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Thinning in chestnut coppices, effects on the forest ground and recovery capacity
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Academic Editor: Angela Lo Monaco


The abandonment of traditional forestry practices and the lack of updating through more modern practices, as for the coppices government, has led to a dangerous homogenization of the landscape with consequent loss of ecosystem variety, landscape complexity and biodiversity.

The coppice management combined with the basic requirements of sustainability is possible with a careful logging activities and a continuous monitoring of the impacts on the ground and on the renovation. The chestnut coppice management corresponds to a specific productive model, with questionable values of naturality but without heavy impacts. It is known that the greatest impact is due to the harvesting, so it must be carried out carefully. If the wooden assortments request is connected to a local management, production and consumption chain, the coppice government can be a valid forest management method both in terms of biomass, landscape diversity and heterogeneousness of forest cover, fulfilling the commitments of preservation of biodiversity.

Keywords: coppice, thinning, chestnut, biodiversity, sustainable forest management