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Wildlife Parasitoids of Citrus Pest (Orange and Lemon Tree) in Mostaganem
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1  Plant protection laboratory, Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences, Department of Agronomy, Abdelhamid Ibn Badis University of Mostaganem, Algeria.
Academic Editor: Bin Gao


Citrus fruits are considered in Algeria as a strategic crop, given their importance in food and human health. The latter attract a phytophagous fauna as well as their natural enemies, quite remarkable ensuring a natural regulation. The parasitoid inventory was conducted out in three citrus orchards of the University of Mostaganem's experimental farm in Mazagran during the 2018-2019 year, with a total of thirty citrus trees studied. The parasitoids insects were identified in the laboratory using a binocular lope and direct inspection while processing leaves gathered. This study enabled the identification of a group of distinct parasitoids that grow on harmful insects such as aphids and cochineal insects and some of which have been found as adults, who are belong to different families: Aphelinidae, Trichogrammatidae, Braconidae, Chalcidoidea, Figitidae, among which we can quote: Encarsia sp., Aphytis sp., Trichogramma sp., Lysiphlebus sp. Bracon sp, Aphidius matricariae, Praon sp, Alloxysta sp and several other parasitiods are yet to be identified. Natural enemies reflect the natural ecological integrity of ecosystems, Elekçİoğlu, 2007 have found natural enemies such as Aphytis melinus, Chrysoperla carnea., Conwentzia sp. Chilocorus bipustulatus., Exochomus quadripustulatus., and Adonia variegata. These findings may be sufficient for an effective first step in learning about auxiliary insects in order to establish proper breeding methods and then carry out a biological control.

Keywords: Citrus - Inventory - Parasitoids - Mostaganem.