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Use of Machine Learning to Predict the Glycemic Status of Patients with Diabetes
1 , 2 , 2 , 3 , * 1
1  LUM University-Giuseppe Degennaro; LUM Enterprise s.r.l.
2  LUM Enterprise s.r.l.
3  Emtesys s.r.l.
Academic Editor: Tin-Chih Toly Chen


In this work, a machine learning methodology is used to predict the progress of the glycemic values of six patients with diabetes. Eight different algorithms are compared i.e. ANN, PNN, Polynomial Regression, Gradient Boosted Trees Regression, Random Forest Regression, Simple Regression Tree, Tree Ensemble Regression, Linear Regression. The algorithms are classified based on the ability to minimize four statistical errors, namely: Mean Absolute Error, Mean Squared Error, Root Mean Squared Error, Mean Signed Difference. Following the analysis, an ordering of the algorithms by predictive efficiency is proposed. Data are collected within the “Smart District 4.0 Project” with the contribution of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development.

Keywords: : Machine Learning; Predictions; Telemedicine, ANN-Artificial Neural Network