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Standards Webinar | Coming up to Standards

Series of Lectures in Celebration of 53rd World Standards Day

28 Sep 2022, 14:00 (CEST)

ISO Standards, industry, Publishing
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Welcome from the Chair

1st Standards Webinar

“Coming up to Standards”, Series of Lectures in Celebration of 53rd World Standards Day

Alphabetic writing started three millennia ago in the Sinai Peninsula, and continued in ancient Phoenicia, Israel, Greece, and Italy. The Latin alphabet was developed in the Roman Empire and its symbols and letters have been changing over the last millennium, but they have become the main global script today. A similar development occurred with numbers and their symbols—numerals. The Egyptians had been the first to use the ciphered numeral system, followed by Greeks’ numbers and the Roman numeral system which had combined several letters of the Roman alphabet into numbers which were used in Europe until the end of the 14th century when the Hindu-Arabic numeral system started to substitute them; it spread out to the whole world at the present.

Weights and measures were the next groups that evolved with human development. A unit of measurement was agreed upon, most often imposed by a national sovereign or international emperor. In the beginning, the measures were based on the human body, e.g., inch, foot, or natural phenomena, e.g., day, year. The French revolution brought up the metric, decimal system. It was initiated in 1792 and the first prototypes of meter and kilogram were standardized in 1799. In 1861 coherent measurement units were introduced with the units of length (centimeter), mass (gram), and time (second). In 1875 the Meter Convention was signed by 17 member states. In 1901 the General Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) declared a kilogram as a unit of mass, not of weight. In 1960, the CGPM accepted the International System of Units (Système International d’Unités, SI) with four additional “base units”: second for a time duration, ampere for electric current, kelvin for thermodynamic temperature, and candela for luminous intensity; 16 “derived units” with special names were accepted, too. The seventh base unit, mole for amount of substance was accepted by the CGPM in 1971. Six additional derived units with special names have been gradually adopted, bringing their number to 22.

The system of quantities was the last to be developed and standardized globally. Quantity is a property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be expressed by means of a number and a reference (unit). In 1988, the International Organization for Standardization, ISO, in cooperation with the International Electrotechnical Commission, IEC, published the first edition of the international standard ISO 31 Quantities and units in 14 parts, and ISO 1 000 SI units and recommendations for use. In 1992 both standards were substituted by ISO 80000 Quantities and units. After having worldwide acceptable letters, numerals, and measurement units we already have the International System of Quantities (ISQ), which was legally accepted by members from 165 countries (including the UK and USA). The authors of scientific journals and journal lectors shall use the International System of Units (SI) for all dimensional quantities and respect the ISO 80000 standard rules on the names and symbols of quantities and units.

Date: 28 September 2022

Time: 2:00pm CEST | 8:00am EDT | 8:00pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 875 7927 9918

Webinar Secretariat:


Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia

Professor Peter Glavič is Professor Emeritus at the University of Maribor. He graduated in Chemical Technology, and later in Economics and Business; he earned his Master and Doctoral degrees in Chemistry. He held managerial positions in paper-, chemical-, and metallurgical industries for nine years. For eight years he was a Member of Parliament in the Republic of Slovenia, both at the National Assembly and the National Council. He served as Professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Maribor for thirty years. As vice rector for research and development at the University of Maribor, and as vice dean at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering he influenced the R&D development in Slovenia very much. Ha was president and vice-president of the Engineering Academy of Slovenia. He was chairing the Chemical Engineering Section of Slovenian Chemical Society for two decades. He founded and headed the Laboratory for Process Systems Engineering and Sustainable Development. His research focused on process systems engineering, environmental engineering, and sustainable development in chemical and process industries. His main interests were in process design, retrofit and optimization, energy integration, water and waste reduction, recycling, cleaner production, indicators of sustainable development, sustainable university, and sustainable consumption. He participated in many bilateral, and multinational projects financed by European Union, EUREKA, NATO, and US NSF. He was member of many professional bodies, editorial boards, international scientific and organization committees. He has published more than 170 scientific and professional articles, 230 papers in conference proceedings, 20 textbooks and manuals, 210 scientific and professional reports, and translated 32 standards.

Invited Speakers

School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, China

Dr. Mingzhou Yu is a professor of China Jiliang University, and Humboldt research fellow. He has published more than 90 SCI papers. The total number of citations is 1443, with an H-index of 22. His research interests include fluid engineering; multiphase flow of nanoparticles; standardization of industrial process; particle science and technology.

Wuhan Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, Wuhan, China

Dr. Ziqin Sang works at Wuhan Research Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (WRI) ranked No. 38 among the Top Corporate Institutes (nature index). He vice-chaired ITU-T Focus Group on Smart Water Management and Smart Sustainable Cities, and currently serves as a Vice Chairman of the Internet of Things and Smart Cities Research Group at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). His interests cover cloud computing; Internet of Things; image processing; cyber-security; international standards and many important aspects of smart city construction, such as technical framework, integrated urban management and water management, etc.

Webinar Content

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Time in CEST

Prof. Dr. Peter Glavič

Chair Introduction


Prof. Dr. Peter Glavič

Using ISO 80000 Standard Quantities and Units in MDPI Journals




Prof. Dr. Mingzhou Yu

Application of Standards in Industrial Processes




Dr. Ziqin Sang

IoT Work in ITU-T SG20 and Smart City Standards Work




Closing of Webinar
Prof. Dr. Peter Glavič


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