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Basic integration of artificial intelligence of a plant experimentation chamber with LEDs and sensors through connection to the IoT with node-RED and securing access to data
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1  División of Innovation in Telematic Systems and Electronic Technology (DINTEL), Technical University of Cartagena, Campus Muralla del Mar, s/n. E-30202 Cartagena, Spain
2  Department of Plant Breeding, Fruit Tree Biotechnology Group, CEBAS-CSIC, Campus Universitario de Espinardo, P.O. Box 164, E-30100 Murcia, Spain
Academic Editor: Francesco Marinello


Experimental chambers play an important role in agronomy and plant science by maintaining and providing ideal conditions so that experimental data is not affected. It is known that the environmental parameters of the experimental chambers can fluctuate, which can prevent the repetition of the experiments in the future (Lee and Rawlings, 1982; Potvin and Tardif, 1988). To ensure that the environmental parameters inside the chamber are within the required parameters, the best solution is to be able to record and monitor them. The recording and monitoring of environmental variables within an experimentation chamber are carried out to increase the repeatability of experiments in the future, in addition to providing researchers with real-time information on the conditions in which their tests are located.

Single board computers such as Raspberry Pi [], which use open software such as node-RED [] offers the opportunity to develop such an intelligent system for monitoring the different light, temperature and humidity sensors of the experiment chamber.

Single board computers offer a high degree of flexibility and can be used in many different applications such as Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Application Programming Interface (API). IoT devices are objects connected to the Internet that are capable of collecting data and sending it over the Internet to store and process information in APIs, for example Google Cloud Platform. In addition, node-RED allows the creation of a chatbot in Telegram that interacts with the system, predicting and informing the user of possible problems that may arise during the course of the experiments, providing the AI ​​system.

Keywords: Node-RED, Raspberry Pi, Google Cloud Platform, Datalogger, IoT, Arduino, Experimental Chamber, Seed, Sensor,IA