Polymers 2024 - Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future
Part of the Polymers series
28–31 May 2024, Athens, Greece
Polymer Synthesis, Biobased Polymers, Biodegradable Polymers, Polymer Processing, Polymer Composites, Polymer Applications
- Go to the Sessions
- S1. Polymer Synthesis - Sustainable (Upscale/Industrial) Production
- S2. Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers - Green Monomer Synthesis By Design
- S3. Polymer Processing
- S4. Special Polymers
- S5. Polymer (Nano)Composites
- S6. Polymer Applications
- S7. Environmental Aspects - Recycling, Upcycling, and Reuse
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Welcome from the Chairs
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are very proud and honored to announce the international conference Polymers 2024—Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future, organized in collaboration with the MDPI open access journal Polymers, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and BIOMAC project, and Exelisis Co. The conference will be held in Athens, Greece, on May 28–31, 2024, at the prestigious War Museum in Athens.
Global mass production of synthetic plastics started in the 1950s, with an estimated total number of 8.3 to 9.1 million metric tons (Mt) already manufactured, evidence that polymers have made an outstanding contribution to the development of modern society in every field. From this amount, it is estimated that only 9% has been recycled and 12% incinerated, whereas the remaining 79% has now accumulated in landfills, rivers, lakes, and the open sea. However, the high stability and non-degradability of synthetic polymers have caused serious environmental issues to living organisms, evident with “Microplastics”, which have been recognized as one of the most threatening contemporary problems. Except for polymers, many of today’s used additives (plasticizers, flame retardants, stabilizers, etc.) exhibit some toxicity and have negative impacts on human health. Due to these concerns, recent research efforts of the polymer scientific community have been focused on producing environmentally friendly, safe, and non-toxic polymers and additives that could be fully recycled or completely degradable shortly after their use. Nevertheless, the substitution of conventional polymers with newly designed polymer systems, which have similar properties to the former, poses a challenge to polymer scientists and manufacturers.
The transition to climate neutrality and zero-pollution ambitions requires new polymers to be produced by employing green chemistry and engineering, sustainable chemistry, and circularity-by-design. For the fabrication of such polymers, several parameters, such as hazard assessment of the used chemicals/monomers, the human health and safety aspects in the chemical/material production and processing phase, the human health and environmental aspects in the final application phase, and finally the environmental sustainability assessment, should all be taken into account.
“Polymers 2024” is an international conference covering the latest progress and innovations in the fields of polymers for the production of new materials and additives for a safe and sustainable world. The conference aims to explore the latest findings in the scientific field of polymers, with a particular emphasis on the synthesis of safe polymers with unique properties for human health and environmental sustainability. Additionally, the goal is to focus on green polymer chemistry and industrial approaches using bioresources to synthesize biobased and biodegradable polymers, in addition to exploring safe and sustainable-by-design polymers using modeling, theory, and simulation and simultaneously investigating their chemical and physical properties for different applications. Clean, green, and efficient production processes will be presented, while life cycle assessments, exposure, risk assessment, decontamination, and environmental remediation will also be discussed. The conference also aims to propose novel techniques for polymer recycling and reuse. Such an event is a unique opportunity for polymer scientists from around the world to present their works, findings, and innovations in polymer chemistry and technology with regard to sustainable development and with great respect to human life and the environment.
The conference follows the previous successful meetings of Polymers 2018—Polymers: Design, Function and Application held in March 2018, Barcelona, Spain, and Polymers 2022: New Trends in Polymer Science: Health of the Planet, Health of the People held in May 2022 in Turin, Italy.
We look forward to welcoming you to Athens!
Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Bikiaris, Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Triantafyllidis, and Dr. Ioanna Deligkiozi
Polymers 2024 Chairs
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Conference Secretariat
Dr. Elena González
Dr. Ana Sanchis
Ms. Carmen Ruiz
Dr. Ioanna Katsavou
Email: polymers2024@mdpi.com
Event Chairs

Dr. Dimitrios N. Bikiaris is a Chemist and Professor at the Chemistry Department of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His research interests include the synthesis and characterization of polyesters, the development of polymers using biobased monomers, the synthesis and characterization of copolymers, composites and nanocomposites, polymers recycling via various processes, modification of natural polymers, the use of polymers to remove contaminants (heavy metals, drugs, pigments, etc.) from urban and industrial sites, determination of microplastics in environment and its effect on living micro-organisms, etc. Furthermore, his research interests include the investigation and application of new biocompatible polymers in tissue engineering and pharmaceutical technology using a variety of techniques (melt blending, solvent evaporation, copolymerization, etc.), as well as in the –micro and -nanoencapsulation of drugs in polymeric matrices. His scientific work includes more than 530 published papers, with over 23.600 citations, and an h-index 81 (scopus). He is also author of 4 chapters in international scientific books and holds 15 international and 2 Greek patents. He has participated in more than 64 research projects (national and international). During the years, he has developed strong collaborations with researchers from International Universities and Research Centers as well as with more than 10 Greek companies. He has participated in more than 150 international and 50 national conferences, having 139 oral presentations as a simple or invited speaker, and 290 poster presentations. Moreover, he has been a reviewer in more than 150 international journals and is member of editorial committees in six scientific journals. In 2023, Prof. Bikiaris was ranked 1st in Materials Science in National ranking and at 1128th position in the World ranking (https://research.com/u/dimitrios-n-bikiaris).

Dr. Konstantinos S. Triantafyllidis is Professor at the Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece, with undergraduate and PhD studies at the Department of Chemistry, University of Ioannina, Greece, postgraduate training at SHELL-Laboratorium, Amsterdam, and post-doctoral work at Michigan State University, USA. His research interests focus on Biomass and organic waste valorization, Biorefinery, Waste plastic chemical recycling, CO2 utilization, Heterogeneous catalysis, Green Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Adsorption/catalysis for environmental remediation, Polymer nanocomposites, Nanomaterials. He is co-author of 160 peer-reviewed papers (h-index 52, Google scholar), 8 book chapters and 2 patents, and co-editor of 6 books and > 15 journal special issues, with > 300 conference presentations. Moreover, he has been a reviewer in more than 100 international journals and is the Editor or member of editorial committees in 10 scientific journals. He has participated in > 40 research projects and networks as coordinator or principal researcher, funded by EU and Greek Ministry of Education/Research, European Space Agency (ESA), industrial contracts, etc. He is the Head of the Research Unit “Green and Environmental Chemistry (ENVIGREEN)” in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation, AUTH, and Collaborating Researcher at the Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute, Centre of Research and Technology-Hellas (CPERI/CERTH). He currently serves as the delegate of the Association of Greek Chemists to the EuChemS/Division of Green and Sustainable Chemistry, and he recently chaired the 5th EuChemS on Green and Sustainable Chemistry (2021) and the 9th IUPAC International Conference on Green Chemistry (2022).

Dr. Ioanna Deligkiozi is a Chemical Engineer that graduated from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). She gained her M.Sc. degree in the field of Science and Technology of Materials and defended her Ph.D. thesis «Synthesis and characterization of new [2]rotaxanes of α-cyclodextrine with diazobenzene containing molecular dumbbells acting as Molecular Switches» in the field of supramolecular chemistry. These advanced supramolecules are a new class of nanomaterials, which have been intensely investigated the last years because of their ability to act as molecular switches or molecular shuttles by providing controllable and reversible transformations. Since then, she has worked as a senior researcher at the “Centre for Research and Technology Hellas”, and as an research associate at the “Center for Technology Research and Innovation”. She has been involved in various National and European Research Projects leading the technical and exploitation management. Since 2016, she is working at AXIA Innovation as a Business consultant and CEO. She has also been involved in the setup of three Start-up Companies. She has been involved in more than 50 European research projects as senior researcher, technical, dissemination and exploitation manager in FP7, H2020 and HEU projects. She has published more than 60 scientific and technical papers in Journals and Conferences, including three book chapters, and is a reviewer of HELION and MDPI. Since 2015, she is an Expert Evaluator and Monitor of Proposals and Projects of the European Commission. Her interests and goals lie in the wide field of nanomaterials, nanoscience and nanotechnology, with a focus on their exploitation and commersialization.
Event Committee

Athina Anastasaki was born and raised in Athens, Greece and obtained her B.S. in Chemistry at the University of Athens. She then commenced her PhD studies at the University of Warwick under the supervision of Prof. Dave Haddleton and graduated in late 2014 with the Jon Weaver award for the best PhD in polymer chemistry in the UK. In early 2015, she accepted a Monash-Warwick research fellow position between the Pharmaceutical department at Monash University and the University of Warwick, jointly supervised by Professor Thomas Davis and Professor Dave Haddleton. She then received an Elings Fellowship, followed by a Global Marie Curie Fellowship, to conduct research alongside Professor Craig Hawker at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Since January 2019, she is an Assistant Professor at ETH and the Head of the Laboratory of Polymeric Materials and her group focuses on fundamental polymer synthesis and self-assembly predominantly in the area of controlled radical polymerization. Athina has co-authored over 120 peer-reviewed publications and has been the recipient of an ERC starting Grant, the Hanwha-Total IUPAC Young Scientist Award, the Polymers Young Investigator Award and the Golden Owl award, which is in recognition of outstanding faculty teaching. Athina also currently serves as an Associate Editor in the RSC journal Polymer Chemistry.

University of Crete and Foundation for Research & Technology-Hellas, Greece
Spiros H. Anastasiadis is a Professor of Polymer Science & Engineering at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Crete and the former Director of the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH). He received his PhD in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University in 1988 and has been a Visiting Scientist at the IBM Almaden Research Center in 1988-1989. He was awarded the John H. Dillon Medal of the American Physical Society (APS) in 1998 and was elected Fellow of the APS in 2000. He has been an Editor of the Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics (5/2006-7/2010) and served as a Consulting Editor of the AIChE Journal. He was the elected President of the European Polymer Federation for the years 2018 and 2019. He serves as President of the Hellenic Polymer Society (12/2012-now). He was elected a Mary Shepard B. Upson Visiting Professor at Cornell University for 2018-2019. He was elected Director of IESL in 2013 and re-elected in 11/2018; his term ended in 02/2023. He is a member of the Supreme Council of the Hellenic Authority of Higher Education and a member of the Academic Quality Assurance Unit of the Univ. of Crete whereas he has served as the Vice Chair of the Committee on Research Integrity and Ethics of the Univ. of Crete. His research interests are in the areas of polymer surfaces/interfaces and thin films, polymer blends and homopolymer/copolymer blends, dynamics and diffusion in multi-constituent systems, organic/inorganic nanohybrid materials, responsive polymer systems and nanostructured materials for energy applications. He has published 147 papers in refereed journals and has edited one book and has translated two textbooks to Greek. He has coordinated several major projects funded by National and International agencies with total budget for FORTH reaching ~12.9 million Euro.

Panagiotis Barmpalexis is an Associate Professor at AUTH school of Pharmacy, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). He has a BSc in ‘Chemical Engineering’ (2004, AUTH) and in ‘Economics and Management’ (2007, London School of Economics, external program), and a PhD in “Pharmaceutics” (2010, AUTH). He has worked for more than 10 years as a leading formulation scientist at several Pharmaceutical Industries having the scientific responsibility for the EU Dossier filing and approval of 15 pharmaceutical products. To date, he has authored or co-authored over 66 original peer-reviewed scientific articles in international journals, and he has secure Funding more than €1M. His, published scientific work also include 9 patents. His main research interests include the enhancement of solubility and bioavailability of amorphous formulations, evaluation of solid-state properties, application of multivariate analysis methods including statistical experimental design, artificial neural networks (ANNs) and genetic programming (GP).

Andrea Dorigato is Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering (DII) of the University of Trento from 2019 (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4743-7192, Scopus ID: 25027422000). His most significant research topics are related to the investigation of the viscoelastic and fracture behaviour of polymer nanocomposites and of electro-active multiscale polymer composites with self-sensing and self-healing properties. His research is also focused on the development of innovative polymeric materials obtained from renewable resources and recycled materials (especially elastomers) with low environmental impact, of multifunctional foams for the thermal insulation, and of Phase Change Materials for the thermal energy storage/release. Also Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of engineering materials is comprised in his research interests. Scopus statistics (updated to September 4th 2023): 166 documents, 3373 citations, h-index 35.

Prof. Dr. Lidija Fras Zemljič, received her PhD from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Maribor and is currently a professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Maribor, research area: materials. She has participated in numerous successfully completed and ongoing projects (E! 5852, Nanofuntampons, E!3602 HIGHTAMPONS, E!4952 Biopackaging, L2-9323-0795, L3-0361-0795..., i.e. a total of more than 40 national and European research projects, among others), she has demonstrated high management and research skills and has extensive knowledge and experience in polymer and colloid chemistry with a focus on antimicrobial coatings for packaging materials, medical devices and medical textiles. Her research area is strongly focused on understanding surface properties and interaction phenomena and studying the influence of specific surface properties using advanced methods such as XPS, ToF- SIMS, contact angle measurements, zeta potential, QCM (interfacial phenomena), titration tools on the final desired material properties. In 2017 she received the “best scientific” paper award from the University of Maribor and in 2018 the best and best” research award from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor. She has published more than 125 original scientific papers in high impact journals, h10 index of 22.

Sergejs Gaidukovs is a Professor in polymer chemistry and technology (2021) at Riga Technical University Faculty of Materials Science and Applied Chemistry Institute of Polymer Materials (since 2002).) He was elected as RTU Tenure Professor in 2023. His directions of scientific research are biopolymer chemistry and technology, polymer physics and physical chemistry, polymer technology and modern processing, including additive manufacturing; biocomposite materials; lignocellulose colloidal systems; soft matter; materials science and materials engineering. He leads the "Complex Polymer Systems and Soft Matter" research group at RTU Department of Polymer Technology. He supervised 8 PhD and more than 50 students' diploma theses. He is responsible for polymers science subject; his pedagogical activities include more than 20 developed study courses in polymer science, advanced materials, sustainable manufacturing and green chemistry; He acts as project coordinator and PI in more than 20 international and national projects and contract studies, including the LV State Research Program, EU Structural funds, M-ERA.NET, COST, etc. Acts as an expert at ECHA, CEN, LVS, and EU COM. RTU PhD council expert and study qualification committee member. Awarded from the Latvian Academy of Science for the most significant achievements in applied research (2021): "Transformation of biomass waste into sustainable bioplastic products"; LV President Minister award for excellence in science (2023). Also awarded Werner von Siemens Excellence Award; Gebert Rüf Stiftung; Marie Curie Fellowship; Award of the Latvian Education Foundation.

Centre for Research and Innovation, Adichunchanagiri University, India
Prof. Prashantha Kalappa is a Professor and Dean, Research & Natural Sciences at Adichunchanagiri University, Mandya District, India. Before moving to India, he was a Professor at the Polymers and Composites Technology & Mechanical Engineering Department, Institut Mines-Télécom, Lille-Douai, France (Formerly known as Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Douai, France). He has also served as Dean for International Scientific affairs in the same institute. Prof. Prashantha’s research mainly focuses on Advanced Smart Polymers, Biopolymers, Nanocomposites and Blends Their synthesis, processing, 3D printing & Bioprinting, rheology, morphology and Structure-property relationships. Prof. Prashantha received Doctor of Science from University of Lille, France for the contributing in the field of Advanced Polymeric Materials. Enlisted in Elsevier BV's new list of the top 2% Scientists in the World for 2021 and 2022. Associate Editor for "Polymer and Polymer Composites. International Advisory Board Member for "eXPRESS Polymer Letters" and Editor for MDPI special issue on Recent Research on Bio-Based Polymer Composites. Reviewer for many International journals. Prof. Prashantha has published 100 research papers in peer-reviewed international journals with over 4000 citations (h-index 30). He was also in charge of national and regional projects, programs with industries and European Projects (Horizon 2020 and Interreg). He has successfully supervised 5 PhD and more than 25 MS students. Dr. Prashantha has visited more than 40 countries and delivered many key note and invited lectures at International conferences.

Pharmathen S.A., Greece
Evangelos Karavas was born in Evia, Greece. He graduated from the Chemistry School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and received a PhD from the same University. He has more than 38 publications in international scientific journals and 95 patent applications. According to Scopus he has an h-index 29 and more than 2430 citations. Since 1991, he has been occupied with research, development, and production of pharmaceutical products in Pharmathen S.A., where he now holds the position of Chief scientific officer, Vice President of the Board of Directors.

Dr. George Z. Kyzas is a Full Professor at the Department of Chemistry at the International Hellenic University (IHU). He was born in Drama (Greece) and studied Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). He obtained his BSc, MSc, and PhD degrees from the same Department expertised in Chemical Technology. He is now working at the Department of Chemistry (International Hellenic University, Kavala, Greece), being the Head of the Department (since 2019). He is also Director/Chair of the MSc in Cosmetic Chemistry (since 2021). His research interests include the synthesis and characterization of various (majorly adsorbent) materials (inorganic, aluminates, polymers, graphene, activated carbons, agro-food residues, nanomaterials, CNTs, etc.) for environmental applications (wastewater treatment). His scientific work has been published in more than 265 Papers in international journals with high impact factor (IF,ave 6.5), while he published 8 Books, 39 Chapters in scientific Books and holds 3 Patents. He was also 11 times Guest Editor at Special issues of journals and has more than 150 Announcements (Invited) in International Conferences. His work is widely recognized with 15,500 Citations (h-index 69). He is the Editor of the journal "Environmental Science and Pollution Research" (Springer, IF 5.190). His name is included in the list of Highly Cited Researchers for 2022 (Thomson Reuters - Clarivate WoS) [0.1% most impactful Scientists in the World]. He has been awarded with scholarships from the Research Committee of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2009, 2013), the Greek State Scholarship Foundation (2013) and the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (2016). He has also participated in about 25 research projects. He is a Reviewer in more than 200 scientific journals (ACS, Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Taylor & Francis, etc) and participates as Chair of Expert Panelists and Assessor/Evaluator/Reviewer in National, European and International research proposals/calls/projects.

Dr. Dimitra Lambropoulou, is an Associate Professor on Environmental Chemistry in the Environmental Pollution Control Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh). She is a member of the ENVIGREEN group of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation (CIRI) of AUTh. Her main research interests are the development and application of novel sample preparation techniques coupled to advanced mass spectrometry approaches in the field of environmental and food chemistry, design and application of new materials in analytical and separation sciences, occurrence, transport, fate and effects of emerging contaminants (endocrine disruptors and pharmaceutical products, illicit drugs, polar pesticides, transformation products, nanomaterials and microplastics) in the environment (in waste and natural water), identification and structure elucidation of organic contaminants by high resolution mass spectrometry, application of “omics” techniques to environmental problems. She is also interested in the development of effective degradation and purification processes for the mineralization of organic micropollutants such as Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). She has published more than 180 ISI papers (plus 2 books and 18 book chapters) that have received more than 8000 citations. Since 2021, she serves as Associate Editor for the journal Science of Total Environment. She has been included in the list of World Top 2% Scientists which is compiled by the Stanford University (USA) based on standardized citation indicators.

Prof. Ondřej Mašek is a full professor and Personal Chair of Net Zero Emission Technologies at the University of Edinburgh and Lead of Biochar Production and Development at the UK Biochar Research Centre (UKBRC). For the past eighteen years, Prof. Mašek’s research has been dedicated to various aspects of thermo-chemical conversion of biomass and fossil resources to added-value products, e.g., materials, electricity, heat, chemicals or fuels, and associated issues related to efficiency, sustainability and GHG emissions. Prof. Mašek joined the University of Edinburgh in 2009 and, together with colleagues, co-founded the UK Biochar Research Centre at the School of Geosciences, the first such centre in the World. His research has since been focused on converting biomass to biochar and co-products for atmospheric carbon sequestration and adaptation to climate change (tackling environmental issues and making agricultural production more efficient and resilient). His primary focus is on targeted biochar products (engineered biochar) and informed selection, i.e., a more sophisticated method for biochar production and application, allowing higher desired impacts with lower inputs. Prof. Mašek has led and participated in many UK, EU and international projects, with a total budget of over £20m, and has a large number of active collaborations with industry, ranging from start-ups to multinationals. Since 2007, he has published over 150 peer-reviewed papers with over 8500 citations and an h-index of 46 (Google Scholar). Prof. Mašek’s research group consists of post-doctoral researchers, PhD and MSc students, visiting academics and visiting research students working on a range of challenges related to biochar production and applications, such as atmospheric carbon removal and storage, use of biochar in environmental remediation, biochar in construction applications, biochar computational modelling, use of biochar in AD and dark fermentation, biochar use in polymers, etc.

Dr Magdalena Paczkowska-Walendowska is a pharmacist and assistant professor at Department of Pharmacognosy and Biomaterials at Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland). Her research interests focus on obtaining drug delivery systems based on biomaterials, using innovative techniques such as electrospinning, hot melt extrusion or 3D printing. She creates delivery systems for both synthetic molecules and those of natural origin, including plant extracts. Her scientific work includes more than 50 published papers with almost 500 citations, and h-index 12 (Web of Science). She has participated in 10 research own projects or projects implemented with other research institutions or business partners. She has participated in more than 50 international and national conferences, having numerous oral or poster presentations.

Dr. Raffaello Papadakis holds a Chemical Engineering Diploma (2005) and a PhD degree in the field of physical organic chemistry (2010), both from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. During his PhD, he specialized in the synthesis of solvatochromic probes and molecular switches under the supervision of Prof. Athanase Tsolomitis. In 2010 he moved to Marseille, France (September 2010) to start working as a researcher at the Institute of Molecular Sciences, CNRS/Aix-Marseille University, in the field of water oxidation catalysts and in the research group of Dr. Thierry Tron. Raffaello subsequently joined the group of Dr. Henrik Ottosson (2014, Uppsala University, Sweden) where he worked as a postdoc and later as a University Researcher focusing on excited state (anti)aromaticity and graphene photochemistry. During that time, he developed revolutionary metal-free white light assisted graphene photo-functionalization strategies. His current research interests revolve around physical organic and materials chemistry with an emphasis on the chemistry and photochemistry of graphene as well as polysaccharide chemistry and fluorescence labelling & imaging. He is the author and co-author of more than 80 scientific publications including more than 35 peer-reviewed scientific papers, five book chapters and more than 35 international conference proceedings. Since 2019 Raffaello has been working as a senior research scientist in the Swedish Biotech Company TdB Labs. In his work there, Raffaello focuses on polysaccharide fluorescent labeling and the synthesis of novel fluorescent dyes and their applications in Bioscience. His work has resulted in the development of a novel dextran-based fluorescent product which can be used as pH-probe allowing for the determination of lysosomal pH.

School of Engineering and Materials Science, Queen Mary University of London, UK
Dimitrios G. Papageorgiou is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Materials Science at the School of Engineering and Materials Science of Queen Mary University of London (UK). He received his PhD in Polymer Physics from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and then joined the University of Manchester (UK) and the National Graphene Institute to work under the Graphene Flagship Project. Since 2019 he has been an academic member of QMUL, where he is leading research activities on polymer and composites engineering. His research is driven by his vision to apply nanotechnology concepts to polymers and composites with the goal to obtain a complete, fundamental understanding of the underlying polymer physics but also to provide polymers with a host of new functionalities. Another major focus of his research is the understanding of the mechanical behaviour of materials at the nanoscale through the use of Raman spectroscopy and the development of micromechanical models. Sustainability-driven innovation has always been at the forefront of his research interests; Dimitrios have developed and thoroughly characterized a number of fully biobased polymers and composites, has optimized composite fabrication processes and has helped companies working on sustainable materials to improve their products and output. His work has been recognised through multiple awards including the Rosenhain Medal from the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining in recognition of distinguished achievements in materials science. Dimitrios has published >90 research papers in leading journals in the fields of composites, polymers and functional materials (h-index:40).

Professor Zhaobin Qiu graduated from Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science and got a PhD degree in Polymer Chemistry and Physics in 2000. From Sep, 2000 to Mar, 2005, he continued his research in German Institute for Polymers, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo Institute of Technology, and Kanagawa University in Germany and Japan. In Apr, 2005, he returned to China and became a full professor at Beijing University of Chemical Technology. Professor Qiu’s research interests include the synthesis and properties of biobased and/or biodegradable polymers, miscibility and crystallization behavior of polymer blends, and preparation and properties of biobased and/or biodegradable polymer (nano)composites. Till now, Prof. Qiu has published over 180 peer reviewed journal papers and 4 book chapters. They have been cited for almost 5200 times with an H factor of 40 (Scopus). Prof. Qiu is the reviewer for over 50 international journals in polymer science and materials science and is also an editorial member of Polymers and Macromol.

CICECO—Aveiro Institute of Materials, Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal
Andreia F Sousa is an Assistant Researcher at CICECO, the University of Aveiro Institute of Materials, Portugal, since 2020, where she leads a multidisciplinary team on the design of sustainable polymers (renewable, biodegradable, recyclable & recycling), within a circular economy mind-set. She also has an invited appointment as researcher at CEMMPRE from the University of Coimbra. Her background is in Polymer Chemistry and sustainable chemistry, having completed a PhD in Chemistry (2011). Sousa is a distinguished scientist with >50 papers, 2 are actually Highly Cited, 5 are covers and 2 are 2022 HOT Green Chemistry papers, accumulating over 2800 citations. Also based on her scientific contributions, she became Associate Editor for Reactive and Functional Polymers (Elsevier) besides being member of several other editorial boards (such as Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy and, Sustainable Chemistry for the Environment, both from Elsevier). Very recently, Sousa was distinguished, from hundreds of applications, as an Early Career Board member of the ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering journal. She coordinates/participates in several EU projects focusing different aspects of her research interests, including on-going ABSolEU HE. Since 2019, she Chairs the European interdisciplinary network FUR4Sustain (CA18220) with >100 experts, 59 institutions and 30 countries.

Anna Szymczyk is working as an Associate Professor of Materials Engineering at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics of the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin (Poland). She awarded her PhD degree in Chemical Technology from the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Engineering at Szczecin University of Technology in 1999. In 2003-2005 she was a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Organic Chemistry at the University of Barcelona. In 2013 she receive habilitation degree in Materials Engineering from Warsaw University of Technology. Her main research interests include multiphase polymer systems, thermoplastic elastomers, degradation and stabilization of polymers, biobased polymers and polymer nanocomposites. Her reserch is currenty focused on synthesis of sustainable functional polymers from natural resources. Up to now, she is author and coauthor of more than 85 articles in ISI-indexed journals and 4 chapters in international books (ORCID: 0000-0002-9670-6395). Involved in national and international research projects, she collaborates with several European institutes.

Zoi N. Terzopoulou is a Chemist, currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Chemistry Department of AUTH under the supervision of professor D. Bikiaris. She is also the project manager of the H2020 Innovation action “BIOMAC” (European Sustainable BIO-based nanoMAterials Community). She has a Master of Science and a PhD in Polymer Chemistry and Technology, and her research interests include synthesis and characterization of biobased polyesters, copolymers and blends, polymer composites and nanocomposites, synthesis and characterization of polymeric-inorganic nanocomposite biomaterials, polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering. Her work has been published in more than 90 scientific papers in international scientific journals, with over 3200 references, and h-index 35 (google scholar), and participated in 30 national and international scientific conferences, with 2 best poster presentation awards and one best oral presentation award. She participated in numerous nationally and EU funded research programs since 2014 as a researcher and project manager. She has work experience as a Chemist in the R&D laboratory of the flexible packaging industry Hatzopoulos S.A. in Thessaloniki, Greece (2011). In 2016 she received the Scholarship of excellence for PhD students from the Research Committee of AUTH, and in 2020 she was granted a postdoc scholarship from the Greek Foundation of Scholarships to conduct research on biobased polyesters in the University of Ioannina.

Dr. Stamatina Vouyiouka is a Chemical Engineer and an elected Associate Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering at National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Her research interests are in the area of environmentally-friendly polymerization processes, such as solid state polymerization (SSP) and enzymatic polymerization, with special emphasis on polyamides and polyesters including biobased and biodegradable polymers. Her activity on polymerization also covers encapsulation methods and tailoring properties of polymeric micro/nanoparticles, such as microcapsule-based systems for controlled release and self-healing materials. In parallel, her research focuses on the sustainable management of polymeric materials exploring material eco-design approaches (e.g. biobased polymers, vitrimers, halogen-free flame retardants, natural antioxidants) and re/upcycling technologies (eg remelting-restabilization, chain extension, SSP) towards value-added products. Validation for all methodologies is accomplished through constructing polymer structure/properties/process relationships. Her research is documented in more than 55 peer-reviewed publications, in 5 chapters in Books and Edited Volumes, in two WO Patents and in more than 115 presentations in International (75 works) and National Conferences. She is also the joint Editor (with Professor Emeritus C.D. Papaspyrides) of the book titled “Solid State Polymerization”, which was published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., in 2009. Finally, she has served/is serving as the Scientific Supervisor or Principal Investigator of National and European Funded R&D Projects.

Sergey Vyazovkin is a professor emeritus of chemistry at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). After receiving his Ph.D. from Belorussian State University (1989) he joined the Institute for Physical Chemistry (Minsk) where he worked until 1993. Since 1993 he had held visiting positions at the Technical University of Vienna, the University of Toledo, and the University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis. Before joining UAB, he worked in the University of Utah as a research faculty and the deputy director of the Center for Thermal Analysis. His research is concerned with thermally stimulated processes in polymeric and other condensed phase systems. He is a winner of the Mettler-Toledo Award in thermal analysis and James J. Christensen Award in calorimetry. Prof. Vyazovkin serves on editorial boards of Thermochimica Acta, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, Polymers, and Molecules. His research has been published in one book, six book chapters, and 220 peer-reviewed papers cited 24,000 times.

Institute for Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Katja Loos is Professor at the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials of the University of Groningen, holding the chair of Macromolecular Chemistry and New Polymeric Materials. She currently serves as the President of the European Polymer Federation. She specialized in Organic Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry during her university studies at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität in Mainz, Germany and the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, USA. She moved into the field of Enzymatic Polymerizations during her doctoral research at the University of Bayreuth, Germany and the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brasil. After a postdoctoral research stay at Polytechnic University in Brooklyn, NY, USA she started an independent research group at the University of Groningen. Katja Loos pioneered the field of enzymatic polymerization, especially the biocatalytic synthesis of polysaccharides and polyamides, and the synthesis and self-assembly of PVDF containing block copolymers. During her independent research career, on the basis of her unique approach in combining modern polymer synthesis, (macro) molecular self-assembly, and utilization of the arising structures the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) has awarded her the prestigious VIDI grant in 2009 and VICI grant in 2014 and the German Research Council (DFG) the Eleonore Trefftz guest professorship within the scope of its excellency initiative. Among others she was awarded the Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, the IUPAC Distinguished Women in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Award and the Team Science Award of the Dutch Research Council (NWO). In 2023 she received the title of Knight of the Order of the Netherlands Lion, the prestigious Dutch order of chivalry founded by King William I in 1815. Katja Loos is a Fellow of the Dutch Polymer Institute (DPI) and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC).

Department of Chemistry, University of Turin, Italy

Department of Chemistry, University of Turin, Italy

Department of Chemistry, University of Turin, Italy
Keynote Speakers

Catalan Institute for Water Research (ICRA), Scientific and Technological Park of the University of Girona, Spain,
Water and Soil Quality Research Group, IDAEA-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
Full Professor IDAEA-CSIC, Spain since 1999 to date. From 2016 – to date Full Professor Chair (DSFP) in Biology. Awarded as Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universities of Ioannina, Greece, in 2014 and by the University of Lleida, June 2021 and Almeria, Spain in May 2022. Honorary and Guest Professor at ZAFU, Hangzhou, China in 2019 till March 2020 and Foreign Expert of East China University of Science & Technology, Shanghai, China, 2021-2022. From January 2022 till December 2026 he has been appointed Adjunct Professor in Sustainability Cluster, School of Engineering at the UPES, Dehradun, India. Damià Barceló has received the following awards: 2023. Prize of the Division of Analytical Chemistry (DAC) of the European Society of Chemistry (EuChemS) Euroanalysis, Geneva 2012 Recipharm Environmental Award, Sweden, 2012 Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water (PSIPW), 5th Award on Water Management & Protection, Saudi Arabia and in 2007 Prize King Jaime I on the Protection of Nature from Generalitat of Valencia, Spain. He has supervised > 65 PhD students, since 1992 – to date. He has been Instructor of short courses at PITTCON, SETAC NA and ExTech conferences since early 2000. Prof. Barceló expertise is on analysis, fate, risk and removal of emerging contaminants, nanomaterials and microplastics from water as well as sewage epidemiology of drugs and proteins using advanced mass spectrometric tehcniques. Since 2010 he is listed as highly cited scientist, ISI Highly Cited, with a Hirsch-Index of 179 and total number of citations over 142.300 thousand and more than 1600 publications (source Google Scholar). Research.com ranked in 2023 Prof. Barceló as 3rd and 23rd environmental scientist and chemist, respectively in the world.

Minna Hakkarainen is professor in Polymer Technology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. She got her M.Sc. in Polymer Chemistry from University of Helsinki in 1992 and Ph.D. in Polymer Technology from KTH in 1996. Since 2011 she is full professor and since 2012 the Head of the Polymer Technology Division at KTH. Her research interest is sustainable polymers including biobased, degradable and/or recyclable polymers. Recently her main research focus was design of polymer materials for mechanical, chemical or biological recyclability by e.g. utilizing dynamic covalent chemistries or degradation triggers. She is in Editorial Advisory Board of several international journals such as Biomacromolecules, Polymer Testing, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering and SN Applied Sciences. She published >200 papers in international journals and she is a co-author of a text book on Applied Polymer Science.

Armando Silvestre (born 1968), Full Professor, University of Aveiro, Department of Chemistry and CICECO Aveiro Institute of Materials. PhD (1994) and Habilitation (2008) in Chemistry. He is currently Head of the Department of Chemistry, and member of CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, Group 4- Biorefineries, Biobased Materials and Recycling. Armando has a large experience in coordination and participation in National and EU Projects (40 +) projects, with 14+ M€ of funding for University of Aveiro. Armando published 2 books, more than 25 book chapters, 12 patents, 415+ papers, H-index 71 , +18 200 citations (Scopus) Large experience in PostDoctoral (17) PhD (34 of which 6 in progress) and MSc (+50) students supervising, and in teaching and BSc, MSc and PhD level. His research interests are focused on the Biorefinery concept development namely through the sustainable extraction and upgrading of added-value compounds from biomass addressing mainly bioactive compounds through the use benign solvents(using ionic liquids, deep eutectic solvents ); new biobased polymers derived from 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid and new functional (nano)composite materials and biomaterials based on biopolymers and cellulose (nano)fibers.
Invited Speakers

CNRS, Institut Charles Gerhardt Montpellier, Montpellier University, France
Sylvain Caillol is Research Director at CNRS. He graduated engineer from the National Graduate School of Chemistry of Montpellier in 1998 and then received his PhD degree in 2001 from the University of Bordeaux. Subsequently he joined Rhodia Company where he headed the Polymer Research Department in the Research Center of Paris. In 2007 he joined the CNRS at the Institute Charles Gerhardt of the University of Montpellier where he leads a research topic dedicated to Green Chemistry and Biobased Polymers. He is co-author of more than 280 articles, patents and book chapters. He won the Green Materials Prize in 2018 and 2020 and he entered the World Top Scientist (Stanford) in 2021.

Opening new avenues for crosslinked furan resins
Dr. Nathanael Guigo is associate professor within the Institut de Chimie de Nice at Université Côte d’Azur (FR). He is specialized in physical chemistry of polymers with a peculiar interest on sustainable polymeric materials (e.g. preparation and characterization of biobased polymers) within a circular approach (valorization of co-products and end of life). His scientific expertise rely to the structure/property relations in polymers such as cross-linking, re-organization during processing or recycling, ageing, glass transition behavior, crystallization, thermal degradation, etc.. N. Guigo has focused his research in the synthesis and characterization of furanic thermosets including resins and composites from polyfurfuryl alcohol and humins from biorefineries. He has also worked on understanding the behavior of furanoate polyesters. N. Guigo has developed a strong experience in implementing and managing EU projects in close connection with industry. N. Guigo is currently the Vice-Chair of the COST Action FUR4Sustain on developing sustainable solutions with furanic building blocks. He is coordinating the Horizon Europe ABSolEU project (2022-2026) dedicated to the physical recycling of ABS plastics and he is participating in the SUSPENS EU project dedicated to sustainable high-performance composites He has published more than 90 publications in internationally recognized journals (Rank A), 3 book chapters, one awarded patent. He has organized three international workshops/symposiums and has co-edited special issues in ‘Green Chemistry’, ‘Polymers’, ‘Frontiers in Chemistry’ and ‘Reactive and Functional Polymers’

Lignin as a valuable tool for functional materials: coatings, composites and beyond.
Gianmarco Griffini is an Associate Professor of Science and Technology of Materials at the Department of Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” of Politecnico di Milano (Italy). He received his MSc degree in Chemical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2005 and his PhD degree in Materials Engineering from the same institution in 2012, after spending a few years in the private sector working as process engineer. He has held visiting positions at University College London (UK), at University of California at Berkeley (USA), and at University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). His current research interests are mainly focused on the development and characterization of polymer-based materials and on the study of their structure-property relationships. Areas of major interest are: bio-derived and biodegradable polymers for sustainable manufacturing, with particular emphasis on lignocellulose-based polymers and composites; materials and devices for solar energy and light harvesting, management, conversion and storage; stimuli-responsive polymeric materials for advanced manufacturing. In these areas, he is/has been involved as scientific coordinator in several regional, national and European funded projects, and as responsible for different research contracts with the private sector.

Hermis Iatrou is a Professor at the Department of Chemistry of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA). He received his Bachelor of Chemistry in 1989 from the Chemistry Department of NKUA and his PhD from the Chemistry Department of NKUA in 1993. Then he was awarded a Post-Doc Fellow through a Marie-Curie project at the Institute fur Festkoperforschungs” Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany from 1994-1995. He was then the Director of the Analysis Laboratory of Aviation fuels for the Northern Greek Army Air Force Installations during his obligatory duty in the Greek Army, from 1995-1997. Then he conducted a second post-doc at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, from 1997-1998. He became a Research Fellow of Prof. Nikos Hadjichristidis at the NKUA, Chemistry Department from 1998-2002. He became an Assistant professor of the Chemistry Department of NKUA on 2002, an Associate Professor on 2009 and a Professor on 2015. He is the Director of the Graduate Program “Polymer Science and its Applications to the Industry”, Industrial Chemistry Laboratory, Chemistry Department, NKUA since 2015, while he became the Director of the Industrial Chemistry Lab of Chemistry Department of NKUA since 2018. He serves as member of the Steering Committee of the Hellenic Polymer Society (2012-now) and a founding member of the Hellenic Society of Nanotechnology in Health Sciences. His research interests are in the areas of Polymer Chemistry, synthesis of biomaterials for drug and gene delivery, synthesis of nanostructured materials for biological applications, “smart” responsive nanomaterials for targeted drug delivery applications. He has published more than 150 papers in referred journals.

Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences (GSALS), The University of Tokyo, Japan
Dr. Tadahisa Iwata is a Professor at Laboratory of Science of Polymeric Materials, Department of Biomaterial Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences (GSALS), The University of Tokyo, Japan. From 2023, he becomes a Vice-Dean of GSALS and Special Advisor to the President. He graduated from Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University in 1989. He was a French Government Scholarship foreign student studied at CERMAV-CRNS (Grenoble, France) in 1992-93 and obtained his PhD degree in Wood Science & Technology from Kyoto University in 1994. He spent 10 years at the RIKEN Institute, Japan, as a vice-head of Polymer Chemistry Laboratory. In 2006, he became Associate Professor in the University of Tokyo, where he was promoted to Professor in 2012. His major research interests are in biodegradable polymer, bio-based polymers and polymer structure. Dr. Iwata has published more than 250 papers, 70 reviews, 30 books, and 40 patents. He received the Award of the Society of Fiber Science and Technology, Japan (2006), the German Innovation Award, Gottfried Wagener Prize, Germany (2009) and the Award of the Society of Polymer Science, Japan (2018). More recently, he received Awards for Science and Technology (Research Category), Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education、Culture、Sports、Science and Technology (2020).

Full Professor at the University of Bologna, performs her research in the Chemistry and Technology of Polymers. The research interests are directed in particular to the synthesis and molecular, solid and melt characterization of polycondensates and the chemical modification of commercial polymers. She currently focuses her research on synthetic plastic from renewable sources for food, biomedical and electronic packaging applications and on biopolymers for biomedical use. Engaged in national and international research projects, she collaborates with several European institutes. Author of numerous publications, is a peer review of several Polymer Science Journals.

Sustainable UV-Cured polymers from coatings to composites and additive manufacturing
Marco Sangermano is an Associate Professor of polymer science and technology at Politecnico di Torino, where he leads the Photopolymer lab. His research activity is focused on photopolymerization and its application on the fabrication of advanced hybrid materials, coatings, membranes, 3D printing and UV-Cured scaffold for tissue engineering. He is also working on the development of new monomers from biorenewable resources to be used in the production of more environmentally-friendly materials. He currently collaborates with numerous academic and the R&D of many corporate partners worldwide. He is co-author of over 300 papers and several patents.

Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Potsdam, Germany Website
Joachim Venus, Senior Scientist “Industrial Biotechnology” holds a diploma on Biotechnology (Anhalt Universi-ty of Applied Sciences Köthen, 1980–1984) and a PhD on Bioengineering (Technical University Dresden, 1984–1988). Before he began his work at ATB Potsdam in 2003, he worked at the Institute of Biotechnology Pots-dam (1988-1991), the University of Potsdam (1992-1996) and the Brandenburg University of Technology (1997-2003). Currently he is head of the research group bioconversion and his work emphasized on the development and optimization of fermentation processes for the production of fine & basic chemicals - in particular organic acids - from biogenic resources. His research focuses on the pre-treatment and valorization of renewable raw materials and residues, the development of biorefinery concepts, and the establishment of long-term stable, continuously operated bioprocesses. Joachim Venus is in charge of numerous (inter-)national research projects being carried out in the multi-functional pilot plant for the scale-up of bioprocesses based on biomass and residues. He is the author or co-author of more than 80 peer-reviewed publications and several book/review contribu-tions and editorials.

Professor Ning Yan holds a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Bioproducts at the University of Toronto. She has also held a University of Toronto Distinguished Professorship in Forestry Biomaterials Engineering and an Endowed Chair in Value Added Wood and Composites previously. Professor Yan has disseminated more than 200 peer-reviewed papers in leading scientific journals. She is an internationally recognized expert in biomaterials engineering, green chemistry, and biopolymer science. She has won numerous prestigious awards for her teaching and research excellences, including the Bill Burgess Teaching Award, Early Researcher Award, and NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplements Award. Professor Yan is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC), International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS), and Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE). Professor Yan obtained her PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Toronto in 1997. She is currently an Associate Editor of the ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering journal.

Poly(ester itaconate)s as bio-based oligomers for additive manufacturing
Tobias Robert received his Ph.D. in 2010 in the group of Hans-Günther Schmalz at the University of Cologne (Germany) in the field of asymmetric transition metal catalysis. After a postdoctoral research stay with Philip Jessop and Michael Cunningham (2010-2012) at Queen’s University in Kingston (Canada), he joined the Fraunhofer WKI as a research scientist in 2013. His research focusses on bio-based polymers with a focus on UV-curing polyester resins derived from itaconic acid for coatings and 3D-printing applications. His scientific work has been published in more than 35 papers and he is involed in several national and international research projects in the field of bio-based materials.

Department Head Polymer Technology, Institute of Membrane Research, Germany
A way to be more efficient in polymer synthesis via the use of digital twins.
Prokopios Georgopanos obtained his diploma from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Ioannina, Greece. He received his M.Sc. and Ph.D. working on polymer synthesis, characterization, and their applications in nanotechnology. After joining 2011 the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden in Germany as a post-doctoral fellow in February 2012, he works at the Institute of Membrane Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon in Geesthacht near Hamburg in Germany, with a focus on sustainable synthesis, chemical modification, and characterization of new polymeric materials for membranes. After positions as project leader since 2019, he is department head of Polymer Technology in the same institute with a focus on sustainable polymer synthesis in laboratory and pilot scale supported by simulation and modeling, as well as sustainable fabrication of membranes and composites for gas or liquid separation and applications in hydrogen and carbon dioxide storage. Since 2023, he is doing his habilitation in Technical and Macromolecular Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Hamburg while teaching Macromolecular Chemistry and Polymer Science at the same university.

University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P), Sustainable Materials Research Center, Morocco
Sweet polyesters
Professor Habibi holds a dual Ph.D. in Organic and Polymer Chemistry from Joseph Fourier University (Grenoble, France) and the University of Cadi Ayyad (Marrakech, Morocco). After an international career (US, Belgium and Luxembourg), he joined the University Mohammed VI Polytechnic (UM6P) in Morocco to take up a Chair in Sustainable Materials. He is a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS), a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), and a Fellow of the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM). Prof. Habibi works across many branches of the development of sustainable materials through green chemical processes and his research interests encompass the design of new bio-derived polymers and (nano)fillers, the development of biomaterials and high-performance nanocomposites from lignocellulosic materials, biomass conversion and recycling technologies, and the application of novel analytical tools to biomass. He is the author of over 120 peer-reviewed articles and has been included in the Global Highly Cited Researchers (Clarivate Analytics) over the past four years. He also authored over 20 book chapters and edited one book.
S2. Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers - Green Monomer Synthesis By Design
S3. Polymer Processing
S4. Special Polymers
S5. Polymer (Nano)Composites
S6. Polymer Applications
S7. Environmental Aspects - Recycling, Upcycling, and Reuse
Polymers 2024 Videos

In-Person Registration
The registration fee includes attendance at all conference sessions, morning/afternoon coffee breaks, lunches, a conference bag, and a program book. Participation in the conference is considered final only once the registration fees have been paid. The number of participants is limited: once the number of paid registrations reaches the maximum number of participants, unpaid registrations will be canceled.
When registering, please provide us with your institutional email address. This will accelerate the registration process.
Important Information
Please note that abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes. During registration, please provide us with the same email address you used to submit your abstract(s). Otherwise, leave us a comment in the registration form, providing the email address used during the submission process. In addition, please use your institutional email address for both processes.
In order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by any of the authors, denoted as the Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. The Covering Author registration deadline is 14 April 2024. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.
Participants of the event will be able to download an electronic Certificate of Attendance by accessing their dashboards on Sciforum.net once the event is concluded. The certificates will be found under the "My Certificates" category.
Registration Fees
Early Bird Until 2nd April 2024 |
Regular Until 13th May 2024 |
Late From 14th May 2024 |
Supported documents | |
Academic – Research Institutions | 500.00 EUR | 600.00 EUR | 650.00 EUR | |
Student | 300.00 EUR | 400.00 EUR | 450.00 EUR |
Scanned copy or photograph of your current student ID is required. |
BIOMAC Project Partners | 300.00 EUR | 400.00 EUR | 500.00 EUR | |
Editorial Board Members of Polymers | 400.00 EUR | 500.00 EUR | 550.00 EUR | |
Non-Academic | 700.00 EUR | 800.00 EUR | 850.00 EUR |
Price | |
Conference Dinner | 60.00 EUR |
Free Registration Options
Chairs, Invited Speakers, MDPI Guests |
Cancellation policy
Cancellation of paid registration is possible under the terms listed below: | |
> 2 months before the conference | Full refund but 60 EUR is retained for administration |
> 1 month before the conference | Refund 50% of the applying fees |
> 2 weeks before the conference | Refund 25% of the applying fees |
< 2 weeks before the conference | No refund |
In the unlikely event that MDPI deems it necessary to cancel the conference, all pre-paid registration fees will be reimbursed. MDPI shall not be liable for reimbursing the cost of travel or accommodation arrangements made by individual delegates.
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The organizers do not accept liability for personal accident, loss, or damage to private property incurred as a result of participation in Polymers 2024 - Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future. Delegates are advised to arrange appropriate insurance to cover travel, cancellation costs, medical, and theft or damage of belongings.
MDPI Conference Admissions Policy
- All registered conference delegates are asked to always wear their badges throughout the conference.
- Conference sessions, the catering area, and the poster area are solely restricted to badge holders. Any person attending these areas without a badge will be asked to leave the premises.
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- Press badges are restricted to publishers, editors, journalists, broadcasters, and web bloggers associated with the conference subject area. Members of the press may be asked to produce accreditation in the form of a photocopy of a recognized press or media card, a business card, a letter from the editor, or an official web address linking to a press release in order to verify their position.
- Photographs and videos may be taken during the conference. Anyone attending the conference consents to such photography and filming without compensation and confirms that the Organizers shall be entitled to use such photographs and videos, which may include photographs and videos of visitors, for the purpose of marketing the conference in the future and for exploitation in any and all media, without liability.
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Gala dinner
Thursday, 30 May 2024, 8:00 pm EEST
We invite you to join us at the Conference Dinner at the Royal Olympic Hotel, a family run five star property in the center of Athens, which will make of your evening at the restaurant an experience to remember. The hotel lays just in front of the famous Temple of Zeus and National Garden, underneath the Acropolis and only 2 minutes walk to the new Acropolis Museum.
The dinner will be at an additional cost of 60 EUR and will need to be booked separately in an independent registration. Please register and pay for it here before 15 May 2024 and save your seat. During the registration process, please indicate any dietary restriction in the comments.
You are welcome to bring any accompanying persons by booking their seats. Please note that registrations onsite will not be permitted.
Book of Abstracts

Program Overview
Detailed Program
Day 1 – Tuesday, 28 May 2024
13:00-14:00 |
Check-In |
14:00-14:15 |
Opening Ceremony |
S1. Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future (Part I)chaired by Ioanna Deligkiozi |
14:15-15:00 |
Mina Hakkarainen |
Designed from biobased for increased circularity |
15:00-15:15 |
Shanmugam Thiyagarajan |
Synthesis of biobased (co)polyesters with tuneable thermal properties |
15:15-15:30 |
Edoardo Miravalle |
Thermoplastic-like Recycling of Biobased Thermoset Polyurethane Using Covalent Adaptable Network Mechanisms |
15:30-15:45 |
Stamatina Vouyiouka |
Sustainable designing and recycling/upcycling of biopolyesters |
15:45-16:00 |
Samara Costa |
Life cycle assessment for blends of recycled PET and Bio-PET: circular innovations |
16:00-16:30 |
Coffee Break |
S1. Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future (Part II)chaired by Youssef Habbibi |
16:30-16:50 |
Tobias Robert |
Poly(ester itaconate)s as bio-based oligomers for additive manufacturing |
16:50-17:05 |
Sofia Makri |
Ultrasound-assisted process for the production of lignin nanoparticles |
17:05-17:20 |
Mercedes Bettelli |
Sustainable Bio-based Foams and Bioplastics from Wheat Gluten Proteins |
17:20-17:35 |
Mari Cruz García-Gutiérrez |
Processing, structure, and properties relationship of silk fibroin: a sustainable biopolymer |
17:35-17:50 |
Nisha Middleton |
Optimising Sustainable Plastics for Food Packaging Films |
17:50-18:05 |
Olalla Sanchez-Sobrado |
Reinforced Polymeric material based on glass fiber from wind turbines for 3D printing technologies feedstock biomaterials |
18:05-18:35 |
Joachim Venus |
Bioconversion of lignocellulosic hydrolysates into lactic acid |
18:35-20:30 |
Welcome Drink |
Day 2 – Wednesday, 29 May 2024
S5. Polymer (Nano)Compositeschaired by Gianmarco Griffini |
09:00-09:30 |
Tadahisa Iwata |
Development and Marine Biodegradation of High-Performance Biodegradable Biomass Plastics |
09:30-09:45 |
Valadoula Deimede |
IL-Graphene oxide polyamide nanofiltration membranes: Preparation, performance and anti-fouling properties |
09:45-10:00 |
Richard Thompson |
Reinforcement of GO Composites using Rigid and Flexible Crosslinkers |
10:00-10:15 |
Anastassia Rissanou |
Hydrated Graphene Oxide/Polymer Nanocomposites: A Computational Study |
10:15-10:30 |
Giacomo Marra |
Scaling Sustainability: Nanolignin-Enhanced PLA Functionalization through Reactive Extrusion |
10:30-10:45 |
Kristine Aleksayan |
Biocomposites based on PLA with silver nanoparticles |
10:45-11:00 |
Annika Byrne |
Small Additive, Big impact—Bio(nano)materials in the BIOMAC Open Innovation Test Bed |
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee Break & Session Poster A
S5. Polymer (Nano)Composites (Part II)chaired by Nadia Lotti |
11:30-12:00 |
Gianmarco Griffini |
Lignin as a valuable tool for functional materials: coatings, composites and beyond |
12:00-12:15 |
Carlota Hernández Fernández |
Development of Lignin-Based Polyurethane Adhesives |
12:15-12:30 |
Huy Nguyen |
Evaluating the ultra-fine grinding for the continuous production of nanofibrillated cellulose |
12:30-12:45 |
Katerina Koshenaj |
Rheological Properties of HPP Starch-based Hydrogels Loaded with Bioactive Compounds |
12:45-13:00 |
Magdalena Gierszewska |
Chitosan edible food packages containing deep eutectic solvent and olive leaves extract |
13:00-14:15 |
Lunch Break
S2. Biobased and Polymers - Green Monomer Synthesis by Design (Part I)chaired by Stamatina Vouyiouka |
14:15-15:00 |
Armando Silvestre |
Biobased polymers and (nano)cellulose based composites: a contribution to more sustainable materials |
15:00-15:15 |
Michelina Soccio |
Biobased and compostable multiblock copolymer of poly(L-lactic acid) and poly(pentamethylene 2,5-furanoate): design, synthesis and characterization |
15:15-15:30 |
Josemar Gonçalves de Oliveira Filho | Rapid manufacturing of smart nanofibers: Solution blow spinning polycaprolactone with anthocyanins from agri-food sources |
15:30-15:45 |
Emine Ayşe Turhan |
Enhancing Wood Polymer Composites Performance through Carboxylation of Wood Fibers |
15:45-16:00 |
Flore Kilens |
Copoly(ester-ether)s from Biobased Monomers: Tunable Properties for Sustainable Packaging |
16:00-16:30 |
Coffee Break
S2. Polymer Synthesis - Sustainable (Upscale/Industrial) Productionchaired by Sylvain Caillol |
16:30-17:00 |
Nathanaël Guigo |
New avenues for biobased furanic polymers |
17:00-17:15 |
Anne-Sophie Schuller |
Development of an electrospun bi-layer membrane of PLA nanofibers on a hydrogel film for wound dressing application |
17:15-17.30 |
David De Smet |
A pathway to green polyurethanes for textiles |
17:30-17:45 |
Wael Almustafa |
Chemical synthesis of atactic Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (a-P3HB) by self-polycondensation: catalyst screening and characterization |
17:45-18:00 |
Helena Monteiro |
Environmental life cycle assessment of bio-based polymer intermediate products – identifying potential benefits and challenges |
18:00-18:15 |
Agata Olszewska-Widdrat |
Bioprocess optimization for succinic acid production from lignocellulosic biomass |
18:15-18:35 |
Youssef Habibi Invited Speaker |
Sweet polyesters |
Day 3 – Thursday, 30 May 2024
S1. Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future (Part III)chaired by Zoi Terzopoulou |
09:00-09:30 |
Ning Yan |
Developing Bio-Based Polymers with Dynamic Bonds for Recyclability |
09:30-09:45 |
Zhaobin Qiu |
Structure and properties of biobased and/or biodegradable polymers |
09:45-10:00 |
Ramin Farnood |
Application of Eco-friendly Polymers to Enhance Wet-strength Properties of Cellulosic Food Packaging Materials |
10:00-10:15 |
Fakhri-Eddin Lahfaidh |
Exploring and understanding the recycling of a biobased epoxy thermoset via saponification |
10:15-10:30 |
Loic Hilliou |
From the seaweeds’ carrageenan composition to the carrageenans’ gel properties: can we establish a link? |
10:30-10:45 |
Shreyas Aralumallige Chandregowda |
Investigating sodium carboxymethyl cellulose bio-flocculant interaction with Kaolinite: Insights from sedimentation tests, analytical techniques, and Molecular Dynamic Simulation. |
10:45-11:00 |
Sofia Mylona | Thermal Conductivity Enhancement of PE-RT samples with M5 and GNRs25 fillers |
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee Break & Session Poster B |
S3. Polymer Processingchaired by Tobias Robert |
11:30-12:00 |
Marco Sangermano |
Sustainable UV-Cured polymers from coatings to composites and additive manufacturing |
12:00-12:15 |
Georgios Bokias |
Novel composite hydrogel adsorbents for the efficient adsorption of uranyl and copper ions |
12:15-12:30 |
Sacha Pérocheau Arnaud |
Understanding additive degradation pathways and formation of Non-Intentionally Added Substances (NIAS) in polystyrene: impact on chemical structure and thermo-mechanical properties |
12:15-12:30 |
Harshada Ravindranath Chothe |
Optimizing 3D Printing Parameters for Enhancing Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Fiber-Filled Polymer Filaments |
12:15-12:30 |
Daniel Barker |
A bioderived CO2-responsive rigid foam as an alternative to expanded polystyrene |
13:00-14:15 |
Lunch Break
S7. Environmental Aspects - Recycling, Upcycling and Reusechaired by Dimitra Lambropoulou |
14:15-15:00 |
Damià Barceló |
Microplastics in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments : Green Analytical Protocols, Vectors of Pharmaceuticals and Risk to Biota |
15:00-15:15 |
George Kyzas |
Chitosan/graphene oxide@kappa-carrageenan composites for the adsorption of hexavalent chromium, trivalent arsenic and fluoride ions from wastewaters |
15:15-15:30 |
Franciele Saorin |
Upcycling perfumery: a sustainable guide to recycling SURLYNTM perfume caps |
15:30-15:45 |
Sara Exojo-Trujillo |
Characterization of microplastics exposed to UV irradiation and their behavior as sorbents of organic contaminants |
15:45-16:00 |
Michail Maniadakis |
Polymer Waste Sorting Technologies to Support the Circular economy |
16:00-16:30 |
Coffee Break
S4. Special PolymersChaired by Andrea Dorigato |
16:30-17:00 |
Sylvain Caillol |
A journey around circularity in polymers, from renewable resources to recycling |
17:00-17:15 |
Vicent Lapinte |
3D/4D Printed Polyoxazoline Hydrogels |
17:15-17:30 |
Célia Ziane |
Sustainable High Performance Self-Catalyzed Epoxy-Amine Vitrimers |
17:30-17:45 |
Sergejs Gaidukovs |
Synthesis and photoprinting of vegetable oil-based acrylate elastomers for energy harvesting structures |
17:45-18:00 |
Yana Shymborska |
Multi-Technique Surface Analysis of Smart Copolymer Brush Coatings with Composition-Dependent Temperature-Response Mechanism |
18:00-18:15 |
Changseop Kim |
Double-Layer Solid Polymer Electrolyte Using PEO and PVDF-HFP for All-Solid-State Batteries |
18:15-18:35 |
Prokopios Georgopanos |
A way to be more efficient in polymer synthesis via the use of digital twins |
Day 4 – Friday, 31 May 2024
S6. Polymer ApplicationsChaired by Nathanaël Guigo |
09:00-09:30 |
Nadia Lotti |
Ad hoc chemical designed furan-based polymers for sustainable monomaterial food packaging. |
09:30-09:45 |
Xiao Hu |
Ultrasound-Controlled Protein-Based Films and Nanofibers for Biomedical and Sustainable Applications |
09:45-10:00 |
Johanna Langwieser |
Investigation of the impact of single and double filtration systems on post-consumer PE-LD film waste |
10:00-10:15 |
Soonmi Yoo |
Phantom surface dose assessment with application of PLA (Polylactic Acid) and PBT (Polybutylene Terephthalate) elastomer 3D printed boluses for high energy photon radiation therapy of the nasal cavity |
10:15-10:30 |
Olena Sevastyanova |
Innovative polyester binders for the next-generation lithium-ion battery electrodes |
10:30-10:45 |
Andrea Dorigato |
Novel polylactide/poly(pentamethylene furanoate) blends for bioderived packaging films with multifunctional properties |
10:45-11:00 |
Sarawut Rimdusit |
Multi-stimuli Controlled Properties of Biobased Benzoxazine-Urethan Copolymers with Multiple Shape Memory Effects |
11:00-11:30 |
Coffee Break
S5.Polymer Applications (Part II)chaired by Evangelos Karavas |
11:30-12:00 |
Hermis Iatrou |
A novel mechanism of nanostructured materials to treat cancer, cardiovascular, kidney and autoimmune diseases |
12:00-12:15 |
Liudmyla Gryshchuk |
New bio-based, biocompatible, biodegradable (co)polymers to develop functional (nano)capsules with antimicrobial properties |
12:15-12:30 |
Giulia Fredi |
Electrospun Mats Based on Furanoate Polyesters: Processing, Characterization and Performance for Controlled Drug Release |
12:30-12:45 |
Nina Kulikova |
Leucine-Based Pseudo-Proteins as Perspective Biomaterials for Skin Wound Dressings |
12:45-13:00 |
Christian Dauwe |
Understanding Molecular Pathway from Monomer via Polymer/Biopolymer to Degradation Products using simple HPLC-System equipped with newest Chromatography Tools |
13:00-13:15 |
Zoé Garisoain |
Biodegradable Microparticles Of Polydepsipeptide And Polylactic Acid For Drug Delivery Applications |
13:15-13:30 |
Michel Habib |
4D printing of soft shape-morphing alginate hydrogels as biomedical devices |
13:30-13:45 |
Rafail Ionnidis |
Novel biobased poly(lactic acid)-co-poly(ethylene azelate) (PLA-co-PEAz) copolyesters as potential substrates for printing electronics (PE) |
13:45-14:00 |
Awards- Closing Ceremony
Poster Sessions
The posters have been divided into two groups and will be presented in one of the two poster sessions.
Poster Session A
Posters: A1 – A95
Wednesday, 29 May 2024
Posters should be set up on Wednesday morning and must be removed by 19:00 on the same day.
Poster Session B
Posters: B1 – B94
Thursday, 30 May 2024
Posters should be set up on Thursday morning and must be removed by 19:00 on the same day.
Each presenter will be provided with a vertical poster board. Note that the maximum poster size limited to A0:
- 84 x 120 cm / 33 x 47 in (width x height)
- in vertical orientation (portrait)
Please print your poster prior to the conference.
The session for each poster, along with the poster numbers, titles, and presenting author, can be found below. Please contact us if the poster presenter's name is incorrect in this list.
By clicking on the icon below, you can view and download the list of posters (updated 24.05.2024)
POLYMERS 2024 satellite event
BIOMAC Stakeholder engagement workshop
«Bridging Innovation, Funding, and Collaboration in Greece»
As part of the BIOMAC project's stakeholder engagement initiative, we are thrilled to announce a satellite event in Greece, coinciding with the prestigious POLYMERS 2024 conference. This event serves as a unique opportunity for stakeholders in Greece, particularly SMEs, to connect with the cutting-edge advancements of the BIOMAC Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) and explore avenues for collaboration.
Register now for free to secure your spot at this dynamic event: https://grevent.biomac-oitb.eu/
*The event will be held in Greek language.
Venue, Travel and Accommodation
Athens is the historic and vibrant capital of Greece, where ancient wonders meet modern delights. Steeped in rich history and mythology, Athens is a city that beckons visitors with its timeless allure.
Explore iconic landmarks such as the majestic Acropolis, where the Parthenon stands proudly, offering breathtaking views of the city. Immerse yourself in the city's ancient past at the National Archaeological Museum, housing a vast collection of artifacts from Greece's ancient civilizations. Stroll through the charming Plaka neighborhood, lined with picturesque streets, traditional tavernas, and quaint shops. Experience the lively atmosphere of Monastiraki Square, bustling with vibrant markets and enticing street food.
For art enthusiasts, the Benaki Museum and the Museum of Cycladic Art showcase magnificent Greek art spanning centuries. Athens also boasts a vibrant contemporary art scene, with numerous galleries and exhibitions.
Indulge in Greek cuisine at the city's renowned restaurants, savoring traditional dishes like moussaka and souvlaki, accompanied by locally produced wines and spirits.
Athens' warm Mediterranean climate offers the perfect backdrop for wandering through the city, from the ancient Agora to the beautifully landscaped National Gardens. As you explore this captivating city, you'll find that Athens seamlessly blends its glorious past with its dynamic present.
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The War Museum
We are delighted to host the conference at the prestigious War Museum in Athens. This historic venue offers a unique backdrop that seamlessly combines history, innovation, and knowledge. Located in the heart of Athens, the War Museum provides versatile spaces for presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities. With its central location and easy access to transportation and hotels, it ensures convenience for participants from around the world. Join us in this inspiring setting as we bring together experts and enthusiasts for an event to be remembered.
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Address: Rizari 2-4, Athina 106 75, Greece
- 3-minute walk from 'Evangelismos' Metro Station (M3/Blue Line);
- 15-minute walk from 'Syntagma' Metro Station (M2/Red Line and M3/Blue Line);
- 25-minute walk from 'Monastiraki' Metro Station (M1/Green Line and M3/Blue Line);
- The following bus lines have routes that pass near the museum: 203, 211, 235, 550, 608, and 815.
By Plane:
Athens is easily accessible by air, with the Athens International Airport 'Eleftherios Venizelos' (ATH) serving as the primary gateway to the city. Located just 35 kilometers east of the city center, it offers excellent connectivity to major destinations worldwide. Numerous international airlines operate direct flights to Athens from various cities across the globe, making it convenient for conference attendees to reach the vibrant capital.
Upon arrival at Athens International Airport, attendees can easily access the city center through the following transportation options:
- By metro: The airport provides a direct metro connection, with M3 (Blue Line) offering a quick and efficient journey to central Athens. The M3 metro departs towards Nikaia twice an hour. Depending on the location of your hotel, after a 40-minute ride, you can get off at the metro stop 'Syntagma' or metro stop 'Monastiraki'. For the conference venue, get off at the 'Evangelismos' metro stop. A one-way ticket costs EUR 9 and can be purchased at the metro station at the airport. The last metro from the airport leaves around 11:30 pm.
- By taxi: Taxis are readily available outside the airport terminals, providing a comfortable and convenient way to reach your accommodation. The ride will take 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the traffic. Taxis heading to the city center operate on a standard fare, which is 35 euros during the daytime (from 5:00 am to midnight) and 49 euros at night. Additional charges may apply. You will find the taxis directly opposite the arrivals hall at Exit 3, but you can also book this transfer in advance. VTC apps that work in Athens are Uber, FREE NOW, Bolt, and Beat, and they might offer cheaper rates.
Hotel President: 43 Kifisias Ave. 115 23. 2.3 km away from the conference venue.
Athenaeum Grand Hotel: 142 Andrea Syggrou Ave., Kallithea 3.2 km away from the conference venue.
Niche Hotel Athens: 21 Syngrou Avenue & 2 Vourvachi,11743. 1.9km away from the conference venue.
Zafolia Hotel: 87-89 Alexandras Avenue, 114 74. 2.2km away from the conference venue.
To ensure availability, we encourage you to book your accommodation as soon as possible.
Beware of Unauthorized Registration and Hotel Solicitations
Note that Sciforum is the only official registration platform to register to Polymers 2024 and that we are not associated with any hotel agency (other than those listed above). While other hotel resellers and travel agencies may contact you with offers for your trip, they are not endorsed by or affiliated with Polymers 2024 or Sciforum. Beware that entering into financial agreements with non-endorsed companies can have costly consequences.
Visa Information
Please note that you must apply for your own visa application. MDPI is not responsible for any visa application; however, MDPI can provide a Visa Support Letter. See here for information on obtaining a visa for Greece.
Instructions for Authors
Polymers 2024 will accept abstracts only. The accepted abstracts will be available online on Sciforum.net during and after the conference. Moreover, participants will have the opportunity to contribute a full manuscript to a Special Issue related to the conference in the open-access journal Polymers.
Please note that abstract submission and conference registration are two separate processes. Please use your institutional email address for both processes.
- Create an account on Sciforum if you do not have one, then click on ‘New Submission’ in the upper-right corner of the window; or, click on ‘Submit Abstract’ at the top of this webpage.
- Choose a session that is best suited for your research.
- Submit an abstract in English—the word limits are a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 300 words.
- The deadline to submit your abstract is 19 February 2024. You will be notified about its acceptance by 4 March 2024.
- Upon submission, you can select if you wish to be considered for oral or poster presentation (or both). Following assessment by the Chairs and Scientific Committee, you will be notified by 4 March 2024 whether your contribution has been accepted for oral or poster presentation.
- Please note that, in order to finalize the scientific program in due time, at least one registration by any of the authors, denoted as Covering Author, is required to cover the presentation and publication of any accepted abstract. Covering Author registration deadline is 14 April 2024. Your abstract will be withdrawn if your registration is not complete by this date.
Invited talks will be 30 minutes long, including questions (25 minutes oral presentation + 5 minutes Q&A).
Short talks will be 15 minutes long, including questions (10 minutes oral presentation + 5 minutes Q&A).
Please ensure that your slides are formatted in widescreen (16:9) aspect ratio.
Each presenter will be provided with a vertical poster board and double-tape. Maximum poster size is limited to A0: 84 x 120 cm / 33 x 47 in (width x height) in the vertical orientation (portrait). Please print your poster prior to the conference. A plan for the poster session will be circulated later.
All accepted abstracts will be available online in Open Access form on Sciforum.net during and after the conference.
- Participants of this conference are cordially invited to contribute with a full manuscript to the Special Issue "From Biomass Fractionation to Final Biobased Polymer Nanocomposites in European Sustainable Biobased Nanomaterials Community (BIOMAC)" related to the conference in the journal Polymers, with a 20% discount on the publication fees. Please note that no other discounts will be applicable.
- Polymers is indexed within Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, and other databases and has an Impact Factor of 5.0 (2022) and a 5-Year Impact Factor of 5.0 (2022).
Event Awards
In order to recognize the works presented during the conference in the format of posters and presentations, two awards will be offered to our conference participants, sponsored by the journal Polymers. The award winners will be selected by the Chairs and Scientific Committee after evaluation of all selected talks and posters presented at the conference.
We will be offering the following two awards to our conference attendees:
The Awards
Number of Awards Available: 1
Prize: EUR 600
Number of Awards Available: 1
Prize: EUR 500
Special Event Award
Founded in 2009 by organic research scientists, Ossila aims to drive intelligent and efficient scientific research and discoveries. Within their goals, Ossila is always aiming to promote the students and early career researchers journeys.
Within Polymers 2024, Ossila is sponsoring a special award for the best student poster. The award winner will be selected by the Chairs and Scientific Committee after evaluation of all posters presented by students at the conference.
Best Student Poster Award
Number of Awards Available: 1
Prize: EUR 500
Visa Information
Please note that you must apply for your own visa application. MDPI is not responsible for any visa application. However, MDPI can provide a Visa Support Letter. To be eligible for such a document, the criteria below must be fulfilled.
Visa Support Letter
- Applicants must have paid for registration and submitted an abstract in order to get a letter of support.
- Applicants must provide us with a scan of their valid, in-date passport that contains a photo of them.
- Applicants must provide us with a letter of support from their institution to confirm that they support the delegate attending the meeting.
Deadline for Visa Support Letter
- The deadline for the Visa Support Letter's expressions of interest is the 19 February 2024. Be careful, as "last minute" requests will not be processed.
More useful information on visa application
Sponsors and Partners
Find all information on sponsorship opportunities in our Sponsorship Agenda. If you have any questions or wish to discuss options further, please do not hesitate to contact us at polymers2024@mdpi.com.
For information regarding sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please click here.
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsors
Partnering Societies
Media Partners
S1. Polymer Synthesis - Sustainable (Upscale/Industrial) Production
- Safe and Sustainable By Design Polymers
- Polymer Synthesis, Reactions, and Kinetics
- Novel Synthetic and Polymerization Methods
- Relationships of Polymers Structure-Property
- Design, Modelling, and Simulation in Polymers
- Designed Polymer Architectures Technologies
- Polymer Structures
- Polymer Green Production Processes
- Chemical and Physical Properties of Polymers
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S2. Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers - Green Monomer Synthesis By Design
- Biodegradable Polymers
- Biobased Polymers
- Polymers from Renewable Resources
- Biopolymers and Bio-related Polymer Materials
- Sustainable Polymeric Materials
- Green Techniques for Biomass (pre)Treatment and Valorisation
- Production of Biobased Monomer and Additives
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S3. Polymer Processing
- Additive Manufacturing
- Extrusion and Injection Moulding
- Functional Additives
- Reactive Extrusion
- 3D-printing
- Organic and Hybrid Coatings
- Polymer Surface and Interfaces
- Morphology and Structural Development
- Rheology and Characterization
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S4. Special Polymers
- Smart and Functional Polymers
- Bioinspired Polymers
- Polymer Hydrogels
- Supramolecular Polymers
- Self-Assembled and Self-Healing Polymers
- Conducting Polymers
- Liquid Crystalline Polymers
- Rubber and Elastomers
- Engineering Polymers
- Commodity Polymers
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S5. Polymer (Nano)Composites
- Polymer Composites and Nanocomposites
- Polymers for Nanotechnology
- Mixing and Compounding
- Polymers Processing, Engineering, and Rheology
- Polymer Blends and Alloys
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S6. Polymer Applications
- Polymers for Foam, Films, and Fibres
- Polymers for Packaging, Buildings and Construction, Automotive, Electrical, Agriculture, etc.
- Polymers for Drug and Gene Delivery
- Polymers for Biomedical Engineering
- Polymers in Opto- and Electronic Applications
- Polymers for Energy and Environmental Applications
- Polymer Membranes for Separation Technology
- Polymers for Environmental Contaminates Recovery
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S7. Environmental Aspects - Recycling, Upcycling, and Reuse
- Plastics Waste and Polymer Recycling
- Plastic Reuse
- Plastic (Bio)Degradability
- New Depolymerization Techniques (Microwave, Pyrolysis, Enzymatic)
- Microplastics
- Human health and Environmental Aspects of Polymers
- Polymer Toxicity
- Life Cycle Assessment of Polymers
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