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8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications

Part of the International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications series
1–15 November 2021

Biosensors, Physical Sensors, sensor networks, Structural health monitoring technologies, chemical sensors, Applications, Smart Cities, wearable sensors, Optical Sensors
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ECSA-8 is closed. Thank you for your participation.

The recordings of ECSA-8 live sessions are available at:
The accepted proceedings papers will probably be published as one dedicated volume in MDPI Engineering Proceedings journal (ISSN 2673-4591) after the conference.
The ECSA-8 winners have been announced at

Welcome from the Chairs

Welcome from the Conference Chairs of the 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications

We are pleased to announce the 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications. After the success of the seven editions from 2014 to 2020, this year edition will focus on four thematic areas where sensors are changing science:

There will be eight specific sessions:

and also a Poster session. Posters can be presented without an accompanying proceedings paper and will be available online on this website during and after the e-conference. However, they will not be added to the proceedings of the conference.

Participants will have the opportunity to examine, explore and critically engage with issues and advances in these areas. We hope to facilitate discussions and exchange within the community. Best contributions in each session will be collected and brought to a live event broadcast on Webinars through zoom. A student competition will also be held online for selected students' contributions (students as correspondences) exhibited in the Student Session. For more details of the competition please click

This event will solely be an online proceeding that allows participation from all over the world with no concerns of travel and related expenditures. This type of conference is particularly appropriate and useful because research concerned with sensors is progressing rapidly. An electronic conference provides a platform for rapid and direct exchanges about the latest research findings and novel ideas. The participation, as well as the "attendance" of this online conference, is free of charge.

The 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications is sponsored by MDPI and the scientific journal Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220, IF 3.576). The conference proceedings papers and presentations will be available on for discussion during 1-15 November 2021 and will be published in the journal Engineering Proceedings.

Extended and expanded versions of conference proceedings papers can be submitted to Special Issue "Selected Papers from the 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications" in journal Sensors after the conference, with a 20% discount on the Article Processing Charges.

Sensors is an Open Access publication journal of MDPI in the field of the science and technology of sensors and biosensors.

We hope the community will share this enthusiasm and help making this 8th edition a success—for many to come in the future.

The Chairs of the 8th International Electronic Conference on Sensors and Applications.

Dr. Stefano Mariani
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Dr. Stefano Mariani received an M.S. degree (cum laude) in civil engineering in 1995, and a Ph.D. degree in structural engineering in 1999; both degrees are from the Polytechnic University of Milan. He is currently an associate professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Polytechnic University of Milan. He was a research scholar at the Danish Technical University in 1997, an adjunct professor at Penn State University in 2007, and a visiting professor at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University in 2009. He is a member of the Editorial Boards of Algorithms, International Journal on Advances in Systems and Measurements, Inventions, Machines, Micro and Nanosystems, Micromachines, and Sensors. He has been a recipient of the Associazione Carlo Maddalena Prize for graduate students (1996), and of the Fondazione Confalonieri Prize for PhD students (2000). His main research interests are: the reliability of MEMS that are subject to shocks and drops; the structural health monitoring of composite structures through MEMS sensors; numerical simulations of ductile fracture in metals and of quasi-brittle fracture in heterogeneous and functionally graded materials; extended finite element methods; the calibration of constitutive models via extended and sigma-point Kalman filters; and multi-scale solution methods for dynamic delamination in layered composites.

Dr. Alberto Vallan
Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Dr. Alberto Vallan received the M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from the Politecnico di Torino, Italy, in 1996 and the Ph.D. degree in Electronic Instrumentation from the University of Brescia, Italy, in 2000. He is currently an Associate Professor in Electrical and Electronic Measurements with the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications of the Politecnico di Torino. From 2000 to present, he has been a lecturer in courses concerning Electronic Measurements and Sensors. His research interests are focused on the development and characterization of fiber sensors and measuring instruments for biomedical and industrial applications. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE/Instrumentation&Measurement Society.

Dr. Stefan Bosse
Department of Computer Science, University of Bremen, Germany

PD Dr. Stefan Bosse studied physics at the University of Bremen. He received a PhD/doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) in physics in the year 2002 at the University of Bremen, and the post-doctoral degree (Habilitation) and the Venia Legendi in Computer Science in the year 2016 at the University of Bremen with his habilitation (postdoctoral degree) "Unified Distributed Sensor and Environmental Information Processing with Multi-Agent Systems". Since 2017 he is teaching and researching as a Privatdozent at the University of Bremen, Department of Computer Science, and since 2018 he is an interim professor at the University of Koblenz-Landau, Faculty Computer Science, Institute of Software Technologies. At the University of Bremen and University Koblenz-Landau he teaches several courses in fundamental computer science, functional programming, and in selected advanced topics covering the design and programming of massive parallel and distributed systems, multi-agents systems and agent-based simulation, high-level synthesis of complex digital logic data processing systems, and material-integrated sensing systems with a high interdisciplinary background. His main research area is distributed artificial intelligence in general, and in particular information processing in massive parallel and distributed systems using agent-based approaches combined with machine learning, and agent-based simulation. A broad range of fields of application and domains are addressed: Material Science, Materials Informatics, Smart Materials, IoT, Production Engineering, Social Science, Crowd Sensing, Geo Science. He conducted projects in the internationally recognized ISIS Scientific Centre for Intelligent Sensorial Materials pushing interdisciplinary research closing the gap between technology and computer science, finally joining the ISIS council and publishing an internationally well regarded handbook on this topic. He published about 100 journal and conference papers and acts as a reviewer and a guest editor for several international journals and is a member of a broad range of international conference programme and organizing committees.

Dr. Francisco Falcone
Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering & Institute for Smart Cities (ISC), Public University of Navarre, Spain

Dr. Francisco Falcone received his Telecommunication Engineering Degree (1999) and PhD in Communication Engineering (2005), both at the Public University of Navarre in Spain. From 1999 to 2000 he worked as Microwave Commissioning Engineer, Siemens-Italtel. From 2000 to 2008 he worked as Radio Network Engineer, Telefónica Móviles. In 2009 he co-founded Tafco Metawireless. From 2003 to 2009 he was also Assistant Lecturer at UPNA, becoming Associate Professor in 2009. His research area is artificial electromagnetic media, complex electromagnetic scenarios and wireless system analysis, with applications to context aware environments, Smart Cities and Smart Regions. He has over 500 contributions in journal and conference publications. He has been recipient of the CST Best Paper Award in 2003 and 2005, Best PhD in 2006 awarded by the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación, Doctorate award 2004-2006 awarded by UPNA, Juan Lopez de Peñalver Young Researcher Award 2010 awarded by the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain and Premio Talgo 2012 for Technological Innovation.

ECSA-8 Live Sessions Recordings

Live Session 1

3 November 2021

Live Session 2

8 November 2021

Live Session 3

9 November 2021

Event Awards

To acknowledge the support of the conference esteemed authors and recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishments, we are pleased to launch the Best Student Award.

Winner Announcement

On behalf of the chairs of ECSA-8, we are pleased to announce the winners of the Best Contribution Awards and Best Student Award:

The Best Contribution Awards have been awarded to

- sciforum-050278, "Design and Characterization of a Passive Wireless DNA Sensor"
Haibo Xu *, Yi Jia

- sciforum-050324, "Data-centric Performance Improvement Strategies for Few-shot Classification of Chemical Sensor Data"
Bhargavi Mahesh *, Teresa Scholz, Jana Streit, Thorsten Graunke, Sebastian Hettenkofer

The Awards consist of 500 CHF each.

The Best Student Award has been awarded to

- Elia Scattolo, "Optimization of Focused Ion Beam patterning parameters for direct integration of plasmonic nanostructures on Silicon photodiode"

This Award consists of 500 CHF.

The Awards
Best Contribution Awards (500 CHF)

Number of Awards Available: 2

The Best Contribution Awards are given for the submission judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.
Student Award (500 CHF)

Number of Awards Available: 1

The ECSA Student Award has been established to encourage high-quality work among young researchers.
Terms and Conditions:

Best Contribution Awards

Sensors would like to award the two best contributions as elected by the conference committee. The Awards will consist of 500 Swiss Francs to each awardee. To join in this award, presentation materials must be submitted. We look forward to posting your contributions.

Student Award

The student award will consist of 500 Swiss Francs.This award is for a student who has joined in the online student competition of the ECSA-8.

Eligibility Requirements:
1. The student themselves should be the corresponding author
2. A scanned copy or photograph of the valid student ID card must be submitted together with the extended abstract
3. Presentation materials must be submitted

If you would like to join in this competition, please submit your work to the Student Session.

Keynote Speakers

Giorgio Sberveglieri,

University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
Nano Sensor Systems srl, Brescia, Italy

Short Bio

After graduating in Physics with Laude from the University of Parma, he began his research by studying and producing new types of thin-film solar cells at the same University.
His research and development activity has always been focused on Applied Physics and the development of functional materials.
In 1987 he moved to the University of Brescia, shifting his activity to semiconductor oxide thin film gas sensors by developing a new growth technique called RGTO, still mentioned in some important texts and studied in several international laboratories. From 2002 he began to carry out research on nanowire gas sensors, again using semiconductor metal oxides, publishing the first paper on this important topic, opening a path followed by many colleagues for the development of high-performance gas sensors.
Lately he has continued the study of nanowire sensors of metal oxides optimizing the preparation parameters and developing new unconventional preparation techniques.
In order to obtain greater selectivity and industrial applicability of the nano-sensors, he has developed an Electronic Nose prototype for applications in the field of food matrix quality, safety and environmental pollution determination. In 2018 he was awarded the title of Professor Emeritus by the Minister of Education, University and Research.
In 2016 he was one of the co-founders of the innovative start-up NANO SENSOR SYSTEMS SRL and took over the Presidency and Legal Representative.
He has published over 500 articles in international peer-reviewed journals. He obtained (source - Google Scholar) 20,000 citations and has an h-index of 73.

Proposed presentation title: Evolution of semiconductor metal oxide sensors in Electronic Noses

Markus Ulm,

Chief Technical Officer, Bosch Sensortec GmbH

Short Bio

Markus Ulm is Chief Technical Officer of Bosch Sensortec. He is responsible for research and development of sensors based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) for consumer electronics and related industries. Markus has a Master degree in Physics from the University of Oregon and a Diploma Degree in Physics from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He continued his studies in the field of MEMS and graduated from the University of Stuttgart with a Dr. Ing. degree in Semiconductor Technology in 2003. During his career he held various positions in the field of MEMS, semiconductors and sensor research and development in the Bosch Group, such as Section Manager in the Bosch Research and Technology Center North America, Section Manager for Automotive Gyroscopes and IMUs, Director of Sensor Predevelopment as well as VP for Consumer Sensor Product Development.

Bosch Sensortec GmbH, a fully owned subsidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH, develops and markets a wide portfolio of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensors and solutions tailored for smartphones, tablets, wearables and hearables, AR/VR devices, drones, robots, smart home and IoT (Internet of Things) applications. The product portfolio includes 3-axis accelerometers, gyroscopes and magnetometers, integrated 6-and 9-axis sensors, smart sensors, barometric pressure sensors, humidity sensors, gas sensors, optical microsystems and comprehensive software. Since its foundation in 2005, Bosch Sensortec has emerged as the MEMS technology leader in the markets it addresses. Bosch has been both a pioneer and a global market leader in the MEMS sensor segment since 1995 andhas, to date, sold more than 15billion MEMS sensors. For more information, please visit,,,,

Proposed presentation title: Technology at the edge in everyday sensors

ECSA-8 Live Sessions Information

During the duration of the conference, a number of live online sessions will be programmed. The live streaming platform we are using is Zoom, click here to check the recordings of the live sessions of ECSA-7. During each session, the participants will have the possibility to ask questions during a Q&A session. Detailed information about the topics and dates will be shared soon.
The live sessions are free for authors. The authors who submit submissions to ECSA-8 will have priority for the registration (with no extra cost) to the live online sessions with our keynote speakers. If it is not completely full, the registration will be opened for unregistered participants. Registrations with academic institutional email addresses will be prioritized.

The number of participants to the live session is limited but the recording will be made available on Sciforum shortly afterwards.

ECSA-8 Live Sessions Programs

Nov 03, 2021

Session 1

Date: 03 November 2021

Time: 09:00am (CET) | 03:00am (EDT) | 04:00pm (CST Asia)


Presentation Topic

Time (CET)

Conference Chair

Stefan Bosse,

Department of Computer Science, University of Bremen, Germany

Initial Greeting

9:00am – 9:10am

Selected Presentations

Aleksandra Kalinowska

The use of ultrasounds in the preparation of chemosensory microstructures

9:10am – 9:25am

Md. Humayun Kabir

Performance Analysis of Mesh-Based Enterprise Network using RIP, EIGRP and OSPF Routing Protocols

9:25am – 9:40am

Jean Pierre Ndabakuranye

A system-on-chip assay for bilirubin levels measurement in whole blood

9:40am – 9:55am

Alexander Kalashnikov

Ultrasonic oscillating temperature sensor for operation in air

9:55am – 10:10am

Paula Garcia

The Design of an Environmental Noise Labeling App for Citizen Participation in Smart Cities

10:10 – 10:25am

Fattah Hanafi Sheikhha

Surface Reconstruction for Ground Map Generation in Autonomous Excavation

10:25am – 10:40am

Q&A Session

10:40am – 11:00am

Nov 08, 2021

Session 2

Date: 08 November 2021

Time: 09:00am (CET) | 03:00am (EDT) | 04:00pm (CST Asia)

Registration Link:


Presentation Topic

Time (CET)

Conference Chair

Francisco Falcone

Department of Electrical, Electronic and Communication Engineering & Institute for Smart Cities (ISC), Public University of Navarre, Spain

Alberto Vallan

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Initial Greeting

9:00am – 9:10am

Invited Presentation

Markus Ulm,

Chief Technical Officer, Bosch Sensortec GmbH

Technology at the edge in everyday sensors

9:10am – 9:40am

Selected Presentations

Sebastian Schober

Temperature Stability Investigations of Neural Network Models for Graphene-Based Gas Sensor Devices

9:40am – 9:55am

Charles Han

GEANT4 Modeling of Ambient Temperature Perovskite Gamma-Ray Sensor

9:55am – 10:10am

Jiri Pribil

Two Realizations of the Wearable PPG Sensor Working in Reflectance Mode for Continual Measurement in Weak Magnetic Field

10:10am – 10:25am

Javier Martínez

Factory Oriented Technique for Thermal Drifts Compensation in MEMS Capacitive Accelerometers

10:25am – 10:40am

Ali Afzalaghaeinaeini

Design of a LIOR-based de-dust filter for LiDAR sensors in off-road vehicles

10:40am – 10:55am

Q&A Session

10:55am – 11:10am

Nov 09, 2021

Session 3 (Student Session)

Date: 09 November 2021

Time: 09:00am (CET) | 03:00am (EDT) | 04:00pm (CST Asia)

Registration Link:


Presentation Topic

Time (CET)

Conference Chair

Stefano Mariani, Politecnico di Milano

Initial Greeting

09:00am – 09:10am

Invited Presentation

Giorgio Sberveglieri,

University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
Nano Sensor Systems srl, Brescia, Italy

Evolution of semiconductor metal oxide sensors in Electronic Noses

9:10am – 9:40am

Q&A Session and Short Break

9:40am – 9:50am

Presentations from Student Session

Nikhil Pillai

Sensor Selection and Placement for Track Switch Condition Monitoring through Validated Structural Digital Twin Models of Train-Track Interactions

9:50am – 10:05am

Xinyi Wang

Conceptional designs of the rotation mechanism with antiphase energy harvester

10:05am – 10:20am

Elisabetta Bodo

Microfluidic devices with selectable optical pathlength for quality control of alcoholic solutions exploiting NIR spectroscopic properties of water and ethanol

10:20am – 10:35am


Computer vision technique for blind identification of modal frequency of structures from video measurements

10:35am – 10:50am

Andrea Altomonte

A new three-phase Smart Meter for Cloud connection: network architecture and performances

10:50am – 11:05am

Elia Scattolo

Optimization of Focused Ion Beam patterning parameters for direct integration of plasmonic nanostructures on Silicon photodiode

11:05am – 11:20am

Obiora Odugu

Investigation of thermal comfort and air quality in typical student residences

11:20am – 11:35am

Aditya Parpe

Surface-mounted smart PZT sensors for monitoring damage using EMI-based multi-sensing technique

11:35am – 11:50am

Niharika Gogoi

Insole Gait Acquisition System Based on Wearable Sensors

11:50am - 12:05am

Gianluca Mezzanzanica

Towards a multi-interdigital transducer configuration to combine focusing and trapping of microparticles within a microfluidic platform: a 3D numerical analysis

12:05am - 12:20am

List of accepted submissions (91)

Id Title Authors Presentation Video Poster PDF
sciforum-048720 Comparison of hybrid localization methods using images and Wi-Fi signals , N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-048845 Humidity dependence of commercial thick and thin-film MOX gas sensors under Ultra-Violet illumination


Submitted: 25 Jul 2021

Abstract: Show Abstract
, N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-048859 Non-invasive milk quality estimator based on capacitive changes in milk with customized Electrode Receptacle

, , , ,

Submitted: 26 Jul 2021

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , , , N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-048871 Finding earthquake Victims by Voice Detection Techniques

, ,

Submitted: 26 Jul 2021

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-048891 DEEPHER: EEG-based human emotion recognition using DEEP learning Network


Submitted: 26 Jul 2021

Abstract: Show Abstract
, N/A N/A Show Abstract

Poster Panel

Starter kit for electrochemical sensors based on polythiophene thin films – synthesis of high-quality films and protocol for fast and gentle electrode regeneration The use of ultrasounds in the preparation of chemosensory microstructures Design and Characterization of a Passive Wireless DNA Sensor Material Damping Analysis of Triangular Cantilever Beam for Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvesting Applications
Ultrasonic oscillating temperature sensor for operation in air Evaluating suitability of a DS18B20 temperature sensor for use in an accurate temperature distribution measurement network A new approach for monitoring sweat NH3 levels using a ventilated capsule Smart Seismocardiography: A machine learning approach for automatic data processing
Design of an adaptable sensing platform for metabolomic sensing Electrochemical screening of tyrosine and tryptophan as potential biomarkers for prostate cancer Quantum Dots-based competitive assay for the recognition of nucleotides An Effect of Coupling Factor on the Power Output for Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvester
Soft, wearable, digital stethoscope for cardiac biometric security The Design of an Environmental Noise Labeling App for Citizen Participation in Smart Cities MMI sensor for diameter measurement

Tapered Optical Fiber for Hydrogen Sensing Application Based on Molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) Displacement Sensing of an Active String Actuator by an Optical Fiber Finding earthquake Victims by Voice Detection Techniques

A new three-phase Smart Meter for Cloud connection: network architecture and performances Conceptional designs of the rotation mechanism with antiphase energy harvester Optimization of Focused Ion Beam patterning parameters for direct integration of plasmonic nanostructures on Silicon photodiode

Surface-mounted smart PZT sensors for monitoring damage using EMI-based multi-sensing technique Applicability of polymeric substrates for subcellular live cell micropatterning experiments Removal of ECG baseline wander when recorded by a 24-bit ADC using a resting cycle template

Performance Analysis of Mesh-Based Enterprise Network using RIP, EIGRP and OSPF Routing Protocols Microfluidic devices with selectable optical pathlength for quality control of alcoholic solutions exploiting NIR spectroscopic properties of water and ethanol

Conference Secretariat

Mr. Jason Liu
Ms. Nora Zhang
MDPI Branch Office, Beijing


Sponsoring Opportunities

For information regarding sponsoring opportunities, please contact the conference secretariat.

Conference Chairs

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Politecnico di Torino, Turin, Italy

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Public University of Navarre, Spain

Conference Committee

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA

Carinthia Institute for Smart Materials (CiSMAT), Villach, Austria

School of Engineering, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Italy

Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, University of Pavia

Department of Mathematics, CoDAlab, Spain

Francesc Pozo received the degree in mathematics from the University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, in 2000, and the Ph.D. degree in applied mathematics from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, in 2005. Since 2000, he has been with the Department of Mathematics and the Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, where he is currently an Associate Professor with the Control, Modeling, Identification and Applications Research Group (CoDAlab). He is also a Teaching Collaborator at the Open University of Catalonia, Barcelona. His research interests include wind turbine control, semiactive vibration mitigation in civil engineering structures (buildings and bridges), automotive and aeronautic systems, and offshore support structures, structural health monitoring (SHM) and condition monitoring (CM) for wind turbines and, in general, the application of applied mathematics in engineering problems. Dr. Pozo serves as a Secretary of the Spanish Joint Chapter of the IEEE Control Systems S
Research Keywords
His research interests include wind turbine control, semiactive vibration mitigation in civil engineering structures (buildings and bridges), automotive and aeronautic systems, and offshore support structures, structural health monitoring (SHM) and condit

Department of Communications, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Camino de Vera 46022, Valencia, Spain,
Chair of the Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute (IGIC)

Prof. Jaime Lloret ( received his B.Sc.+M.Sc. in Physics in 1997, his B.Sc.+M.Sc. in electronic Engineering in 2003 and his Ph.D. in telecommunication engineering (Dr. Ing.) in 2006. He is a Cisco Certified Network Professional Instructor. He worked as a network designer and administrator in several enterprises. He is currently Associate Professor in the Polytechnic University of Valencia. He is the Chair of the Integrated Management Coastal Research Institute (IGIC) and he i

School of Industrial and Telecommunications Engineering (ETSIIT), Santander, Spain

Prof. Lucas is Deputy Director of the School of Industrial and Telecommunications Engineering (ETSIIT), being responsible of the Bachelor in Telecommunications Technologies Engineering. She is also a member of the Board of the ETSIIT.

Inorganic Chemistry Department, Universitat de València, Doctor Moliner, Spain

Interests: sensors; optical chemosensors; dyes; nanomaterials; optoelectronic noses and tongues

Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge, UK

Peter Charlton is a British Heart Foundation Research Fellow in the Department of Public Health and Primary Care, at the University of Cambridge, and the Research Centre for Biomedical Engineering, at City, University of London. He specialises in the development of biomedical signal processing techniques for use in wearables to aid clinical decision making. He gained the degree of M.Eng. in Engineering Science in 2010 from the University of Oxford. From 2010 to 2020, Peter conducted his research at King’s College London (KCL), developing techniques to continuously monitor respiratory and cardiovascular health using wearable sensors. His Ph.D. focused on using signal processing and machine learning techniques to identify acute deteriorations in hospital patients. In 2020, Peter was awarded a five-year fellowship to develop techniques to use clinical and consumer devices to enhance screening for atrial fibrillation. He works in collaboration with clinicians and industrial partners to translate his work into clinical practice. He was awarded the Martin Black Prize for the best paper in Physiological Measurement in 2016, and the Best Early Career Researcher Award at the 2018 BioMedEng Conference (London, UK). He is a member of the Editorial Board for Physiological Measurement, and a member of the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine.

Department of Imaging Methods Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

Jiří PŘIBIL was born in 1962 in Prague, Czechoslovakia. He received his MSc degree in computer engineering in 1991 and his PhD degree in applied electronics in 1998 from the Czech Technical University in Prague. At present, he is a senior scientist at the Department of Imaging Methods Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava. He is oriented to the sphere of analysis and synthesis of acoustic signals, implementation algorithms and their processing with utilization of signal processors, information system creation.

Department of Technologies of Computers and Communications, University of Extremadura, Spain

Juan A. Gomez-Pulido received the Ph.D. degree in physics, electronics specialty, from the Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, in 1993. He is currently professor of computer organization and design of processors in the Department of Technology of Computers and Communications, University of Extremadura, Spain. He has authored or co-authored 60 ISI journals, tens of book chapters, and more than two hundred peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
Research Keywords
wireless sensor networks, reconfigurable and embedded computing based on FPGA devices, mobile computing, machine learning applied to big-data analysis, optimization, and evolutionary computing

Research Group of Media Technologies, La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain

Dra. Rosa Ma Alsina-Pagès is an Ass. Professor in the Research Group of Media Technologies since September 2015, where she coordinates the Signal Processing Research Line. She is now the Director of Research of La Salle Campus Barcelona. She received her MSc degree in Electronics and in Telecommunications in 2002 and 2004, respectively, from La Salle, Universitat Ramon Llull, in Barcelona; later she received her Humanities Degree in 2011 from Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. In 2003 she received a Project Management MSc Degree from La Salle - URL. She received her PhD in Telecommunications Engineering in July 2012 with a PhD thesis about signal processing in HF long haul link, in La Salle - URL (with honors). Her research interests nowadays are in digital signal processing, especially in acoustic and adaptive signal processing. Since 2016, she leaded La Salle team in DYNAMAP, a LIFE+ project which goal is the dynamic noise mapping in urban environments. She is nowadays leading a several research projects in the field of home noise mapping and in the acoustic detection of vocalization of animals in farm environments, as well as noise perception in urban environments.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Prof. Francesco Braghin is Full Professor in Applied Mechanics at the Politecnico di Milano since 2015. Author of 250 scientific publications and responsible for several projects / research contracts, his latest research is carried out in the field of vehicle dynamics (road and railway) and mechatronics. In particular, as regards road vehicles, research deals with the modeling of tires and their interaction with the soil and the application of optimal control algorithms to the design of hybrid and electric vehicles as well as to the development of fully autonomous vehicles. Instead, as regards mechatronics, the research focuses on the development of integrated solutions in different application fields (from MEMS sensors to integrated sensor nodes to smart components) as well as on the development and use of passive and active metamaterials for vibration isolation.

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Director of the Intelligent Materials Laboratory, School of Engineering, The Catholic University of America

Dr. Jandro L. Abot is an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and the Director of the Intelligent Materials Laboratory at the School of Engineering of The Catholic University of America (Catholic University). He was previously an Assistant Professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at the University of Cincinnati. Prior, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at Northwestern University, where he received the Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. He had previously earned a six-year degree in Structural Engineering from the Universidad de la República in Montevideo, Uruguay. Dr. Abot’s expertise is on experimental mechanics, the science and technology of composite materials and carbon nanotube fibers and the structural health monitoring of structures. He leads a multidisciplinary research group at Catholic University that is currently dedicated to the advancement of carbon nanotube fibers and their development into sensors. He is the author or co-author of more than one hundred and thirty technical papers and has been serving as editor or guest editor of Sensors and the Journal of Carbon Research. He is the recipient of several research awards from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Department of State, and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and a collaborator with colleagues all around the world. He has served as the main advisor of more forty doctoral and masters’ students, taught more than twenty different engineering courses, and advised more than two hundred mechanical or aerospace engineering undergraduate students. He is an active member of the American Society for Composites, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Society for Engineering Education. Dr. Abot also serves in several academic areas including mentoring, recruitment, inclusion and international programs.

Department of Experimental Medicine , University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Italy

Maria Lepore graduated (cum laude) in Physics at the University of Bari and received her PhD degree discussing a thesis on high-energy laser applications in nonlinear optics. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Experimental Medicine of the University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli". Her research activity concerns multiphoton interaction processes; optical properties of biological samples and biomaterials; design and development of optical biosensors for clinical, environmental and agri-food applications; laser safety in research laboratories and clinical settings; optical spectroscopies and biophotonics. In the course of her activity she collaborated with several national and international research groups. She is a member of Italian Physics Society.

College of Communication and Information, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0224, USA

Research Keywords
cybersecurity; privacy; Internet of Things; VANET

Global Big Data Technologies Centre (GBDTC), Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo 2007, Australia

Research Keywords
antennas; wireless communications and sensing; AI

1. Samara National Research University, 34 Moskovkoye Shosse, Samara 443086, Russia 2. Image Processing Systems Institute RAS - Branch of the FSRC "Crystallography and Photonics" RAS, 151 Molodogvardeiskaya, Samara 443001, Russia

Research Keywords
computer optics; diffractive nanophotonics; computer vision; plasmonic sensors; optical sensors

Department of Electro-Optical and Photonics Engineering, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva 8410501, Israel

Research Keywords
image enhancement; image restoration; integral imaging; object detection and tracking; surveillance; imaging through the atmosphere; image degradations

Biomedical Computer Science, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 44139 Dortmund, Germany

Research Keywords
sensor data analysis; machine learning; deep learning; healthcare sensors; information fusion; computer vision; sensors for optical tracking of objects

NOVA School of Science & Technology. CTS-UNINOVA, 2829-517 Caparica, Portugal

Research Keywords
intelligent manufacturing agent based manufacturing; cyber-physical systems evolvable production system

Engineering Technology Department, SUNY Polytechnic Institute, USA

Dr. Jiayue Shen received her Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Old Dominion University, U.S., in 2018. In the same year, she joined the engineering technology department at SUNY Polytechnic Institute as an Assistant Professor. Since 2012, she teaches various courses in fundamental electronics, electrical control, mechatronics, material science, mechanical components and thermodynamics, and so on. Her main research interests are the development and characterization of physical sensors for biomedical diagnosis, soft robotics, and structural health monitoring application; Analytical and experimental study of micromechanics critical for sensor performance; the integration of wireless technology to the sensing system. She published a couple of journal papers and conference proceedings and served as reviewers for several journals and international conferences. Also, she has been serving as a conference committee member of the 2019 2nd International Conference on Smart Sensing and Intelligent System.

Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems “ScienceApp", Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, c/o Dhitech Campus Universitario Ecotekne, Italy

Research Keywords
computer vision; pattern recognition; video surveillance; object tracking; deep learning; audience measurements; visual interaction; human–robot interaction

Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

Research Keywords
cyber security; intrusion detection; mobile security and authentication; HCI security; malware analysis

Instructions for Authors


Submissions should be made by authors online by registering with, and using the "New Submission" function once logged into the system.

Note: Institutional email address is requested especially for the corresponding author. Please submit the abstract with the institutional email address, the submissions with the email addresses like,,, etc. will not be reviewed.

  1. Scholars interested in participating in the conference can submit their abstract (about 200–300 words) online on this website until 03 September 2021.
  2. The Conference Committee will notify the acceptance of the abstract by 06 September 2021.
  3. In case of acceptance, authors will be asked to submit their manuscript (short proceedings paper, 3-6 pages) before 28 September 2021. Optionally, authors of accepted abstracts will be able to submit a poster, a slides presentation (in PDF) and/or a short video presentation (max. 3-5minutes) as supporting material of the paper. Authors will receive a notification about the acceptance of their papers by 15 October 2021.
  4. The manuscripts and presentations will be available on for discussion and rating during the time of the conference, from 1–15 November 2021.
  5. The accepted proceedings papers will probably be published as one dedicated volume in MDPI Engineering Proceedings journal (ISSN 2673-4591). Publication of proceedings paper is free of charge.
    Before publication, Engineering Proceedings journal will review accepted papers using the powerful text comparison tool: iThenticate. This procedure aims to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism.
    Articles with a high repetition rate and lack of novelty will not be published in the conference proceedings.
  6. The open access journal Sensors (Impact Factor 3.576) will publish a dedicated conference Special Issue. Conference participants are encouraged to submit a full paper to the dedicated Special Issue and will receive a 20% discount on the Article Processing Charges (APC).
    Note: The submission to the Sensors journal is independent of the conference proceedings and will follow the usual process of the journal, including peer-review, APC, etc.
Proceedings Paper

Proceedings papers must be prepared in MS Word using the Engineering Proceedings template (see below) and should be converted to PDF format before submission. The manuscript should count at least 3 pages (incl. figures, tables and references) and should not exceed 6 pages. Carefully read the rules outlined in the 'Instructions for Authors' on the journal website and ensure that your manuscript submission adheres to these guidelines.

Manuscripts for the proceedings issue must have the following organization:

  • Title
  • Full author names
  • Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors' e-mail addresses
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusions
  • (Acknowledgements)
  • References
Presentation Slides

Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint or similar software, to be displayed online along with the manuscript. Slides can be prepared the same way as for any traditional conference. They should be converted to PDF format before submission.

Video Presentations

Authors are requested to submit video presentations accompany with extended submissions. Video should be no longer than 3-5 minutes and prepared with one of the following formats: .mp4 / .webm / .ogg (max size: 250Mb). It should be submitted with the full manuscript before 28 September 2021(full submission deadline).

The accepted submissions will be shown on the conference submission page of ECSA-8 which will be open after the conference starts. Here is an example of ECSA-7:

Besides, authors that submitted presentations will have the chance to be invited to hold a presentation in the Live Session (15 mins). The live streaming platform we are using is Zoom, click here to check the recordings of the live sessions of ECSA-7. This is a unique way of presenting your paper and discussing it with peers from all over the world.

Note: Exhibitors who attend/register for the Webinar are considered to agree that their images and presentation content will be publicly released.


Posters will be available on this conference website during and after the event. Like papers presented on the conference, participants will be able to ask questions and make comments about the posters. Posters can be presented without an accompanying proceedings paper. However, they will not be added to the proceedings of the conference.

After acceptance, please upload a copy of the proceedings/abstract as a PDF and word, in the corresponding fields, and upload the Poster PDF in the field "Presentation PDF (optional)".

1)The poster should be in PDF format
2)The minimum size for images is 148 mm × 210 mm (horizontal × vertical) at 300 dpi.
3)The content of the poster should be a comprehensive presentation of your accepted submission.
4) No copyright issues with any elements in the poster.

For detailed instructions on how to submit a poster, please contact us at

Potential Conflicts of Interest

All authors must disclose all relationships or interests that could inappropriately influence or bias their work. This should be conveyed in a separate "Conflict of Interest" statement preceding the "Acknowledgments" and "References" sections at the end of the manuscript. If there is no conflict, please state "The authors declare no conflict of interest." Financial support for the study must be fully disclosed under "Acknowledgments" section.


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