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Total Synthesis of Morphine- and Hasubanane Alkaloids
1 , 2 , 2 , 2 , * 1
1  Institut für Organische Chemie der Universität Wien, Währingerstrasse 38, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. E-mail: (Dirk Trauner
2  Institut für Organische Chemie der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität, Marie-Curie-Strasse 11, D-60439 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Abstract: (-)-Morphine, the main alkaloid of the opium poppy, remains one of the most important medicines for the treatment of severe pain and a true delight for synthetic chemists.1 In spite of its small size and long history, it is still considered to be an interesting target for chemical synthesis. (-)-Morphine and its synthetic precursors (-)-codeine and (-)-dihydrocodeinone feature a complicated network of three carbocycles and two heterocycles containing five vicinal stereocenters, four of which define ring junctures. Among these, the benzylic quaternary carbon deserves special attention.
Keywords: n/a
