Third International Conference on Fire Behavior and Risk
3–6 May 2022, Alghero, Sardinia (Italy), Italy
Wildfire Behavior and Spread, Wildfire Hazard, Danger, Exposure and Risk, Remote Sensing and Wildfires, Weather, Climate and Wildfires, Fire Ecology, Forest Fuels and Wildfires, Wildfires at WUI, Wildfire Prevention and Management, Sustainable Development & Climate Change Mitigation, Projects on Wildfires
- Go to the Sessions
- WDER. Wildfire danger, exposure, and risk
- CCSD. Climate change mitigation & adaptation and sustainable development
- WPM. Wildfire prevention and management
- WUI. Wildfires at WUI
- RSW. Remote sensing and wildfires
- CWW. Climate, weather and wildfires
- FWFE. Forest fuels and wildfires, and fire ecology
- PROJ. Projects on wildfires
- WBS. Wildfire behavior and spread
- Event Details
- Welcome from the Chairs
- Event Real Time Data
- Event Calls
- Event Organizers
- Event Chairs
- Organizing Committee
- Sessions
- Registration
- Instructions for Authors
- Venue, Travel and Accommodation
- List of Authors
- Event Awards
- Sponsors and Partners
- Speakers
- Med-Star Project
- Scientific Committee
- Organizing Secretariat
Welcome from the Chairs
Dear Colleagues,
It is a pleasure for us to organize and welcome you to the third edition of the International Conference on Fire Behaviour and Risk, to be held in Alghero (Sardinia, Italy) from 3 to 6 May 2022. ICFBR2022 is organized by the Institute of Bioeconomy of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR IBE, Sassari) and the Departments of Agriculture of the University of Sassari, in collaboration with Fondazione CMCC and EARSEL, with the purpose of involving scientists, researchers, and policymakers whose activities are focused on different aspects of wildland fires and their impacts.
The conference is organized within the MED-Star project "Strategies and measures for the mitigation of fire risk in the Mediterranean area"(https://interreg-maritime.eu/web/med-star), funded by the EU Italy-France Maritime Program (2014-2020), and under the patronage of Regions involved in the project and the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF).
The conference is linked to a Special Issue of the journal Forests entitled “Wildfire Behavior and Risk: From Fundamental Research to Pioneering Modeling Approaches”, and we plan to publish an open access book of abstracts.
We are closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and as of today, we are planning to hold the conference in presence, following recommendations concerning travel and public events. However, we will review this on an ongoing basis as well as engage in contingency planning. We are also working on alternatives to the physical conference. We will update you on any decisions promptly.
We thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at info@icfbr2022.it.
On behalf of everyone concerned with the organization of the Congress, we wish you, your family, friends, and colleagues good health during this challenging period.
Call for submissions
The 3rd "International Conference on Fire Behavior and Risk" (ICFBR2022) will be held in Alghero from 3 to 6 May 2022.
ICBR2022 aims to involve scientists, researchers and policy makers whose activities are focused on different aspects of fires and their impact on ecosystems and society.
All proceedings will be held online at https://sciforum.net/conference/ICFBR2022.
Topics of interest include:
• Wildfire behavior and spread
• Wildfire danger, exposure, and risk
• Remote sensing and wildfires
• Weather, climate, and wildfires
• Fire ecology, forest fuels and wildfires
• Climate change mitigation & adaptation and sustainable development
• Wildfire prevention and management
• Wildfires at WUI
• Projects on wildfires
ICFBR2022 is organized by the Institute of Bioeconomy of the National Research Council (CNR-IBE, Sassari branch) and by the University of Sassari within the framework of the MED-Star project "Strategies and measures for the mitigation of fire risk in the Mediterranean area"(https://interreg-maritime.eu/web/med-star). The Conference will also include a special session on remote sensing and fires, sponsored by the EARSEL special interest group on forest fires (http://earsel-ffsig.web.auth.gr/).
The journal Forests is Platinum Sponsor of the Conference (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests). The Conference is linked to a Special Issue of the journal Forests entitled “Wildfire Behavior and Risk: From Fundamental Research to Pioneering Modeling Approaches” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests/special_issues/wildfire_behavior). MDPI offers each participant of the Conference one voucher entitling them to a 20% discount on the fees for papers published in the Special Issue. In addition, the first 20 papers that will be published in the Special Issue and presented at the ICFBR Conference will be entitled to a 35% discount on the paper fees.
Abstracts (in English) should be submitted before 20th Dec 2021, online at https://www.sciforum.net/login
Critical Dates
Event Organizers

Istituto di BioEconomia (CNR-IBE) di Sassari
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
The Institute of BioEconomy (CNR-IBE, former Institute of Biometeorology - CNR-IBIMET and Trees and Timber Institute – CNR-IVALSA) is a Research Institution with a permanent scientific staff of about 200 either researchers or technicians. It is actively involved in research, technology development and transfer, training and dissemination in several bio-economy fields, including the sustainable management and use of biological resources, the conservation of biodiversity, and the mitigation and adaptation to climate changes. A relevant part of the CNR-IBE activities aims at developing methods, models, tools and indicators for the monitoring of agro-forest ecosystems. A special focus is devoted to wildfire risk assessment with studies on the following topics: calibration and validation of fire spread and behavior models at the landscape scale; effects of weather variables and climate conditions on wildfire occurrence and spread; characterization of wildland-urban interfaces prone to wildfires; assessment of wildfire exposure and risk; climate change impact on wildfire probability and severity; evaluation of the effects of fuel management strategies on wildfire risk reduction; mitigation and adaptation to wildfire regimes determined by climate change; analysis of LIDAR, terrestrial laser scanner and other remote sensing data; development of instruments and monitoring techniques.

Dipartimento di Agraria
Università di Sassari
The Department of Agriculture of the University of Sassari has many years of experience in research activities related to forest, rural and wildland-urban-interface fires. In particular, it has specific expertise on modeling of potential forest fire hazard at local and synoptic scales, including forecasting systems based on the use of short-medium term meteorological modeling. It has also experience on wildland-urban interface fires, in particular on fire risk-oriented mapping methodologies and related risk characterization in these areas.
Event Chairs


Organizing Committee





CCSD. Climate change mitigation & adaptation and sustainable development
WPM. Wildfire prevention and management
WUI. Wildfires at WUI
RSW. Remote sensing and wildfires
CWW. Climate, weather and wildfires
FWFE. Forest fuels and wildfires, and fire ecology
PROJ. Projects on wildfires
WBS. Wildfire behavior and spread
Online Conference registration will be available from February 11th to April 26th, 2022 – 23.59 CET, at www.icfbr2022.it. For safety reasons due to the pandemic, registrations and payments will be only available online and cannot be done in situ.
The Registration Fee is 203€ and includes coffee breaks and lunches for three days (3-4-5 May 2022), as well as admission to all Conference sessions, conference materials and badge. Additional Social Dinner and Field trip tickets can be purchased for 53€ and 35€ per person, respectively. The above prices are in Euros and VAT included.
Do not register multiple delegates on the same form; submit a separate registration form and payment for each delegate.
For each abstract accepted, at least one author of the abstract should register for and attend the Conference to present the work.
Do not register more than once. For any corrections/modifications on your submitted registration form, please contact the Supporting Secretariat: congressi@esseevents.it.
Additional tickets can be purchased for accompanying persons participating in field trip and social dinner. Please specify their names in the appropriate field of the registration form.
We remind that the Italian legislation related to pandemic safety measures requires a mandatory COVID-19 Green Certificate to access the Conference venue, as well as to travel or to enter restaurants, buses, trains, etc. These are the rules in force until 31st March. We will keep you informed.
More details can be found at https://www.salute.gov.it/portale/nuovocoronavirus/dettaglioContenutiNuovoCoronavirus.jsp?lingua=english&id=5412&area=nuovoCoronavirus&menu=vuoto
PAYMENT Registration fees should be paid either by credit card or by bank transfer. Guidelines for payment at www.icfbr2022.it
Cancellation policy
Cancellations must be made in writing by sending an email to congressi@esseevents.it. Cancellations made by telephone will not be accepted.
For cancellations received by 31st March 2022, 23.59 CET, a refund of the total paid amount will be given; for cancellations received between 1st and 20th April 2022, 23.59 CET, a refund equal to 80% of the paid amount will be given; for cancellations received after 26th April 2022, ore 23.59 CET, there will be no refund.
If, for any reasons beyond the control of the organizers, the Conference will be canceled, the Registration Fees will be refunded, deducted by unavoidable expenses.
Refunds will be made, deducted by unavoidable expenses, within 60 days from the end of the Conference (bank expenses charged to the recipient).
Instructions for Authors
Submissions to ICFBR2022 should be made by authors online by registering with www.sciforum.net, and using the "New Submission" function once logged into the system. From the drop-down menu, select from the list of conferences ICFBR2022and click “Continue”.
Authors are requested to follow the instructions and the format attached at the bottom of this section, and to choose the type of presentation (oral presentation or poster). Please respect this format in order to make the Editor work easier. Please consider that the abstract should be provided in English and should not exceed 300 words.
At least one author of the abstract should register for and attend the Conference to present the work, after the acceptance from the Scientific Committee.
The Conference Committee will notify the acceptance of the abstract by 31st January 2022, and the definitive program will be defined by March 10th.
All accepted abstracts will be published in a dedicated volume in MDPI Proceedings series journals (ISSN 2504-3900, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/proceedings).
Papers accepted as ORAL PRESENTATIONS must be organized in a PowerPoint or PDF format presentation. For technical and organizational reasons, it is not possible for speakers to use their own laptops for presenting, but only the computer provided in the conference room.
The average time available for each presentation is 20 minutes. The suggested time allocation is:
15 minutes for presentation
5 minutes for discussion
The number of slides to include in the presentation should be determined on the basis of the allocated time.
Speakers of plenary sessions can choose one of the official languages to present their work. Speakers of parallel sessions must present their work in English.
Your presentation must be available on a USB memory device and it should be handed in to the technician at least 2 HOURS BEFORE the time of your presentation.
In order to facilitate the work of technicians, we suggest to rename the file of your presentation with daypresentation_surname_name (example: 04_Rossi_Mario)
Each conference room will be equipped with:
• Computer
• Beamer
• Screen
• Microphone
• Internet connection
In-person poster presenters are asked to:
- prepare a traditional paper poster (in pdf, maximum size 5 MB), and send the file by 27th April 2022 at secretariat@icfbr2022.it. The file will be then uploaded in the ICFBR2022 website;
- prepare a short PowerPoint/lateX summarizing their work to be screened and presented (3 minutes talk) at the Conference, in the due time.
Please review the following recommendations and requirements for the preparation of the poster:
- Place the title of your paper and your paper code (to be retrieved from the program) prominently at the top of the poster.
- Paragraph and figure captions should be at least in a 20-point font and headers at least in a 32-point font.
- Keep the poster as simple as possible. Avoid cluttering your poster with too much text. Use colors to enhance the understanding and improve the appearance of the poster material.
- Add the conference logo downloadable at the bottom of this section.
- Check that the final size of your pdf file is below 5 MB.
- Send the pdf file of your poster by 27th April 2022 at secretariat@icfbr2022.it
Please review the following recommendations and requirements for short PowerPoint/LateX presentation:
- A computer and a beamer will be available in each room for presentations. These devices will be used by presenters for their presentation, which can be brought along on a USB memory device. Hooking up personal laptops will not be allowed.
- Place the title of your paper and your paper code (to be retrieved from the program) prominently at the top of each slide.
- Prepare diagrams or charts legibly.Avoid cluttering your presentation with too much text.
- Organize the presentation so it is clear and orderly. You have maximum 3 minutes for presentations.
- Add the conference logo downloadable at the bottom of this section, and include it in the first slide.
- Presenters are invited to upload their presentations onto the computer prior to the start of the session.
- Oral presentations of posters must be held in English.
All submitted posters will be examined by the Scientific Committee upon quality, clarity and relevance towards the related topics, in order to determine the best 3 conference posters.
The prize-winning posters will be announced during the Conference Closing Ceremony on Thursday, May 5th 2022.
Venue, Travel and Accommodation
The Conference will be held at HOTEL CARLOS V
Lungomare Valencia 24
07041 - Alghero – Sardinia (ITALY)
Phone: +39 079 9720600
E-mail: info.carlosv@smyhotels.com
Website: https://www.smyhotels.com/it/smy-carlos-v-algheroinia
How to reach the Conference Venue
By airplane
The airport of Alghero-Fertilia has direct flights to the main Italian cities and various European capitals. Low-cost airlines (Ryanair, Easyjet, etc.) offer economical flights direct to Alghero from many European cities. Italians airlines offer direct flights from Rome, Milan and other Italian airports. During summer there is a significant increase in flight connections.
For more information see the Alghero airport.
The airport is a 15 minutes’ drive from the town and car rental is available from the airport. There are also regular buses or taxis from the airport to town.
By ferry
The closest passenger port to Alghero is in Porto Torres (approx. 40 km away). The port of Porto Torres is connected to Barcelona, Genova, Civitavecchia, Toulon, Propriano.
Some routes are only seasonal. For more information on frequency, times and fares please visit the ferry companies’ websites.
Moby Lines | www.moby.it
Grandi Navi Veloci | www.gnv.it
Tirrenia | www.tirrenia.it
Grimaldi Lines | www.grimaldi-lines.com
SNCM | www.sncm.it
La Méridionale | www.lameridionale.com
From Porto Torres to Alghero, if you are travelling by car, you have to find and follow road signs that indicate the way to Alghero.
If you are travelling by bus (there is a bus stop inside the commercial port) or by train, please see the ARST website.
The Supporting Secretariat selected a variety of hotels in Alghero that have granted preferential rates for ICFBR2022 conference participants.
All the hotels are within maximum 3 km from the Conference Venue.
The full list of hotels is available at www.icfbr.it
List of Authors (521)
Event Awards
To acknowledge the support of the Conference authors and recognize their scientific accomplishments, we are pleased to launch the Best ICFBR Poster Award, sponsored by MDPI.
The Awards
Number of Awards Available: 3
BEST ICFBR POSTER AWARD: 1st place 500 CHF, 2nd place 300 CHF, 3rd place 200 CHF The Conference Scientific Committee will select an Evaluation Panel, who will be in charge of the poster evaluation.Sponsors and Partners
ICFBR2022 is organized within the framework of the MED-Star project "Strategies and measures for the mitigation of fire risk in the Mediterranean area"(https://interreg-maritime.eu/web/med-star).
MED-Star is a thematic integrated strategic project that faces the challenge of strengthening the forecasting, prevention and suppression capabilities of fires in the cooperation area (Italy-France), to protect and enhance the environmental, cultural and tourist resources of the Maritime space. The general objective of MED-Star is to contribute to the improvement of the capacity of the public institutions involved to jointly prevent and manage the growing risk of fire deriving from climate change in areas with a high anthropogenic presence and of significant naturalistic interest, also through appropriate adaptation actions.
ICFBR2022 is also co-organized by CMCC Foundation (https://www.cmcc.it/#) and sponsored by the EARSEL special interest group on forest fires (http://earsel-ffsig.web.auth.gr/). The journal Forests is Platinum Sponsor of the conference (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/forests).
Platinum Sponsors
Keynote Speakers

Alan Ager has a PhD in Forest Genetics at University of Washington (USA). He is research scientist at the Rocky Mountain Research Station of the USDA Forest Service. His interests are in the design, development, and testing of quantitative models to disentangle conflicting policies and understand management tradeoffs at multiple scales and across social and biophysical domains. System-level drivers are studied from both a socioeconomic and ecological perspective to gain governance level understanding of fire management. Landscape modeling software is used to conduct scenario planning to understand large scale interactions between natural disturbances and wildfire over time. Current focus is on transboundary wildfire risk from public lands to developed areas, and how risk transmission is amplified on landscapes fragmented by ecological conditions and risk governance systems. This information is used to analyze how the scale of planning and governance affect progress towards reducing socioeconomic and ecological impacts from wildfires. Of particular interest are identifying functional, spatial, and temporal scale mismatches in transboundary wildfire risk governance, and using this information to design planning frameworks that address the spectrum of fire ecology and management issues on mixed tenure landscapes.

Ana Isabel Miranda is full professor at the Department of Environment and Planning at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. She is nowadays the Director of the Department of Environment and Planning and she is a member of the Associated Laboratory CESAM (Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies) coordinating the Research Line “Integrated Environmental Systems”. She coordinated the Sustainability Group of the University of Aveiro. Her working areas include: air quality modelling, urban metabolism, health effects of environmental pollution, climate change, and wildland fires. She participated in 30 Portuguese and 25 European research projects. She was a reviewer of the FP7-ENV-2010 and 2011, and of the H2020-EO-1-2014 and 2016, project applications. Her research work includes over 600 scientific and technical publications, 100 published in peer-reviewed international journals.

Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Juli Pausas has a PhD in ecology at the University of Barcelona. He is currently a scientist at Centro de Investigación sobre Desertificación (CIDE, Valencia, Spain) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). His research focuses on ecology and evolution of mediterranean and fire-prone ecosystems, and specifically on understanding the role of fire in shaping populations, species (i.e., fire traits), communities (i.e., assembly processes), landscapes, and biomes. He has most experience in the Mediterranean Basin but his work has a global perspective. He has written more than 150 scientific papers, and wrote or edited 3 books (Cork oak woodlands, Fire ecology in Mediterranean ecosystems, Incendios forestales).

Alexandra D. Syphard, Ph.D. is chief scientist at Sage Insurance Holdings LLC and additionally serves as an affiliate of the Conservation Biology Institute and an adjunct professor in Geography at San Diego State University. Alexandra is a research scientist who has spent more than two decades analyzing the ecological and social drivers and impacts of landscape change, particularly focusing on wildfire. Using a variety of mapping, statistical, and modeling approaches, Alexandra investigates how change has occurred in the past, how it is likely to occur in the future, and how different policy or management scenarios may impact ecological and social well-being. For the last decade, Alexandra has concentrated intensely on wildfire risk to communities and identifying the best approaches for balancing fire risk reduction with biodiversity conservation. Her research also focuses on the interactions among wildfire patterns, land use change and urban growth, climate change, vegetation dynamics and biodiversity, invasive species, and species’ range shifts.

Dr Marta Yebra is a Senior Lecturer in Environment and Engineering at the Fenner School of Environment & Society and Research School of Aerospace, Mechanical, and Environmental Engineering and Mission Specialist of the Institute for Space, all at the Australian National University. She is also Associate editor for Remote Sensing of Environment. Her research focuses on using remote sensing data to monitor, quantify and forecast bushfire hazard and impacts at local, regional and global scales. From 2004-2010 she was employed at the University of Alcala (Spain) working in two large multidisciplinary projects which integrated the main fire risk factors. During her research, she spent time at the Centre for Spatial Technologies and Remote Sensing (University of California at Davis, USA); the National Institute of Agricultural Technology (INTA, Argentina) and the School of Environmental and Life Sciences of Salford (UK). From 2010 to 2013 Marta was a postdoctoral fellow at CSIRO Land and Water as developing innovative methods to predict carbon-water coupling. Dr Yebra has been awarded the 2017 Max Day Environmental Science Fellowship from the Australian Academy of Science, the 2013 CSIRO Pyne-Scott Career Award and the 2019 Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC’s Outstanding Achievement in Research Utilization award
Med-Star Project
"MED-Star - Strategies and measures for the mitigation of fire risk in the Mediterranean area" is a thematic integrated strategic project that faces the challenge of strengthening the forecasting, prevention and suppression capabilities of fires in the cooperation area, to protect and enhance the environmental, cultural and tourist resources of the Maritime space.
The general objective of MED-Star is to contribute to the improvement of the capacity of the public institutions involved to jointly prevent and manage the growing risk of fire deriving from climate change, in areas with a high anthropogenic presence and of significant naturalistic interest, also through appropriate adaptation actions.
In particular, the project intends:
- Develop innovative governance models, with the implementation of joint prevention plans;
- Transfer innovative models and methodologies from the scientific world to public administrations;
- Create a joint monitoring and coordination system for the fight against fires;
- Develop communication, awareness and training actions aimed at the resident population, tourists and operators in the sector.
The intervention strategy is based on specific investments and involves the implementation of joint action plans (CAPs) on monitoring networks and data sharing platforms, on fire forecasting and prevention, on strategic planning and management, including adaptation plans to climate change.
The cross-border approach is essential for the integration of public risk management systems and for more effective cooperation between the competent administrations in the field of fire risk. The project partnership is therefore particularly extensive and includes the relevant and competent subjects in terms of prevention and fight against fire risk of the Regions of the cross-border cooperation area.
The MED-Star project is part of the priorities established by Axis 2, Lot 1, Investment Priority 5A of the Italy-France Program; was financed under the III Notice for a total amount of 6,790,523.12 euros (of which 5,771,944.65 euros of EU contribution - European Regional Development Fund - ERDF; / 1,018,578.47 euros of national contribution).
Scientific Committee

Bachisio Arca
CNR-Institute of BioEconomy

Davide Ascoli
University of Turin

Valentina Bacciu
CNR-Institute of BioEconomy

Paolo Fiorucci
CIMA Foundation

Enrico Marchi
University of Florence

Grazia Pellizzaro
CNR-Institute of BioEconomy

Michele Salis
CNR-Institute of BioEconomy

Costantino Sirca
University of Sassari

Trent Penman
University of Melbourne

Owen Price
University of Wollongong

Mike Flannigan
University of Alberta

Marc André Parisien
Canadian Forest Service
Christophe Bouillon

Marielle Jappiot

Paul Santoni
University of Corsica

Margarita Arianoutsou
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Ioannis Gitas
Aristotle University Thessaloniki

Nikos Koutsias
University of Patras

Paulo Fernandes
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro

Fantina Tedim
University of Porto

Ricardo Trigo
University of Lisbon
David Caballero

Emilio Chuvieco
University of Alcalá

Domingo Molina-Terren
University of Lleida

José Manuel Moreno
University of Castilla-La Mancha

Cristina Vega-Garcia
University of Lleida

Olga Viedma
University of Castilla-La Mancha

Marco Conedera
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest

Marj Tonini
University of Lausanne

Stefan Doerr
Swansea University

Tim Brown
Desert Research Institute

Dave Calkin
U.S.D.A. Forest Service

Mark Finney
U.S.D.A. Forest Service

Matt Jolly
U.S.D.A. Forest Service

Pete Robichaud
U.S.D.A. Forest Service

Stefano Arrizza
National Research Council, Institute of BioEconomy (CNR-IBE)
Pierpaolo Masia
National Research Council, Institute of BioEconomy (CNR-IBE)

Liliana Del Giudice
National Research Council, Institute of BioEconomy (CNR-IBE)

Carla Scarpa
National Research Council, Institute of BioEconomy (CNR-IBE)

Matilde Schirru
National Research Council, Institute of BioEconomy (CNR-IBE)
WDER. Wildfire danger, exposure, and risk
Show all accepted abstracts (28) Hide accepted abstracts (28)
List of Accepted Abstracts (28) Toggle list
WPM. Wildfire prevention and management
Show all accepted abstracts (19) Hide accepted abstracts (19)
List of Accepted Abstracts (19) Toggle list
WUI. Wildfires at WUI
Show all accepted abstracts (14) Hide accepted abstracts (14)
List of Accepted Abstracts (14) Toggle list
RSW. Remote sensing and wildfires
Show all accepted abstracts (17) Hide accepted abstracts (17)
List of Accepted Abstracts (17) Toggle list
CWW. Climate, weather and wildfires
Show all accepted abstracts (24) Hide accepted abstracts (24)
List of Accepted Abstracts (24) Toggle list
FWFE. Forest fuels and wildfires, and fire ecology
Show all accepted abstracts (19) Hide accepted abstracts (19)
List of Accepted Abstracts (19) Toggle list
PROJ. Projects on wildfires
Show all accepted abstracts (16) Hide accepted abstracts (16)
List of Accepted Abstracts (16) Toggle list
WBS. Wildfire behavior and spread
Show all accepted abstracts (23) Hide accepted abstracts (23)
List of Accepted Abstracts (23) Toggle list