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Symmetry Webinar | Relativity Based on Symmetry

6 Dec 2023, 14:00 (CET)

Unified Theory, Relativistic Dynamics, Geometric Approach, Visualizations of Curved Spacetime, Motion In Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields, Principle of Least Action, Extended Principle of Inertia, Gravitational Waves, Simplicity
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Welcome from the Chair

17th Symmetry Webinar

Relativity Based on Symmetry

Dear all,

In this webinar, we will present a new, unified theory, which properly describes the relativistic motion of both massive and massless objects under the influence of electromagnetic and gravitational fields. The theory is based on Riemann's idea that "force equals geometry." The geometry is defined by a simple and geometric universal scaling function, derived from the symmetries of the problem. With respect to this geometry, the motion of objects is by the shortest path, which satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equations. The equation of motion for a single-source field reveals the way in which fields from several sources may be combined. This provides a tool to handle problems that have no solution in the standard GR model. The equation of motion in a gravitational field identifies a "far" gravitational field that produces gravitational waves. The form of these waves is in agreement with observations. Moreover, we have new predictions for the observation of the same wave with different detectors. We believe that the existence of the far gravitational field will have important implications in cosmology.

Date: 6 December 2023

Time: 2:00 pm CET | 8:00 am EST | 9:00 pm CST Asia

Webinar ID: 891 6703 1025

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Relevant Special Issue

"Relativity Based on Symmetry—Part II"

Edited by Prof. Dr. Yaakov Friedman

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 March 2024

Event Chair

Departments of Physics and Mathematics, Extended Relativity Research Center, Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel

Prof. Yaakov Friedman of the Jerusalem College of Technology—Lev Academic Center was born in Munkatch, USSR. Upon completing high school, he studied at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Moscow University, which he graduated from in 1971. Just after graduation, he with his family moved to Israel. He received his Ph. D. at Tel-Aviv University in Mathematics followed by 8 years at University of California Los Angeles and Irvine. Since that time, he has been affiliated with the Jerusalem College of Technology as Lecturer, Rector, Vice-President for research and Head of Research. He initiated and was R&D director of several high-tech start-ups and companies. His research is in pure and applied mathematics, theoretical and applied statistics, theoretical physics and, recently, experimental physics. His current research interest is the development and testing of a new extension of Einstein's Relativity. This theory already unifies electromagnetism, gravity and optics and has the potential to give new insight into the quantum region.

Invited Speakers

Departments of Physics and Mathematics, Extended Relativity Research Center, Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel

Prof. Yaakov Friedman of the Jerusalem College of Technology—Lev Academic Center was born in Munkatch, USSR. Upon completing high school, he studied at the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics of Moscow University, which he graduated from in 1971. Just after graduation, he with his family moved to Israel. He received his Ph. D. at Tel-Aviv University in Mathematics followed by 8 years at University of California Los Angeles and Irvine. Since that time, he has been affiliated with the Jerusalem College of Technology as Lecturer, Rector, Vice-President for research and Head of Research. He initiated and was R&D director of several high-tech start-ups and companies. His research is in pure and applied mathematics, theoretical and applied statistics, theoretical physics and, recently, experimental physics. His current research interest is the development and testing of a new extension of Einstein's Relativity. This theory already unifies electromagnetism, gravity and optics and has the potential to give new insight into the quantum region.

Departments of Mathematics, Extended Relativity Research Center, Jerusalem College of Technology, Jerusalem, Israel

Dr. Tzvi Scarr of the Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT)—Lev Academic Center was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, USA. In 1985, he received his B.A. in Mathematics and Philosophy from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, graduating magna cum laude with Honors in Philosophy. He received his Master's in Mathematics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1989, specializing in set theory of the reals. His Ph.D. thesis on the compactifications of G-spaces was carried out under the supervision of Professor Hillel Furstenberg at Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, ISRAEL. Dr. Scarr began teaching and carrying out research at JCT in 1997. He assisted in the writing of Yaakov Friedman's first book, Physical Applications of Homogeneous Balls. The two then collaborated on several papers on covariant uniform acceleration. Dr. Scarr's research interests include mathematical models of physics, relativistic rotations, and extended relativity. He is a coauthor, with Yaakov Friedman, of A Novel to Relativistic Dynamics: Integrating Gravity, Electromagnetism and Optics, Fundamental Theories of Physics 210 (2023), published by Springer Nature.


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Presentation Title

Time in CET

Time in EST

Prof. Yaakov Friedman

Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel

Chair Introduction

2:00 - 2:05 pm

8:00 – 8:05 am

Speaker 1: Prof. Yaakov Friedman
Speaker 2: Dr. Tzvi Scarr

Jerusalem College of Technology, Israel

A Simple, Unified Theory based on Symmetry

2:05 - 3:05 pm

8:05 – 9:05 am

Q&A Session

3:05 - 3:25 pm

9:05 - 9:25 am

Prof. Yaakov Friedman Closing of Webinar

3:25 - 3:30 pm

9:25 - 9:30 am

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