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System for continuous and prolonged ambulatory ECG monitoring with cloud hosting
* , * , , ,
1  Universidad Autónoma de Baja California
Academic Editor: Stefano Mariani


Ambulatory cardiac rhythm monitoring is a clinical tool indicated mainly for detecting arrhythmias, but it turns out that measuring, recording, and displaying information in a patient for prolonged periods is often tedious and complicated. In this paper, we propose investigating the ability to integrate a portable ECG device to commercial platforms for analysis and visualization of information hosted in the cloud, considering that this could complement the device and raise a more convenient application of ambulatory monitoring. Our proposed ECG system based on the ADX8232 microchip has been tested in continuous and extended-time heart rate monitoring in healthy subjects, showing results of a similar degree to a desktop clinical ECG. The new functionality tests were performed at monitoring intervals of 1, 2, 12, 12, 24, and 36 hours on cloud service platforms and their consequent viewing, independent of location, to investigate whether they maintain reliable ECG records. Some positive results will allow the system to be considered a valuable tool to follow up a patient remotely.

Keywords: Electrocardiography; Cardiovascular disease; Continuous and prolonged cardiac rhythm monitoring; Wearable devices; Heart.