submission on the upper-right corner of the window OR click on Submit Abstract on the Conference website.
  • Indicate which session is best suited for your research.
  • The new extended deadline to submit your abstract is 29 April 2022. You can select if you wish to be considered for a poster and/or oral presentation.
  • Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, registration of presenting author, denoted as Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. Covering Author registration deadline is 15 May 2022.

Important! No abstracts will be included in the Conference’s Book of Abstracts unless the registration fee is paid by 15 May 2022. Please confirm your participation in the social program together with the registration fee.

More information about methods of payment for the registration fee you can find here.

Venue, Travel and Accommodation

Conference Location
IC-ANMBES 2022 will take place in the building of the Aula Magna of Transilvania University of Brasov.
Address: 41 A Iuliu Maniu Street, Brasov, 500091, Romania.

Brasov - Please watch the video to get an idea about how beautiful Brasov is, here.

The city of Brasov is located in the center of Romania, about 180 km north of Bucharest. It takes about 3 hours drive from Bucharest International Airport to Brasov. Intercity trains and European roads are connecting Brasov to the major cities in Romania and Europe.

Brasov is a famously beautiful city in the middle of the country located at 176 km north of Bucharest. Brasov is an old medieval city. The buildings of Brasov can tell you a lot about the evolution of the city throughout different ages. Also known as Kronstadt or Corona, Brasov was the home of some of the best craftsmen, jewelers, and traders living in Transylvania. The city of Brasov boasts of a rich historic heritag. Surrounded on three sides by mountains, it was a perfect place for a medieval settlement. The old city, founded by the Teutonic Knights in 1211, is one of the best preserved. Lately, it was thoroughly restored to the delight of an increasing number of tourists. It was an important center of resistance against foreign invaders during the turbulent medieval period.

Being an old medieval city, Brasov gives you the opportunity to visit a lot of old historical monuments and museums that reflect the cultural as well as the historical importance of the place. The old city itself is very well preserved and is best seen by taking the cable-car to the top of Tâmpa Mountain (995 m), a beautiful lookout.

The most important historical monuments were built in that period: The Old City Hall, “Podul Batusilor” (today hosting the Cerbul Carpatin restaurant), The Old Granary (today the lovely Bistrot de l'Arte), the Black Church (14th century), St. Nicolae Church in Scheii Brasovului - dating back to the 14th century, First Romanian School - a museum with the first Romanian printing press among many other firsts the Rope Street - a most narrow street in Europe, The "Brasov Citadel Fortress" - Cetatuia Brasovului, The Orthodox Church of the Dormition of the Theotokos, built in 1896, Schei - the historically Bulgarian and then Romanian neighborhood outside of the old walled city.

The biggest attraction in town is the Gothic Protestant Church built between 1385 and 1477. It is known by the name of "Black Church" because of its smoke-blackened walls after a fire in 1689. The establishment was recently restored, and tourists can now fully enjoy listening to organ concerts or admire the enchanting oriental rug collection.

The Council Square (Piata Sfatului), known to the Saxon population as the Marktplatz, is the heart of the old medieval Brasov. Lined with beautiful red-roofed merchant houses, the square is one of the finest in the country. In the center of the square lies the Council House, built in 1420 The tower, called the Trumpets Tower, is in fact much older, and was once a watchtower for approaching barbarians before being incorporated into the main building.

Dracula's Castle situated at 30 Km from Brasov, between the Bucegi and Piatra Craiului Mountains, Bran Castle is an important national monument and landmark of the Romanian tourism, due not only to the beauty of the Castle and the landscape but also to the legend of Count Dracula. Bran Castle was originally a fortress built by the Knights of the Teutonic Order in the year 1212. It was known by the name of Dietrichstein at the time. In addition to its unique architecture, the castle is famous because of persistent myths that it was once the home of Vlad the Impaler, a famous or infamous medieval warlord

Today a historical monument, Peles Castle is a Neo-Renaissance castle placed in an idyllic setting in the Carpathian Mountains, near Sinaia, at 44 Km from Brasov, in Prahova County, on an existing medieval route linking Transylvania and Wallachia, built between 1873 and 1914; its inauguration was held in 1883. Peles Castle is considered by many ones of the most beautiful castles in all of Europe. It was the final resting place for several Romanian monarchs including King Carol I, who died here in 1914.

Poiana Brasov is the favorite tourist destination in Romania. Only 13 km far from Brasov, up in the mountains, you can find a unique winter resort: Poiana Brasov with about ten major ski slopes, Romanian style restaurants, swimming pools, and tennis courts. In summer there are tennis courts, swimming pools, boat rides, mountain climbing, horse riding, and many other great sports activities.

Event Awards

Conference Awards

To encourage young scientists (bachelor, master, and Ph.D. students) to present their best contributions, a panel of judges selected from members of the International Selection Committee will select the best posters presented to be awarded prizes in the Poster Award competition.

Travel Awards

Travel awards for attendance at IC-ANMBES 2022
The IC-ANMBES Committee supports bursaries for Ph.D. students and/or post-docs who wish to attend the meeting.

The Awards
Young Scientist awards

Number of Awards Available: 5

To encourage young scientists (bachelor, master and Ph.D. students or Resident Medical Doctors) to present their best contributions, a panel of judges selected from members of the International Selection Committee will select oral and poster presentations presented to be awarded prizes
Terms and Conditions:

To encourageyoung scientists(bachelor, master and PhD students or Resident Medical Doctors) to present their best contributions, a panel of judges selected from members of the International Selection Committee will select oral and poster presentations presented to be awarded prizes in theYoung Scientist Award competition.


Travel awardsfor attendance at IC-ANMBES 2022
1. EBSA Bursaries
The IC-ANMBES Committee supports bursaries for PhD students and/or post-docs who wish to attend the meeting. The application form can be downloaded fromhere.

Eligible applicants are:

Ph.D. students registered in the EU area
Postdoctoral fellows working in the EU area

For the purpose of this application, the EU area includes EU member states, EU associated states, countries of the former Soviet Union, Israel, Egypt. Previous recipients of bursaries are eligible for new awards, but not within 24 months of the end of the previous award and not if they have failed to submit a report of the previous visit.
The bursary will be for non-Romanian applicantsin the value of 400 Eur and is to be used to defray the cost of travel and to contribute to the cost of subsistence, such as accommodation and the cost of registration. Travel is expected to be by low-cost airline, train or bus. Payment will be carried out in a single payment to the time of the meeting.

2. BES Bursaries
The BES Executive Committee supports bursaries for Ph.D. students and/or post-docs in the value of 200 Eur for Romanian applicants who wish to attend the meeting. The application form can be downloaded fromhere.


Applicants for bursaries are asked to carefully read the following notes before filling out the application form and submit completed formsno later than
April 17th, 2022by email to:

The awarding of bursaries will be decided by the IC-ANMBES Awards Committee, within the financial framework provided by the EBSA and BES Executive Committee. The Awards Committee will have the final say for decisions concerning eligibility, scientific merit of the application, and the level of support. The Awards Committee may ask the applicants to provide supplementary clarifications or to modify the proposals

All recipients of EBSA and BES Bursaries are required to submit abrief report(1 page maximum) describing the achievements during the visit. The report must be received by the IC-ANMBES Secretariat ( within 1 month of the end of the award. All correspondence will be carried out by email, in English.

Sponsors and Partners

For information regarding sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please click here.


Media Partners

Program of IC-ANMBES 2022 - Oral communications

June 8th 2022

Building Aula Magna of Transilvania University of Brasov.

41 A Iuliu Maniu Street, Brasov, 500091, Romania.

Room Aula Magna,

Chairperson: Monica Florescu, André Matagne, Ioan Turcu




Opening Ceremony


Invited talk


Dana Alina Magdas, Maria David, Ariana Raluca Hategan, Romulus Puscas, Adriana Dehelean, Gabriela Cristea, Camelia Berghian-Grosan

Application of acknowledged and emerging approaches for food authentication. Honey – a case study


Invited talk


Sorin David, Raluca-Elena Munteanu, Mihaela Gheorghiu, Dumitru Bratu, Ionela-Cristina Petcu, Ioana-Cristina Cernat, Daniela Tudor, Eugen Gheorghiu

Towards a Point of Care System for Rapid, Phenotypic Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing


Affinité Instruments


Sandy Zhao


Poster Session (P3, P5, P6 and P7 session numbers)


Welcome Party

June 9th 2022

Building Aula Magna of Transilvania University of Brasov.

41 A Iuliu Maniu Street, Brasov, 500091, Romania.

8.30 - 9.00


Room UI6, Biophysical methods for protein science

Chairperson: André Matagne

9.00 - 9.30

Invited talk


Jacqueline Cherfils

Membranes prime the RapGEF EPAC1 to transduce cAMP signalling


Invited talk


Mauro Dalla Serra

Pore-forming proteins


Invited talk


Ana-Nicoleta Bondar

Dynamic interaction networks for conformational couplings of G-Protein Coupled Receptors


Contributed talk


Moran Elias-Mordechai, Neta Sal-Man, Ronen Berkovich

Biomechanics of Type III Secretion System

Room UI7, Interfaces and biosensing,

Chairperson: Eugen Gheorghiu

9.00- 9.30

Invited talk


Danny O'Hare

Minimally invasive biosensors for clinical and biomedical applications

9.30- 10.00

Invited talk


Liviu Movileanu

Single-molecule stochastic sensing of proteins in a complex biofluid: finding the needle in a haystack


Contributed talk


Mihaela Gheorghiu, Cristina Polonschii, Szilveszter Gaspar, Sorin David, Raluca Munteanu, Eugen Gheorghiu

High-resolution electro-optical mapping of living cells for (bio)sensing: case studies on eukaryotic and prokaryotic (bacterial) cells


Contributed talk


Monica Florescu, Melinda David, Claudia Chilom, Adrian Enache, Nicoleta Cazacu

Quantification of levothyroxine: choosing between detection methods


Coffee Break and Poster Session (P3, P5, P6 and P7 session numbers)

Room UI6, Biophysical methods for protein science

Chairperson: Jacqueline Cherfils


Invited talk


Charly Robert, Maxime Gavage, Frédéric Kerff, Fabrice Bouillenne, Marylène Vandevenne, Julie Lecomte, Patrice Filée, André Matagne

Functional and structural characterization of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 and the antagonist Noggin


Invited talk


Maximiliano Figueroa, Cristina Martina, André Matagne

Artificial protein design as a tool to study stability and folding in natural proteins


Invited talk


Claudiu Gradinaru

Force Without Form: A Disordered Protein Complex Examined with Single-Molecule and Computational Tools

Room UI7, Interfaces and biosensing,

Chairperson: Danny O'Hare


Invited talk


Madalina Barsan, Caroline Sanz, Melania Onea, Victor Diculescu

Electrochemical investigations into protein degradation and inhibition


Invited talk


Camelia Bala

Affinity-based biosensors as promising tools in doping control


Contributed talk


Andra-Sorina Tatar, Cosmin Farcau, Simion Astilean, Sanda Boca

Plasmonic immunosensors based on gold nanourchins for biomarker detection



Room UI6, (Nano)biotechnology,

Chairperson: Liviu Movileanu


Invited talk


Zexi Xu, John Seddon, Paul Beales, Michael Rappolt, Arwen Tyler

Lipid nanoparticles with pH-triggered change in their internal connectivity


Contributed talk


Szilveszter Gaspar

Electrochemically synthesized nanorods for the optical stimulation of neurons


Contributed talk


Anda Les, Helmina Ardeleanu, Nicoleta Melniciuc Puica, Iuliana Motrescu, Dorina Creanga

Quantum-chemical and experimental study on the interactions between the magnetic core and the molecular shell of iron oxide nanoparticles in aqueous suspensions for biomedical applications


Contributed talk


Anca Minuti, Dumitru Herea, Luminita Labusca, George Stoian, Horia Chiriac, Nicoleta Lupu

A straightforward method for cell sample preparation to allow a reliable image of the nanomaterials adhering to the surface, using scanning electron microscopy


Contributed talk


Luminita C. Miclea, Mona Mihailescu, Nicolae Tarba, Ana-Maria Brezoiu, Ana Maria Sandu, Raul-Augustin Mitran, Daniela Berger, Cristian Matei, Mihaela G. Moisescu, Tudor Savopol

3D reconstructions of intracellular distribution of folate functionalized silica nanoparticles using combined microscopy techniques (fluorescence, dark field and hyperspectral microscopy)

Room UI7, (Micro)spectroscopy

Chairperson: Claudiu Gradinaru


Invited talk


Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet

Membrane Organization and Remodelling probed by Atomic Force Microscopy


Contributed talk


Alia Colnita, Daniel Marconi, Ioana Brezestean, Nicoleta Dina, Lucian Barbu-Tudoran, Ioan Turcu

Ultrasensitive SERS detection of biomolecules on nanoimprinted substrate


Contributed talk


Claudia Stihi, Antoaneta Ene

Romanian moss surveys for temporal trends assessment of heavy metals atmospheric deposition


Contributed talk


Arkadiusz Matwijczuk, Lidia Ślusarczyk, Grzegorz Czernel, Iwona Budziak-Wieczorek, Dariusz Karcz, Beata Myśliwa-Kurdziel, Monika Serbo-Hooper, Gotard Burdziński, Andrzej Niewiadomy

Spectroscopic and Theoretical Studies on the Effects of Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer in 4-[5-(naphthalen-1-ylmethyl)-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl]benzene-1,3-diol


Contributed talk


Lidia Ślusarczyk, Arkadiusz Matwijczuk, Grzegorz Czernel, Dariusz Karcz, Mariusz Gagoś, Jose Chavez, Joseph Kimball, Luca Ceresa, Zygmunt Gryczyński, Ignacy Gryczyński, James Hooper

Studies on mode of action of the synergistic systems incorporating 1,3,4-thiadiazole derivatives and polyene-based antibiotics against selected fungal species


Coffee Break and Poster Session (P1, P2, P4 and P8 session numbers)

Room UI6, Novel materials and biomaterials

Chairperson: Pierre-Emmanuel Milhiet


Invited talk -online


Edmond Magner

Electrochemical Immobilisation of Enzymes for Biocatalysis


Invited talk,


Oana Hosu, Andreea Cernat, Mihaela Tertis, Bogdan Feier, Cecilia Cristea

Functionalized materials as versatile tools for advanced (bio)sensing systems


Contributed talk


Alina Vasilescu, Roberta Banciu, Victoria Paun, Valentina Dinca, Anca Bonciu, Petru Epure, Cristina Purcarea

Enzymatic inks based on aldehyde dehydrogenases for the electrochemical detection of aldehydes in a wide temperature range


Contributed talk


Mihaela Deaconu, Ana-Maria Prelipcean, Ana-Maria Brezoiu, Mioara Prundeanu, Daniel Lincu, Raul-Augustin Mitran, Grădișteanu Pîrcălăbioru Grațiela, Cristian Matei, Daniela Berger

Novel composites based on natural compounds for topical applications


Gala Dinner (Restaurant Platinum, Brasov – Romania)

June 10th 2022

Building Aula Magna of Transilvania University of Brasov.

41 A Iuliu Maniu Street, Brasov, 500091, Romania.

Room Aula Magna, Innovation in Environmental Monitoring,

Chairperson: Camelia Bala


Poster Session (P1, P2, P4 and P8 session numbers)


Invited talk


George Ivanov, Petar Ivanov, Velichka Strijkova, Evgenija Bogdanova, Todor Vlakhov, Anna Amova

Chemical sensors for volatile organic compounds for ecological monitoring based on nano-thin organized organic films


Contributed talk


Anda Gabriela Tenea, Gabriela Vasile, George Buica, Cristina Dinu, Mihaela Mureseanu

Electrochemical method for mercury detection in wastewater samples using a portable device


Contributed talk


Petru Epure, Ana-Maria Gurban, Mihaela Doni

Innovative 3d suction lysimeter and portable detector for on-field monitoring of pollutants directly in soil


Coffee Break

Room Aula Magna, Food production and authentication,

Chairperson: Victor Diculescu


Contributed talk


Rebeca Moldovan, Karolina Milenko, Elizaveta Vereshchagina, Bogdan Iacob, Kenneth Schneider, Cosmin Farcău, Ede Bodoki

Spectroelectrochemical Detection of Thiabendazole Residues in Fruit Juice


Contributed talk


Camelia Berghian-Grosan, Maria David, Alina Magdas

Raman spectroscopy and Machine Learning – a new methodology for fruit spirits authentication


Contributed talk


Adriana Dehelean, Alina Magdas, Gabriela Cristea, Ioana Feher, Ariana Hategan

The differentiation of Transylvanian fruit distillates using supervised statistical tools based on isotopic and multi-elemental fingerprint


Contributed talk


Gabriela Ioana Cristea, Cezara Voica, Romulus Puscas, Ioana Feher, Dana Alina Magdas, Adriana Dehelean

Pork meat authenticity – from stable isotopes and elemental fingerprint to table…


Closing Ceremony


Social Program – Visit and Dinner at Cantacuzino Castle, Busteni, Romania

Program of IC-ANMBES 2022 - Poster communications




P1. Biophysical methods for protein science & Biomembranes and model membranes

P 1.1

Lorant Janosi, George Necula, Alexandra Farcas, Ioan Turcu

In Silico Modeling of a Short Arginine and Tryptophan-based Antimicrobial Peptide's Interaction with Bacterial and Mammalian Membranes

P 1.2

Claudia Gabriela Chilom, Nicoleta Cazacu

A pharmacological and molecular docking approach of polyphenolic compounds and outer membrane protein TolC from E. Coli

P 1.3

Bogdan Zorila

Components of (hydro)alcoholic extracts from propolis affects the order of bilayer and microenvironment in model lipid membranes

P 1.4

Niculina Sonia Suvar, Paula Podea, Eliza Mateh Eszter, Andreea Maria Iordache, Razvan Dragoescu

Nutritional chemical evaluation and antioxidant capacity of spices

P2. Interfaces and biosensing

P 2.1

George R. Ivanov

A high surface-to-volume ratio monolayer nano-thin organic film for chemical sensor applications

P 2.2

Vlad-Andrei Moldovan, Alexandru-Milentie Hada, Sorina Suarasan, Timea Nagy-Simon, Adriana Vulpoi, Simion Astilean, Monica Potara

Aptamer-modified citrate-capped gold nanoparticles for sensitive visual detection of C-reactive protein

P 2.3

Teodora Lupoi, Denisa Capatana, Bogdan George Feier, Cecilia Cristea

Aptasensors for the detection of molecules involved in QS and biofilm formation

P 2.4

Andra-Sorina Tatar, Sanda Boca, Alexandra Falamas, Lucian Barbu-Tudoran, Cosmin Farcau

Self-assembled gold nanostar films as substrates for surface-enhanced optical spectroscopy

P 2.5

Cristian Mușuroi, Marius Volmer, Elena Helerea, Mihai Oproiu

An analytical approach for magnetoresistive sensor performance on magnetic nanoparticles detection for biosensing systems

P3. Early diagnosis and precision medicine & Clinical diagnosis and therapy

P 3.1

Alexandra Pusta, Mihaela Tertis, Rodica Turcu, Ladislau Vekas, Cecilia Cristea

Targeted drug delivery systems based on magnetic and gold nanoparticles for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma

P 3.2

Alina Tantau, Alina Mandrutiu, Mihaela Laszlo, Vasile Negrean, Cristian Tefas, Carmen Preda, Dan Vodnar, Ciprian Brisc, Marcel Tantau

Viability and clinical effects of Lactobacillus Plantarum ATCC 8014 using an innovative probiotic drink in human being

P 3.3

Ana Maria Raluca Gherman, Vasile Chiș, Nicoleta Elena Dina

Can molecular docking solely predict antibiotics’ bactericidal activity?

P4. Innovation in Environmental Monitoring

P 4.1

Lucian-Gabriel Zamfir, Petru Epure, Cristina Mitrea, Mariana Constantin, Iuliana Raut, Maria-Luiza Jecu, Mihaela Doni, Ana-Maria Gurban

A comparative study of different nanomaterials used in the development of sensitive electrochemical sensors for nitrite determination and monitoring in soil

P 4.2

Cristina Dinu, Anda Gabriela Tenea, Gabriela Geanina Vasile, Ecaterina Anca Serban

Bioaccumulation of toxic metals in two different thymus species

P 4.3

Abdulhusein Jawdhari, Dan Mihăilescu, Cristian-Emilian Pop

Microplastics induced toxicity on Oreochromis niloticus (Nile tilapia)

P 4.4

Valentina Andreea Petre, Ionut Nicolae Cristea, Ecaterina Anca Serban, Florentina Laura Chiriac

Bioaccumulation and translocation factors of synthetic auxins in aromatic plants (Basil)

P 4.5

Markus Zetes, Alexandru Milentie Hada, Monica Focsan, Timea Nagy-Simon, Simion Astilean, Ana Maria Craciun

Synthesis and characterization of novel histidine-stabilized gold nanoclusters for the sensitive and selective detection of Fe from water samples

P 4.6

Florinela Pirvu, Cristina Ileana Covaliu, Iuliana Paun, Vasile Ion Iancu, Florentina Laura Chiriac

Development and Validation of new HPLC-DAD method for detection of anti-inflammatory drugs in surface water samples

P 4.7

Ionuț Nicolae Cristea, Alina Tătăruş, Andreea Valentina Petre, Laura Florentina Chiriac

Novel method for assessment of various herbicides in soil and surface water from agricultural areas

P 4.8

Maria – Loredana Soran, Otilia Ana Culicov, Ildiko Lung, Adina Stegarescu, Ocsana Opriș

The impact assessment of metal/metal salts on onion

P 4.9

Florentina Laura Chiriac, Valentina Andreea Petre, Iuliana Paun, Florinela Pirvu, Ionut Nicolae Cristea, Vasile Ion Iancu

Ultra-trace LC-MS/MS method for detection and quantification of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in Romanian surface waters

P 4.10

Ecaterina Anca Serban, Gabriela-Geanina Vasile, Cristina Dinu, Anda-Gabriela Tenea, Daniela Simina Stefan, Ileana Rau

Ultrasensitive method for quantification of tin in water samples using new HG-ICP-EOS equipment

P 4.11

Gyorgy Deak, Răzvan Matache, Tiberius Dănălache, Marius Raischi, Raluca Prangate

Pilot validation system of breeding habitats of sturgeon species

P5. Novel materials and biomaterials

P 5.1

Manuela Stan, Adriana Popa, Dana Toloman, Dan Vodnar, Gheorghe Borodi, Lucian Barbu-Tudoran, Sergiu Macavei, Ovidiu Pana

Nickel oxide-silver-antibiotic nanocomposites for antimicrobial applications

P 5.2

Melinda David, Teodor Adrian Enache, Lucian Barbu-Tudoran, Monica Florescu, Camelia Bala

Biologically synthesized gold nanoparticles for the detection of reactive oxygen species

P 5.3

Anca Andreea Turcanu, Ecaterina Matei, Maria Rapa, Andra Mihaela Predescu, Andrei Constantin Berbecaru, George Coman, Cristian Predescu

Biowaste valorization via HTC process for the retention of some emerging pharmaceutical pollutants from aqueous solutions

P 5.4

Maria Coroş, Florina Pogăcean, Codruța Varodi, Stela Pruneanu

Effect of hydrothermal doping on the morphology, structure and composition of sulphur, boron-co-doped graphene

P 5.5

Codruta Varodi, Maria Coros, Florina Pogacean, Alexandra Ciorita, Alexandru Turza, Stela Pruneanu

Electrochemical Detection of Piroxicam with Nitrogen-Doped Graphene-Based Sensor

P 5.6

Maria Rapa, Anca Andreea Turcanu, Carmen Gaidau, Mariana Daniela Berechet, Anamaria Mosutiu, Andrei Constantin Berbecaru, Mirela Sohaciu, Cristian Predescu

Exploring of hydrolysate keratin and biopolymers spinnable properties to fabricate nanofibers for wound healing management

P 5.7

Violeta-Carolina Niculescu, Amalia Soare, Irina Petreanu

Facile synthesis of raspberry-like mesoporous silica nanomaterial

P 5.8

Codrut Costinas, Catalin Alexandru Salagean, Liviu Cosmin Cotet, Monica Baia, Klara Magyari, Lucian Baia

Investigations on the stability of graphene oxide dispersions

P 5.9

Christina Zalaru, Rodica Tatia, Ioan Calinescu, Lucia Moldovan

Mathematical modeling by Response Surface Method of a triterpene saponins mixturewith a raised antiproliferative effect

P 5.10

Christina Zalaru, Diana Pricope, Florea Dumitrascu, Constantin Draghici, Ludmila Otilia Cinteza, Maria Marinescu, Isabela Ana Tarcomnicu, Carmen Mariana Chifiriuc, Marcela Popa

Novel azopyrazole compoundswith antibacterial activitiy

P 5.11

Alexandra Falamas, Maria Stefan, Cosmin Farcau, Ioana Marica, Fran Nekvapil

Photophysical and vibrational spectroscopic behavior of Rhodamine 6G deposited on ZnO and gold decorated ZnO nanoparticles thin films

P 5.12

Ovidiu Pana, Sergiu Macavei, Maria Stefan, Dana Toloman, Adriana Popa, Cristian Leostean, Lucian Barbu-Tudoran, Manuela Stan

PLD deposition of FePt-BaTiO3 thin films heterostructures

P 5.13

Maria – Loredana Soran, Ildiko Lung, Adina Stegarescu, Ocsana Opriș, Otilia Ana Culicov, Alexandra Ciorîță

The antibacterial properties of nanocomposites based on antibiotic association with carbon nanotubes and metal oxides

P 5.14

Daniel Marconi, Alia Colniţă, Ioana Brezestean, Lucian Barbu-Tudoran, Ioan Turcu

Tunable anti-counterfeit labels based on Ag coated nanotrenches arrays

P 5.15

Maria Marinescu, Ludmila Otilia Cinteză, Iulian Ioniţă, Christina Marie Zălaru

Synthesis and characterization of some azo-compounds as nonlinear optical materials

P 5.16

Maria Marinescu, Ludmila Otilia Cinteză, Iulian Ioniţă, Maria Antonia Tanase, Andreia Cristina Soare, Christina Marie Zălaru

Synthesis, NLO properties and DFT studies of some heterocyclic compounds

P6. (Micro)spectroscopy

P 6.1

Daniel Marconi, Alia Colniţă, Nicoleta Elena Dina, Ioana Brezestean, Diana Bogdan, Lucian Barbu-Tudoran, Ioan Turcu

High quality, 3D silver nanotrenches fabricated by nanoimprint lithography as flexible SERS detection platform

P 6.2

Andreea Ioana Brezestean, Elena Nicoleta Dina, Maria Raluca Ana Gherman, Alia Colniță, Daniel Marconi

SERS-based smart antibiogram: from concept to routine analysis

P 6.3

Andreea Ioana Brezestean, Maricel Bocăneală, Ana Maria Raluca Gherman Sebastian Alin Porav, Irina Kacsó, Elena Rakosy Tican, Elena Nicoleta Dina

Spectroscopic investigation of exopolysaccharides purified from Arthrospira platensis cultures as potential bioresources

P 6.4

Alexandru Cătălin Sălăgean, Liviu Cosmin Coteț, Monica Baia, Klara Magyari, Lucian Barbu, Lucian Baia

The study of molybdenum disulfide phase changes and its stability by micro-Raman spectroscopy

P7. (Nano)biotechnology

P 7.1

Mihaela Mic, Adrian Pirnau, Calin G. Floare, Gabriel Marc, Ovidiu Oniga, Laurian Vlase, Mircea Bogdan, Bianca-Maria Tihăuan

Synthesis and molecular interaction between drugs with strong antioxidant and antiradical activity and macromolecular receptors

P 7.2

Isabela S. Dragomir, Alina Asandei, Irina Schiopu, Ioana C. Bucataru, Loredana Mereuta, Tudor Luchian

Detection of nucleobases on short functionalized peptide-nucleic acid sequences using nanopore-tweezing method

P 7.3

Alexandra Farcas, Lorant Janosi, Simion Astilean

DNA-conjugated gold nanoparticles as key components in the design of non-viral CRISPR/Cas9-Gold-based delivery vehicles

P 7.4

Daria Stoia, Madalina Nistor, Dumitrita Rugina, Monica Focsan

Polymeric microcapsules for targeted and controlled delivery of therapeutic molecules at human retina level

P 7.5

Ioana Cezara Bucataru, Loredana Mereuta, Alina Asandei, Isabela Dragomir, Tudor Luchian

Protein nanopore-based method for sequence specific detection of single-stranded DNA using gold nanoparticles and peptide nucleic acids

P 7.6

Alexandru Stefan Chis, Ștefania Dana Iancu, Oana Maria Biro, Andrei Ștefancu, Nicolae Leopold

Silver nanogrid substrates for accurate SERS analysis

P 7.7

Adrian Pirnau, Mihaela Mic, Calin G Floare, Maria Miclăuș, Irina Kacso, Mariana Palage, Mircea Bogdan, Bianca-Maria Tihăuan

Spectroscopic, calorimetric and molecular modeling approaches of the interaction of quaternary ammonium compound with β-CD

P8. Food production and authentication

P 8.1

Florina-Dorina Covaciu, Zaharie Moldovan, Gabriela Cristea

Determination of the fatty acids, cholesterol and glycerides in pork meat fat using the GC-FID and GC-MS system

P 8.2

Roberta Banciu, Alina Vasilescu, Victoria Ioana Paun, Pablo Fanjul-Bolado, Cristina Purcarea, Andreea Catalina Lulea

Electrochemical assay of acetaldehyde in wines based on novel a cold–active aldehyde dehydrogenase: comparison of mediated versus non mediated detection

P 8.3

Andreea Catalina Lulea, Robert Ruginescu, Roberta Maria Banciu, Elena Brinduse, Petru Epure, Cristina Purcarea, Alina Vasilescu

Fast electrochemical measurement of laccase activity for monitoring grapes’ infection with Botrytis cinerea

P 8.4

Florina-Dorina Covaciu, Camelia Bergian-Grosan, Ioana Feher, Dana-Alina Magdas

Fatty acid profile analysis in sunflower oils by GC-FID and vibrational spectroscopic methods

P 8.5

Dana Alina Magdas, Maria David, Ariana Raluca Hategan, Camelia Berghian-Grosan

Fruit spirits authentication based on Raman spectroscopy in corroboration with advanced statistical tools

P 8.6

Camelia Berghian-Grosan, Csilla Muller Molnar, Alina Magdas

Honey – a food matrix case for authenticity evaluation by Raman spectroscopy and Machine Learning algorithms

P 8.7

Adriana Dehelean, Gabriela Cristea, Alina Dana Magdas, Ioana Feher, Romulus Puscas, Valentin Mirel

Isotopic and elemental composition of meat and their differentiation according to geographical area via multivariate chemometric analysis

P 8.8

Csilla Molnar, Simona Cinta Pinzaru

Quantitative SERS Analysis of Cylindrospermopsin Cyanotoxin in Solution and in Fish Tissue

P 8.9

Csilla Molnar, Berghian-Grosan Camelia, Cinta Pinzaru Simona, Magdas Alina

Rapid detection of Thiabendazole pesticide in frozen fruits and vegetables commercialized in Romanian stores

Supporting Publications

Participants may choose to submit their manuscripts for publication at the following:

1. Biophysics for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, vol. 2, published by Transilvania University Press, Brasov, 2022. Template here.
2. Recent Trends in (Nano)analytical Methods for Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, published by Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland, 2022. Template here.


Analytical Letters Journal (ISSN 0003-2719 (Print), 1532-236X (Online)) Impact Factor: 2.329 (2022);
- is an international medium for the rapid publication of original research papers, accelerated articles, or mini-reviews on important developments in all areas of analytical chemistry, including electrochemistry, mass spectrometry, separations, and spectroscopy. Papers are welcomed that consider fundamental developments, new or improved instrumentation and sensors, and applications of analytical chemistry in all areas that include biological and clinical science, engineering and instrumentation science, environmental chemistry and analysis, geochemistry, materials science, nanotechnology, and physics.

International Journal of Molecular Sciences = Open Access (ISSN 1661-6596 (Print), 1422-0067; CODEN: IJMCFK; (Online)) Impact Factor: 6.208 (2022), Cite Score 6.9;

- provides an advanced forum for molecular studies in biology and chemistry, with a strong emphasis on
molecular biology and molecular medicine (experimental, theoretical, and computational results in as much detail
as possible).
- We encourage colleagues to share their scientific achievements in original research covering the development,
evaluation, simulation, and use of various methodologies/platforms for the detection of biologically active species
in complex samples, with promising applications in medical diagnosis, environmental monitoring, or food quality
control. The review articles should provide an up-to-date and state-of-the-art overview of the analytical
methods for the areas covered. Work on microfluidics and microdevices at the point of care/test, optical fibers,
electrodes of new materials and surface functionalization strategies, or any other molecular approach to detect
analytes in food, biological and environmental samples is particularly welcome, but not limited to these topics.
- All accepted contributions will benefit of 20% discount.

Frontiers in Molecular Bioscience = Open Access (Electronic ISSN: 2296-889X) Impact Factor 6.113 | CiteScore 3.5
- offers an international publication platform for basic as well as applied research; we encourage contributions spanning both established and emerging areas of biology.

- Research Topic In Celebration of Women in Science: Protein Biochemistry 2022 offers this platform to promote the work of women scientists, across all fields of proteins, focused on protein biochemistry and biophysics, as well as protein interaction with other biomolecules. We want to reflect present advances in theory, experimentation, and methodology with applications to compelling problems that can elucidate the molecular basis of diseases leading to develop methods of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. We also want to emphasize the use of proteins as biotherapeutics and analytics.

The manuscripts should be submitted electronically.
Open for submission: April 1, 2022
Deadline: Please check for each publication.

Submission (chapters/articles are not listed as "Proceedings of IC-ANMBES 2022"):

- Books: by email at Deadline: 30 September 2022

- Analytical Letters via the Manuscript Central website located at and choose the IC-ANMBES 2022.

- International Journal of Molecular Sciences via here.

-Frontiers in Molecular Bioscience via here.

* This event is managed by external organizers. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.