Black plum sawfly (Hoplocampa minuta Christ. (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) is one of the dominant pests of plum in Ukraine, causing significant damage and yield losses. Monitoring based on pheromone and color traps is widespread in integrated protection systems. Data on the dynamics and location of the population of the pest in the agrobiocenosis allow to determine the feasibility, scale and optimal timing of treatments, tactics and means of control. The investigation was carried out in conventionally managed plum orchard of the Institute of Horticulture of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. Sticky traps of different colors (white, blue, yellow, red and green). The flight period lasted from 17 to 34 days. White traps provided the highest efficiency during the flight period of the plum sawfly. The proportions of insects caught by yellow and blue traps decreased 4 times, and red and green traps 9 times compared to white. At the peak of the sawfly's flight the efficiency of white traps increased. The average densities of sawflies during the flight period were: for white traps – 89 imago per trap, yellow – 10 imago per trap, red – 4 imago per trap, blue – 10 imago per trap, green – 12 imago per trap. The density of the sawfly population depended on meteorological conditions, in particular on the humidity and temperature of the soil and air.
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Which color is better? Efficiency of color traps for monitoring of black plum sawfly
15 April 2022
in 1st International Electronic Conference on Horticulturae
session Fruit Production Systems
Keywords: plum; black plum sawfly; color traps; monitoring; flight dynamics