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Polymalonates derived from ortho-bromomethylated tetraarylporphyrins
1  Institut fur Organische Chemie der Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Henkestr. 42, 91054 Erlangen

Abstract: Meso-tetraphenylporphyrin (TPP) and its derivatives are commonly used for the construction of photosynthetic model compounds,1 enzyme mimetics, and artificial receptors.2 Also, with regard to materials sciences, TPPs are found for example in dendrimers,3 as liquid crystalline materials with discotic behavior,4 and as part of optoelectronic devices.5,6 Since the derivatization of TPPs has been well studied, it is possible to tailor their properties allowing adaption into the desired specific environment. Obviously, novel materials containing porphyrins have become a major research field in porphyrin chemistry. It appears to us that by using the inherent geometry of porphyrins interesting new conjugates would be available. In this paper we wish to introduce a series of polymalonates derived from bromomethylated tetraarylporphyrins, which are useful precursors for nucleophilic substitutions
Keywords: n/a