The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Forests — Exploring New Discoveries and New Directions in Forests
Part of the International Electronic Conference on Forests series
15–31 October 2022
Forest Ecology, Forest Ecophysiology, Forest Genetics, wood science, Forest Engineering, Forest Sustainability, Natural Hazards, forest economics
- Go to the Sessions
- S1. Forest Ecology and Management
- S2. Forest Ecophysiology and Genetics
- S3. Wood Science, Production Chains, Fuelwood and Trade
- S4. Forest Operations and Engineering
- S5. Forest and Urban Forest Sustainability
- S6. Forest Inventory, Quantitative Methods and Remote Sensing
- S7. Forest Wildfires and Other Natural Hazards
- S8. Forest Economics, Policy and Social Science
- S9. Forest Water and Climate Regulation
- Event Details
The conferences closed. Thank you for your participation.
The recordings of live sessions are available at:
The list of all accepted submissions are available at:
The accepted proceedings papers will probably be published as one dedicated volume in MDPI Environmental Sciences Proceedings after the conference.
All participants of IECF2022 are welcome to submit an extended full paper to the Special Issue of the journal Forests, with a 20% discount on the Article Processing Charges.The IECF2022 award winners will be announced at https://iecf2022.sciforum.net/#awards.
Invited Speakers

Łukasiewicz Research Network -Poznań Institute of Technology, Center of Wood Technology, Poznań, Poland
Forest biomass utilization for developing value-added products for wood industry
Director of Center of Wood Technology at Łukasiewicz Research Network-Poznan Institute of Technology, PhD in chemical technology (Poznan University of Technology), researcher with 17 years of experience in R&D, involved in both scientific works and industrial services, intern at i.a. Stanford University, US, CNR-IVALSA, Italy. For over 10 years, she has been concerned with the topic of wood-based composites technology, in particular looking for new bioadhesives and alternative raw materials for their production. She is the co-author and co-founder of two world patents, four national patents and four patent applications, the author and reviewer for JCR journals, and the auxiliary supervisor of two PhD students. She is a laureate of the Minister of Science and Higher Education award for outstanding young scientist, and alumna of the Leadership Acadamy of Poland.

Department of Economics Engineering, Society and Business Organization, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
Claudia Pelosi is currently a senior researcher and aggregate professor in analytical chemistry at the Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization (DEIM) of the University of Tuscia (Italy). She is also the manager of the Laboratory of Diagnostics and Materials Science and the director of the Laboratory of Multispectral Imaging. She is an assistant professor of chemistry for restoration (CHIM/12); diagnostics and spectroscopy for cultural heritage (CHIM/01); and the Laboratory of Materials Science (ING-IND/22). On 6th September 2018 Claudia obtained her National Scientific Qualification to become an associate professor in analytical chemistry (D.D. 1532/2016), which is valid from 6th September 2018 to 6th September 2027 (art. 16, comma 1, law 240/10). She is an expert in spectroscopic techniques applied to cultural heritage materials as well as to materials for coatings and wood protection. She has coauthored 89 scientific publications so far (source: Scopus, author ID: 22836449900).

New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd (Scion), Christchurch, New Zealand
The future management and ecology of planted forests
Peter Clinton is a forest ecologist whose research interests cover Carbon and nutrient dynamics and plant soil interactions with a particular focus on maintaining the productive capacity of commercial forests. He is one of New Zealand’s leading experts in sustainable forest management and his expertise extends to production ecology, tree nutrition, biogeochemistry and the sustainability of forest soils. He considers himself fortunate to have worked in both indigenous and exotic forests of New Zealand, providing him with a wide appreciation of diverse forest ecosystems. He has led the Government funded national programme on Sustainable Forest Management which provides core capability to support the sustainable management of New Zealand planted forests since 2005. He now leads the Forest System team at Scion and was responsible for the Government/industry funded research programme – Growing Confidence in Forestry future (GCFF, https://gcff.nz). He is now the programme leader for the Industry government funded programme “Resilient forests which focuses on multidisciplinary research that aims to increase the resilience of planted forests under an uncertain future. Until recently, he was the coordinator of the International Union of Forest Research Organisations’ working group on Forest Soils. As the Programme Manager of the New Zealand Forest Site Management Cooperative from 2004 until the formation of FFR Ltd in 2008 he has been exposed to a wide variety of environmental issues and research concerns facing the forestry and rural land use sectors. He was awarded an OECD fellowship in 2002 to study sustainable forest management issues in Europe. He was the national team leader for the IEA Bioenergy task for 4 years until 2003. He gained his PhD from the University of Canterbury and has an extensive publications record (>100 international peer-reviewed papers) on the ecology and management of natural and planted forests. He has an extensive international network and enjoys hosting collaborators from all around the world.

Department of Agroforestry Engineering, University of Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain
The landscape as a habitat image: urban forests biodiversity and their boundaries, key to conservation
Ignacio J. Diaz-Maroto got his Higher Degree in Forest Engineering and his Forest Engineering PhD from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. From 1991 to 1992, he worked as a researcher at the Forest Research Centre of Lourizán, Pontevedra, where he kept collaborating until finished his doctoral thesis on ecology, dendrometry and forestry at Quercus robur L. At the same time, in 1992, he began his teaching career at University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) where he currently works as a professor and researcher. Although his teaching specialty is Dendrometry, Forest Inventory and Forest Management, during his almost 30 years as a professor, he has had the possibility of teaching other subjects in Forest Engineering, Environmental Engineering and, now in the Degree in Landscape. Among others, Planning and Management of Natural Protected Areas, Territorial Planning and Landscape Planning. He has led the "Forest Modelling, Dendrochronology and Forest Industries Group" (MoDenFo) at USC from 1994 to 2014. From 2013 to 2014, he performed as Director of the Master in Forest Engineering at USC. He coordinated the Doctoral Program in “Engineering for Rural Development”, Department of Agroforestry Engineering, which obtained the Excellence Mention of the Ministry of Education from 2011 to 2014. Moreover, he has authored more than 40 peer-reviewed articles in international journals indexed by WoS and/or Scopus, as well as books, book chapters and conference proceedings, both national and international. I have been both a principal researcher and a member of the research team in numerous projects, having supervised six doctoral theses. He was a visiting researcher in different centers, the last one by six months at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of several indexed journals (WoS): Anais Academia Brasileira Ciências, Annals of Forest Research, Austrian Journal of Forest Science, Baltic Forestry, Bosque, Ciência Florestal, Ciência Rural, Chapingo Journal: Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Current Forest

College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho Experimental Forest, Moscow, USA
Use of lidar-derived single tree inventory to evaluate thinning operations on the University of Idaho Experimental Forest
Dr. Robert F. Keefe is the Director of the 4,000 ha University of Idaho Experimental Forest and Associate Professor of Forest Operations in the College of Natural Resources. His research includes the development of real-time location services and human and equipment activity recognition modeling to improve the efficiency and safety of logging operations, research to support new approaches to managing forest operations and wildland and prescribed fire, and applications of single-tree inventories in forestry.

Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy

Department of Agriculture and Forest Science, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy

Research Group Sustainable Forestry, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), Birmensdorf, Switzerland
Janine Schweier obtained a Forest Science degree and a doctoral degree from the Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources at the University of Freiburg, Germany. Since 2019, she has been the head of the research group Sustainable Forestry at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow, and Landscape Research (WSL). Her research focuses on sustainable forest operations, the provision of forest ecosystem services, forest economy in a changing environment, and forest digitalization. She has coauthored more than 30 scientific publications in international journals indexed by WoS and contributed to many technical magazines, guidelines, and book chapters. She is an editorial board member of the International Journal of Forest Engineering and the Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, a member of the expert committee silviculture and forest technique of the German Center for Forest Work and Technology (KWF), and a board member of the Swiss Wood Innovation Network S-WIN.

Department of Biology, School of Natural Sciences, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Live Session Recordings

List of accepted submissions (81)
Id | Title | Authors | Presentation Video | Poster PDF | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sciforum-058806 | Improvement of water resistance, dimensional stability, and decay resistance of pine wood by the incorporation of polyvinyl chloride-abietic acid copolymer with Ag nanoparticles | , | N/A | N/A |
Show Abstract |
Today, there is a growing interest in ecofriendly processes that are greatly needed as a result of the worldwide problem of environmental pollution. In |
sciforum-059217 | Removal of copper, chromium, and arsenic from CCA-treated wood using glycerol/choline chloride deep eutectic solvent | N/A | N/A |
Show Abstract |
Many chemicals and methods have been extensively studied for the removal of copper, chromium, and arsenic from wood treated with chromate copper arsenate (CCA). However, in these studies, it is seen that deep eutectic solvents (DES) are not used in the removal of copper, chromium, and arsenic. In this study, the effect of DES on the removal of copper, chromium, and arsenic from CCA-impregnated wood and the changes caused by DES solutions in wood samples were investigated. The DES solutions were prepared by mixing glycerol (GL) as the hydrogen bond donor (HBD) and choline chloride as the hydrogen bond acceptor (HBA) in different molar ratios. According to the results obtained, it was observed that the LA solution prepared with GL: CL was removed 65.5% Cu, 40.21% Cr, and 15.20% As. It was obtained in FTIR analysis and lignin determination that the lignin ratio of the wood samples decreased after the remediation process. It seems that the crystallinity ratio decreased significantly. The physical and biological properties of the sheet were investigated by making a sheet from powder samples treated with DES solutions. According to the results obtained, while the brightness values of the samples did not change, the roughness values decreased. In addition, the water uptake values of the samples after 96 hours showed a decrease of approximately 40-50% compared to the control samples. After the decay test, the weight loss values decreased compared to the control samples. |
sciforum-061808 | Acoustic properties of Scots Pine wood and genetic background | , , , | N/A |
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Show Abstract |
The range of the Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) mainly covers the European continent and Asia. The mechanical and physical properties of wood predispose this species to a wide range of applications. One of them is sound absorption, which is used in the production of windows, doors or floors. Wood conducts sound which also makes it an ideal material for building musical instruments. |
sciforum-061970 | Operational performance and sustainability of cutting trees with a chainsaw | , , | N/A |
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Show Abstract |
This work aims at evaluating the operational and environmental performance of a medium-sized chainsaw during a second thinning carried out on Calabrian Pine high forests. Trees, located at an altitude of 1100 m a.s.l, had on average diameter at the breast height of 30.6 cm and height of 18 m, for a density of 950 trees ha-1. The terrain roughness presents obstacles on less than 1/3 of the surface, while the slope was between I and II classes (0-40%). Chainsaw is the most widely common tool used for tree felling, so a work time study was conducted based on its employment, considering a full-tree system. Thirty operational cycles were registered: observed time was separated into working time, which included main and complementary working times, calculated as average gross productivity inclusive of all delays up to the maximum event duration of 15 minutes. Team productivity, was equal to 10.30 trees h-1, corresponding to a volume of timber of 11.2 m3 h-1. Considering a working day of 8 hours, productivity was equal to 41 trees d-1 worker-1 for a volume of timber of 44.8 m3 d-1 worker-1. The life cycle assessment (LCA) approach was adopted for environmental performance. As Functional Unit 1 m3 of round wood was chosen. The inventory data related to background processes were collected from Agribalyse 3.0.1. while data from the foreground, such as materials and fuel consumption, were directly collected. Environmental impact data were processed using OpenLCA software and the ReCiPe 2016 method at the midpoint level. The contribution analysis performed shows that emissions related to the stage of use represented the major hotspot in “Global warming”, “Ozone Formation–Human Health”, “Fine particulate matter formation”, “Ozone formation–terrestrial ecosystems” and “Terrestrial ecotoxicity” categories. |
sciforum-062354 | A new Model for Calculating the Impact of Forests and Wood Use on the Balance of С-СО2 in the Earth's Atmosphere | N/A |
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Show Abstract |
We have developed a methodology and proposed a new three-stage method for calculating the C-CO2 balance when growing forests and using wood. The service life of buildings made of wood fluctuates slightly, averaging about 50 years, the former timber will rot and turn back into CO2. Part of the wood is used to make paper, cardboard, plywood, and furniture. However, these materials and products have a short life span. Paper and cardboard are consumed. Furniture usually lasts no more than 25 years. The initial large carbon sink with industrial wood leads to a temporary (up to 150 years) removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. The long-term cycle of C-CO2 in the system atmosphere - green plants - industrial wood - man-made buildings - dust- the atmosphere ends only with a small positive balance. It is known that only a small part – 0.8-1.0% of the organic matter synthesized by plants enters the large geological cycle. There is a highly effective way of using forest plantations to regulate the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This path is the use of a part of the wood for energy production and the replacement of fossil hydrocarbons. Indeed, when wood is used for energy, biomass carbon burns out and also enters the atmosphere in the form of CO2. In this case, carbon dioxide does not replenish the pollutant pool. C-CO2 simply recirculates. It is important to take into account that the transportation of biofuel from wood over long distances reduces its energy efficiency and increases C-CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. |
Live Session Information
Live Session Program
Live Session 1
17 October 2022
Time: 10:00 am CEST
Theme: Wood Science
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Angela Lo Monaco
Speaker |
Presentation Topic |
Time (CEST) |
Prof. Dr. Angela Lo Monaco |
Introduction |
10:00am -10:10am |
Dr. Claudia Pelosi |
Effect of a new mono-component polyurethane coating on untreated and heat-treated Ayous wood (Triplochiton scleroxylon K. Shum) |
10:10am -10:40am |
Dr. Dominika Janiszewska |
Forest biomass utilization for developing value-added products for wood industry |
10:40am -11:10am |
Q&A |
11:10am - 11:30am |
Live Session 2
20 October 2022
Time: 11:30 am CEST
Theme: Forest Ecology and Management
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Panayotis Dimopoulos
Speaker |
Presentation Topic |
Time (CEST) |
Prof. Dr. Panayotis Dimopoulos |
Introduction |
11:30am -11:40am |
Dr. Peter Clinton |
The future management and ecology of planted forests |
11:40am -12:10pm |
Dr. Ignacio J. Diaz-Maroto |
The landscape as a habitat image: urban forests biodiversity and their boundaries, key to conservation |
12:10pm -12:40pm |
Q&A |
12:40pm -1:00pm |
Live Session 3
27 October 2022
Time: 4:00 pm CEST
Theme: Forest Operations and Engineering
Session Chair: Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Picchio
Speaker |
Presentation Topic |
Time (CEST) |
Dr. Janine Schweier |
The contribution of forest operations to sustainable forest management and decision support towards it |
4:00pm -4:30pm |
Prof. Dr. Robert Keefe |
Use of lidar-derived single tree inventory to evaluate thinning operations on the University of Idaho Experimental Forest |
4:30pm -5:00pm |
Q&A |
5:00pm -5:20pm |
Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Picchio |
Closing |
5:20pm - 5:30pm |
Welcome from the Chairs
Dear Colleagues,
It is a pleasure to announce the 3rd International Electronic Conference on Forests (IECF2022)—exploring new discoveries and new directions in forests. The conference has been organized by the MDPI open-access journal Forests (impact factor 2.634) and will be held online from 15 to 31 October 2022.
The conference will provide an opportunity to share new ideas, technologies, and innovations in the broad area of forest sciences with the global community of scientists in the field of forestry.
Forests are crucial for the health of our planet, as also highlighted in the recent COP26 meeting, and all stakeholders, beginning with forest scientists, must focus their attention on the overall sustainability of the forestry sector. Alongside timber production, forests provide several fundamental ecosystem services, such as biodiversity conservation, soil protection, recreation, landscape, food supply, and carbon stocking, without forgetting the value in terms aesthetics, education, spiritualism, art, and identity that forests possess. It is up to us to manage forests in the best possible way, allowing them to continue to carry out all of these crucial roles. The global pandemic has further increased, if possible, the importance of forests, highlighting their relevance in human health.
Taking into account the abovementioned factors, the role of forest research is fundamental, and only through sharing knowledge and competence among the different sectors of forest science will it be possible to achieve the ambitious but crucial goal of Sustainable Forest Management.
Therefore, we invite you to join us with your work and be part of this exciting experience.
The topics of the conference include:
- Forest Ecology and Management;
- Forest Ecophysiology and Genetics;
- Wood Science, Production Chains, Fuelwood and Trade;
- Forest Operations and Engineering;
- Forest and Urban Forest Sustainability;
- Forest Inventory, Quantitative Methods and Remote Sensing;
- Forest Wildfires and Other Natural Hazards;
- Forest Economics, Policy and Social Science;
- Forest Water and Climate Regulation.
For the IECF2022, participation and attendance are FREE of charge. Hopefully, this means it will be an inclusive and sustainable conference due to the lack of taxes, travel costs, or other related expenditures. All you need is a computer and access to the Internet. This online event will bring together researchers from all over the world. However, this conference represents a commitment to a “physical” meeting, which we hope will be held in the very near future.
We warmly invite our colleagues from across the world to actively take part in this important and inspiring event by presenting their latest work.
The conference invites the submission of abstracts that will be reviewed by the conference committee. The authors of accepted contributions will be invited to submit a slideshow presentation, a poster, and/or a video presentation of their work that will be discussed during the conference, as well as a paper to be published in the proceedings of the conference on Forests. This paper will not have a processing charge.
All participants are encouraged to submit a full paper to the dedicated Conference Special Issue in Forests with a 20% discount on the Article Processing Charges (APC).
This is an opportunity to exchange ideas, start fruitful collaborations, and make this third conference a success.
Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Angela Lo Monaco
Prof. Dr. Rodolfo Picchio
Prof. Dr. Mark Vanderwel
The Chairs of the 3rd International Electronic Conference on Forests
Event Chairs

Department of Agriculture and Forest Science, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
Angela Lo Monaco is Associate Professor of Wood Technology and Forest Harvesting at the University of Tuscia (Viterbo, Italy), where she is also Head of the Wood Science and Technology laboratory. She is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the Section “Wood Science” of Forests. Angela Lo Monaco’s research interests mainly concern wood science and technology both for the environment as well as for cultural heritage. Trees and timber are taken into consideration, not only as a source of materials and by products but also as sensors of anthropic and climatic events. Her research interests also focus on the properties of wood in artefacts of historical and artistic interest, with a special emphasis on the characteristics of wood degraded by environmental factors, in which the color and chemical characteristics of surfaces are used as monitoring systems. The impacts of forest logging on residual trees and seedlings as well as the influence of human activities on the quantity and quality of dead wood in the forest are some of the topics of her studies.

Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
Rodolfo Picchio obtained his Forest Science degree and PhD degree in Forest Mechanization from Tuscia University in Viterbo. From 2004 to 2014, he worked as a university researcher and has served as Associate Professor in Forest Logging and Wood Technologies since his appointment in 2014. He has led the ‘Forest Utilization Work Group’ at Tuscia University (DAFNE) since 2004. From 2015 to 2017, he served as President of the Master program of Forest Science “Conservation and Restoration of the Forest Environment and Soil Defense” at Tuscia University (DAFNE). He has served on the board of the PhD programs “Science and Technologies for Forest and Environmental Management” (2005–2013) and “Engineering for Energy and Environment” (since 2018) at Tuscia University. He has worked as the Italian representative in two EU COST Actions on silviculture and biomass. Furthermore, he has co-authored 75 peer-reviewed papers in international journals indexed by WoS and Scopus, 20 technical books, and over 150 papers in technical magazines. He also serves on the editorial boards of four international scientific journals covering forestry and forest engineering subjects. He has served as Guest Editor for three Special Issues of Forests, Energies, and Sustainability. He is a member of two scientific societies: the Italian Society of Forest Restoration and the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology.

Mark Vanderwel holds a Ph.D. in Forestry from the University of Toronto and is currently Associate Professor at the University of Regina. His research focuses on how tree-level demographic processes interact with disturbance to create changing patterns of structure, biomass, and diversity within forest stands and landscapes. He takes a quantitative approach to this topic by developing models to project how forests dynamics emerge from variation in demographic performance among individual trees, among species, and across environmental gradients. By understanding how tree growth, mortality, and recruitment are controlled by different environmental factors, he seeks to learn how processes such as climate change and disturbance affect the broader condition of forest ecosystems over time.
Event Session Chairs

Prof. Dr. Miha Humar
Department of Wood Science and Technology, Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Miha Humar is Professor at the Department of Wood Science at the University of Ljubljana. He gives courses about the performance of wood, wood pest, wood protection, wood modification, and wood conservation. From 2010–2021, he held managerial positions at the Department of Wood Science and the Biotechnical Faculty, and for the 2016–2018 term, he was the dean of the Biotechnical Faculty. Currently, as vice-dean of the Biotechnical Faculty, he is responsible for the research of one of the largest and most excellent Slovenian faculties. His current research work deals with the problems of service life prediction of wood, the performance of wood in outdoor conditions, the development of classical biocidal and non-biocidal solutions for wood protection, wood modification, wood conservation.

Prof. Dr. Panayotis Dimopoulos
Department of Biology, School of Natural Sciences, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Dr. Panayotis Dimopoulos holds a degree in Biological Sciences and a PhD diploma in "Flora and Vegetation Ecology of Mountains". He is currently a Professor in Botany and Ecology at the Department of Biology, University of Patras. He has published 120 articles in peer-reviewed international journals (1990–2020) and coordinated 35 national and 15 European research projects. He has participated with 198 oral and/or poster presentations in both international and national conferences. He serves as National Representative on Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES activities, 2014–present) and he is currently the President of the Natura 2000 National Committee for the Protected Areas of Greece (2020–2023).

Dr. Ge Sun
Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center, US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
Dr. Ge Sun is a Research Hydrologist and the Director of the Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center, Southern Research Station, Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture, as well as being an Adjunct Professor at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. He serves as a member of the International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO) Task Force on Forests and Water and is a Coordinator of the Working Group on hydrological processes and watershed management. He is an Associate Editor for Forests and Ecological Processes. His research focuses on the effects of climate change, forest management, wildland fires, and urbanization on water quantity and quality using eddy flux towers, paired watersheds, and integrated simulation models. He has published about 350 peer-reviewed papers on forest hydrology and climate change. He is a Fellow of the American Water Resources Association and a recipient of the US Forest Service Chief’s Distinguished Science Award. Dr. Sun holds a PhD in Forest Hydrology from the University of Florida and a BS and MS in Soil and Water Conservation from Beijing Forestry University.

Prof. Dr. Filippos A. Aravanopoulos
Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Environment, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 278, University Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr. Filippos (Phil) A. Aravanopoulos is a Professor of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) and is a Full Member of the Hellenic Agricultural Academy, where he is the Chair of Forest Science. His background couples Forest and Environmental Science (B.Sc.) with Tree Genetics (MSc, Ph.D., postdoctoral research), and he has studied in Greece, Canada, and Sweden. His research has been funded by international organizations (European Commission, International Energy Agency) and national organizations in Canada, Greece, and Sweden. He has served as the Chairman of the Scientific Council of the National Agricultural Foundation of Greece, overseeing scientific research, research staff recruitment, and promotions for 30 research institutes focussing on agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and veterinary science. Prof. Aravanopoulos has also served as the Leader of the Genetic Monitoring Working Group of EUFORGEN, as a member of the FAO Expert Group on the State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources, and as the Chair of the Hellenic Scientific Society for Plant Genetics and Breeding. He is the Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO’s Population, Ecological, and Conservation Genetics Unit. He is also the Director of AUTH’s Biomonitoring and Bioeconomy post-graduate program and is the Director of the Forest Genetics Lab. He serves as reviewer for more than 40 international journals and as an editorial board member for 4. He has given over 30 invited presentations at universities and conferences in Canada, China, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Turkey. He has published over 200 full research papers, of which over 100 are published in international peer-reviewed journals, over 50 are in referenced in international books or are international proceedings. He edited the book Genetics and Genomics of Forest Trees, published by MDPI Press, https://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfview/book/869. Recently, a short EUFORGEN documentary featured his research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YomBJ05wpck.

Dr. Elisabetta Salvatori
Department for Sustainability, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Rome, Italy
Dr. Elisabetta Salvatori graduated with a degree in Biology in 2004 and completed her PhD in Ecology in 2008. She has worked as a researcher in ENEA since July 2019. From 2008 to 2019, she worked at Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Environmental Biology. Her main research interests concern the biophysical quantification of ecosystem services, in particular of the regulating ES provided by urban and peri-urban green infrastructures and the use of nature-based solutions for urban and territorial regeneration. She has also worked on the characterization of "plant functional traits" in response to environmental stress factors and climate changes, the investigation of environmental quality through bioindication and biomonitoring, and the study of phytoremediation of pollutants (heavy metals, anionic surfactants) in contaminated sites and under controlled conditions. She is a member of the Editorial Board of Environmental and Experimental Botany, Forests, and Associate Editor of Annali di Botanica. Since 2006, she has been a member of the Italian Society of Ecology (SItE). She has authored more than 40 scientific publications in international journals with an Impact Factor.

Prof. Dr. Enrico Marchi
Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI), University of Florence, Firenze, Italy
Prof. Enrico Marchi is a full-time professor of wood technology and forest operation at the University of Firenze. He graduated with a PhD in wood science, curriculum "Forest operation", from the University of Firenze. He is also a member of the Italian Academy of Forest Science and Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF) and has held competitive positions as a coordinator, principal investigator, and participant in international and national R&D projects sponsored by the European Union and Italian government. Marchi is the leading scientist of UNIFI in COST Actions and a principal investigator and participant in 40 national, regional, and local R&D projects. His research activity is mainly focused on harvest system planning; productivity and efficiency, including system modelling; mechanized harvesting in close-to-nature mountain forestry; mechanized harvesting of dedicated wood plantations; woody biomass harvesting and transport logistics for bio-energy; industrial and non-industrial harvesting technologies; cable yarding; ergonomics; forest road planning; forest fire prevention; and suppression. He has participated as an invited speaker in several international conferences.

Dr. Giorgos Mallinis
School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
Dr. Georgios Mallinis is an Associate Professor in the School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece. He obtained his Ph.D. in Remote Sensing and GIS, focusing on Mediterranean forest mapping through GEOBIA analysis, from Aristotle University in 2006. After working as a postdoctoral researcher at AUTH, he moved to Democritus University of Thrace for 7 years as an Assistant Professor. Dr. Mallinis’s research interests are in the field of remote sensing for monitoring biotic natural capital of terrestrial ecosystems, forest inventory, and wildfire management, with emphasis on cloud processing and machine learning solutions for EO data processing.

Dr. Olga Viedma
Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain
I am a geographer with a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences who specializes in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). I belong to the Fire Ecology and Global Change Group (http://blog.uclm.es/grupofuego) of the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry at UCLM, the director of which is Dr. José Manuel Moreno, with whom I work in close collaboration. I am currently an assistant professor at UCLM. My main line of research is Landscape Ecology and Forest Fires, with a specific focus on i) the development of standard methodologies for fire mapping from satellite images, ii) analyses of the spatio-temporal patterns of forest fires, and iii) studies on fire severity and post-fire regeneration using satellite and LiDAR data. I am currently the Coordinator of the Official Master's Degree in Environmental Sustainability in the Local and Territorial Development and have taught in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Biochemistry at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM).

Dr Nikoleta Jones
Institute for Global Sustainable Development, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
Dr Nikoleta Jones is an Associate Professor at the Institute for Global Sustainable Development, University of Warwick. Her expertise lies within the field of environmental policy and governance, with a specific focus on controversial policy initiatives, such as the designation of new protected areas and making space for nature. She uses mixed methods, with a particular interest in behavioural predictive models that incorporate spatial and temporal dimensions. Dr Jones has published over 60 papers and has been involved in the writing of successful research grants since 2008, which collectively have raised over £2 million in external research funding. The most recent of these is the FIDELIO project, funded by the European Research Council (2019–2024, EUR 1.5 million), exploring the social impacts of and public support for conservation policies in Europe.
Event Committee

Department of Economics Engineering, Society and Business Organization, University of Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
Claudia Pelosi is currently a senior researcher and aggregate professor in analytical chemistry at the Department of Economics, Engineering, Society and Business Organization (DEIM) of the University of Tuscia (Italy). She is also the manager of the Laboratory of Diagnostics and Materials Science and the director of the Laboratory of Multispectral Imaging. She is an assistant professor of chemistry for restoration (CHIM/12); diagnostics and spectroscopy for cultural heritage (CHIM/01); and the Laboratory of Materials Science (ING-IND/22). On 6th September 2018 Claudia obtained her National Scientific Qualification to become an associate professor in analytical chemistry (D.D. 1532/2016), which is valid from 6th September 2018 to 6th September 2027 (art. 16, comma 1, law 240/10). She is an expert in spectroscopic techniques applied to cultural heritage materials as well as to materials for coatings and wood protection. She has coauthored 89 scientific publications so far (source: Scopus, author ID: 22836449900).

Department of Wood Technology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Boštjan Lesar is Assistant Professor at the Department of Wood Science at the University of Ljubljana. He gives courses about the performance of wood, wood pest, and wood fire protection. In his research, he also focuses on wood service life in outdoor environments. Boštjan Lesar is a leader of an infrastructural programme for preparation, weathering, and field testing of wood and lignocellulosic materials at the Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana. The aim of the infrastructural program is to offer a platform for durability testing, service life prediction, and weathering of wood and bio-based construction materials. He is currently working on different national and international projects. In the past, he has worked in fields of wooden construction and natural thermal insulations, especially with cellulose insulation.

New Zealand Forest Research Institute Ltd (Scion), Christchurch, New Zealand
Peter Clinton is a forest ecologist whose research interests cover Carbon and nutrient dynamics and plant soil interactions with a particular focus on maintaining the productive capacity of commercial forests. He is one of New Zealand’s leading experts in sustainable forest management and his expertise extends to production ecology, tree nutrition, biogeochemistry and the sustainability of forest soils. He considers himself fortunate to have worked in both indigenous and exotic forests of New Zealand, providing him with a wide appreciation of diverse forest ecosystems. He has led the Government funded national programme on Sustainable Forest Management which provides core capability to support the sustainable management of New Zealand planted forests since 2005. He now leads the Forest System team at Scion and was responsible for the Government/industry funded research programme – Growing Confidence in Forestry future (GCFF, https://gcff.nz). He is now the programme leader for the Industry government funded programme “Resilient forests which focuses on multidisciplinary research that aims to increase the resilience of planted forests under an uncertain future. Until recently, he was the coordinator of the International Union of Forest Research Organisations’ working group on Forest Soils. As the Programme Manager of the New Zealand Forest Site Management Cooperative from 2004 until the formation of FFR Ltd in 2008 he has been exposed to a wide variety of environmental issues and research concerns facing the forestry and rural land use sectors. He was awarded an OECD fellowship in 2002 to study sustainable forest management issues in Europe. He was the national team leader for the IEA Bioenergy task for 4 years until 2003. He gained his PhD from the University of Canterbury and has an extensive publications record (>100 international peer-reviewed papers) on the ecology and management of natural and planted forests. He has an extensive international network and enjoys hosting collaborators from all around the world.

Michael Sprintsin - a geographer by training and since receiving his Ph.D. Dr. Sprintsin studies the coupling between biochemical and biophysical feedbacks of forest ecosystems in response to external disturbances (natural and anthropogenic) with a specific focus on monitoring terrestrial vegetation using Earth Observation methods. Dr. Sprintsin has more than 15 year active experience in multidisciplinary remote sensing projects development particulary focusing on three complementary areas: (1) the analysis of the hydrological functioning of semi-arid and sub-humid environments; (2) the estimation of biophysical variables in forest and agricultural ecosystems and (3) the quantification of the terrestrial carbon cycle by implementing spatially explicit remote sensing driven process-based model for estimating terrestrial productivity on various spatial and temporal scales. In 2012, Dr. Sprintsin joined Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael (KKL-JNF) in the position of long-term forest monitoring program coordinator and he is currently serves as a forest engineer in KKL-JNF’s Southern District.

Department of Agroforestry Engineering, University of Santiago de Compostela, Lugo, Spain
Ignacio J. Diaz-Maroto got his Higher Degree in Forest Engineering and his Forest Engineering PhD from the Polytechnic University of Madrid. From 1991 to 1992, he worked as a researcher at the Forest Research Centre of Lourizán, Pontevedra, where he kept collaborating until finished his doctoral thesis on ecology, dendrometry and forestry at Quercus robur L. At the same time, in 1992, he began his teaching career at University of Santiago de Compostela (USC) where he currently works as a professor and researcher. Although his teaching specialty is Dendrometry, Forest Inventory and Forest Management, during his almost 30 years as a professor, he has had the possibility of teaching other subjects in Forest Engineering, Environmental Engineering and, now in the Degree in Landscape. Among others, Planning and Management of Natural Protected Areas, Territorial Planning and Landscape Planning. He has led the "Forest Modelling, Dendrochronology and Forest Industries Group" (MoDenFo) at USC from 1994 to 2014. From 2013 to 2014, he performed as Director of the Master in Forest Engineering at USC. He coordinated the Doctoral Program in “Engineering for Rural Development”, Department of Agroforestry Engineering, which obtained the Excellence Mention of the Ministry of Education from 2011 to 2014. Moreover, he has authored more than 40 peer-reviewed articles in international journals indexed by WoS and/or Scopus, as well as books, book chapters and conference proceedings, both national and international. I have been both a principal researcher and a member of the research team in numerous projects, having supervised six doctoral theses. He was a visiting researcher in different centers, the last one by six months at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal. He is a member of the Scientific Committee of several indexed journals (WoS): Anais Academia Brasileira Ciências, Annals of Forest Research, Austrian Journal of Forest Science, Baltic Forestry, Bosque, Ciência Florestal, Ciência Rural, Chapingo Journal: Forestry and Environmental Sciences, Current Forest

Department of Land, Environment, Agriculture and Forestry, University of Padova
Prof. Dr. Raffaele Cavalli is a professor of Forest Operations at the Dept. TESAF at the University of Padova. He has been responsible for many research programmes at regional, national, and European levels and he has taken scientific offices in regional and national bodies. He is an Associate Editor of the European Journal of Forest Research (from 2004), a member of the International Editorial Board of the Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering (from 2011), and a member of the Editorial Board of Forests (2019). He is the Coordinator of IUFRO Research Group 3.01.00 "Harvesting and transportation engineering" (from 2020). He is the author of more than 300 papers in national and international scientific journals and books. Research Keywords: His main lecturing and research activities concern forest operations and wood supply chains.

Forest Research Centre, CSIC-Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, Madrid, Spain
Dr. Jose Climent is a tenured scientist at the Forest Research Centre of INIA, Spain. His research is focused in the evolution of life histories of forest tree species, within a wider scope of forest breeding and conservation of genetic resources under the threats of global change. He has coordinated several national projects and different work packages of EU projects on tree breeding and genetic conservation. He has combined his research activity with teaching, first in the UPM and then in the MSc, and has doctorate programs of iuFOR (Research Institute in Sustainable Forest Management UVa-INIA). In recent years, Dr. Climent has also devoted significant efforts to the transfer of research results to the forestry sector, including organizing or co-organizing several events with state and regional administration representatives, nursery and reforestation companies, and other researchers. This helped to improve the applicability of the results of the investigation and the knowledge demands to guide such an investigation. Within this activity, in 2016, he coordinated an action with Spanish AECID (Cooperation Agency) to create a thematic network on forest genetics applied to climate change mitigation in South America. He is an associated editor of Forests, Tee Genetics and Genomes, and Forest Systems scientific journals. He has authored or co-authored 58 SCI papers as well as numerous conference papers, and has supervised five PhD theses that have obtained the maximum qualification, with another one currently in progress.

Department of Forestry Sciences and Landscape Architecture, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal
José T. M. Aranha is a full professor of geographical information systems and remote sensing (GIS-RS) in agroforestry applications at the "Forestry Department" of the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal. He earned his Graduation in forestry (1988) from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal, and his Ph.D. in GIS-RS (1998) from Kingston University, England (title of his thesis: An Integrated Geographical Information Systems for Vale do Alto Tâmega - GISVAT). His research interests are multidisciplinary, and include forest fire hazard indices, forest biomass calculation, forest inventory, satellite image processing and classification, land-use as well as land-cover classification and mapping, spatial analysis, map algebra modeling in agroforestry, ecosystem services modeling and biological struggle, and wildlife surveys. He is (2022) the editor of two books; the author of five book chapters, seven books published by UTAD, twenty-seven papers in international journals (ISI JCR), seven papers in national journals (Latindex, Scopus), forty-eight papers in international congress proceedings books, seventy-two papers in national conference proceedings books, and thirty papers in the dissemination and transmission of science. He is (2022) the supervisor of PhD students: six theses concluded and three ongoing; master’s students: twenty-six dissertations concluded and six ongoing; and undergraduate students: forty final reports concluded (UTAD), fourteen concluded (Erasmus). Fellowship supervision: one postdoc concluded, one Ph.D. concluded, two master’s concluded, one Ph.D. ongoing, and one master’s ongoing. He is a full member of the Centre for the Research and Technology of Agro-Environmental and Biological Sciences—CITAB—http://www.citab.utad.pt/.

Forest Industries Research Institute (FIRC), University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
Dr. Acuna holds a PhD in Forest Engineering at Oregon State University, a MSc in Operations Research and Management at University of Chile, and a Bachelor in Forest Engineering at University Austral of Chile. He has over 25 years of professional experience in forest management, and has forest supply chain management expertise within national and international private companies, universities, and research organizations. Dr. Acuna’s international experience in forest operations and optimisation modelling includes research activities in Chile, Uruguay, Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Finland, Ireland, and Spain. His research interests include mathematical programming and optimization techniques for forest management and operations, wood and biomass harvesting and transport logistics, operations research and decision support systems, and harvesting machine evaluation. Dr. Acuna has served as a Deputy Coordinator of IUFRO’s Division 3 (Harvesting and Transportation Engineering) and has been an active member of the Cost Action (Forest Energy) program. He has served as a reviewer of articles in more than 20 scientific journals and is a member of Editorial Board of the following journals: Forests, The International Journal of Forest Engineering, The Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering, Annals of Forest Research, and AIMS Energy.

Department of Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poznań, Poland
Jan Bocianowski achieved his MSc in mathematics in 1998; he achieved his PhD in agriculture six years later, in 2004. He is an interdisciplinary researcher, specialising in biometry and statistics for agriculture, plant breeding, biology and genetics. Jan has authored or coauthored over 426 scientific publications, of which around 242 were published in journals listed in Journal Citation Reports by Thomson Reuters.

Department of Life Sciences, Centre for Functional Ecology, University of Coimbra, Calçada Martim de Freitas, Coimbra, Portugal
Jorge M. Canhoto graduated in Biology from the University of Coimbra, Portugal and completed his PhD in 1995, in the field of Plant Physiology. In 2004, he became a full-time professor at the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Coimbra, where he is an Associate Professor. He is now the director of the Master’s in Plant Biodiversity and Plant Biotechnology of the Department of Life Sciences of the University of Coimbra and leads the Plant Biotechnology Group of the Centre for Functional Ecology. At the University of Coimbra, he is responsible for the courses of Plant Biotechnology, Plant Development, Forest Biodiversity and Biotechnology and Experimental Biology. Now, he is an Editor of the journals In Vitro Cell & Dev Biology and Frontiers in Plant Science and Forests, is chair of the Division of Plant Biotechnology and Genetic Resources of the ISHS.

Department of Forest Utilisation, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland
Professor and Deputy Head of Scientific Council at Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland. Working on economic optimisation of cut-to-length technologies in thinning operations. Co-author of “Principles of Forest Utilisation” for forestry managers, co-author of over 80 scientific papers. Lecturer at leading European universities in Eberswalde, Florence, Jelgava, Padova, Thessaloniki, and Viterbo. Speaker at IUFRO, FORMEC, and FEC conferences in Europe, Asia, and New Zealand. Local coordinator of European Union projects and leader of projects focused on improving forest operations and the management practices of the State Forests in Poland. Board member of International Journal of Forest Engineering and reviewer of scientific papers in over twenty leading international forestry journals, including Forest Ecology and Management, Canadian Journal of Forest Research, and Land Degradation and Development.

Laboratoire Sciences pour l'Environnement, University of Corsica - CNRS, 20250 Corte, France
Paul-Antoine Santoni is Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Combustion at the University of Corsica. His research interests primarily focus on the understanding and modeling of forest fires. These activities are carried out at three scales: the microscopic scale, in which the fine mechanisms involved in fires such as combustion and solid degradation are studied; the macroscopic scale, in which the interaction between flames and vegetation are studied (heat and mass transfers) as well as the production of smoke; and the gigascopic or landscape scale, in which the fire is seen as an interface moving on a 3D surface. Over the last two years he has devoted himself to the improvement of physics-based computational fire models (reactive and radiative flows in vegetation assimilated to a porous medium). Paul-Antoine Santoni is currently the head of the laboratory SPE 6134 at CNRS and the University of Corsica, which comprises more than 160 researchers and PhD students that work on Environmental Sciences. He was the head of the GDR (Groupement de Recherche) Feux CNRS n° 2864, which includes all the French laboratories working of fire safety science, from 2017 to 2021. He is currently an active member of the forest fire science community. He is the author or co-author of more than 70 International Journal Publications and book chapters, as well as more than 100 other conference talks and technical documents.

Dr. Lina Fusaro is a Researcher at the National Research Council, Institute for BioEconomy. Her research concerns the effects that the abiotic stresses, natural or anthropogenic, that are linked to global and climatic changes have on vegetation. Using plant ecophysiology techniques, she investigates how the interaction between plants and the environment varies, paying particular attention to stresses such as water or soil salinity that persist in the Mediterranean Basin area or by focusing on the phytotoxic action of pollutants such as tropospheric ozone and nitrogen depositions. A substantial part of her research interests has aimed at evaluating the functional effects of the interaction between multiple stressors through a multidisciplinary approach. In recent years, Dr. Lina has focused on analyzing how stress can affect the ability of vegetation to provide Regulatory Ecosystem Services in natural and urban ecosystems using a multiscale approach.

Department of Wood Science and Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Skelleftea, Sweden
Dennis Jones is an Associate Professor at the Luleå University of Technology, where he is based at the university’s Wood Science and Engineering department in Skellefteå, Sweden. He has worked in areas related to wood science and technology for nearly 30 years in positions in the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden and specialises in wood modification. He has chaired and co-chaired COST Actions, and his activities in wood science have been recognised by his position as a Fellow in the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining.

State Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Dryland Farming on the Loess Plateau, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, Yangling 712100, China
Lei Deng received his Ph D. of ecology at Northwest A&F University (2014) and worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Quebec at Montreal, Canada (April 2018–April 2019). He served as a full professor at the Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Northwest A&F University, and CAS since 2019. Lei Deng’s research interests are mainly focused on global changes and ecosystem carbon sequestration, land uses and soil conservation, forest ecology and management, etc. He constructed the method to estimate carbon sequestration benefits and quantitatively assessed the carbon sequestration potential and rate for China’s Green for Grain Project; clarified the dynamics of carbon sequestration following vegetation restoration and its driving mechanisms by plant, soil and microorganisms; and revealed the effects of soil and water conservation on vegetation restoration and its regulation mechanism of soil carbon pools. To date, he has published more than 100 papers recorded by the journals of Science Citation Index (SCI) and the Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD). These papers have been cumulatively cited 3800 times by other scholars (Google scholar), wherein 5 papers have been ranked as highly cited by the ESI and have an H index of 34. He is currently a Section Editor of “Forest Soil” of Forests and a young editor of the Frontiers of Agriculture Science and Engineering (FASE). He has received three competitive grants from NSFC and won the second prize of the Shaanxi Science and Technology Award as the first accomplisher. Furthermore, he has been awarded the Youth Talents of China award, among others.

Center for Environmental Studies and Research, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil
Simone Vieira is a Researcher at State University of Campinas, Environmental Research and Study Centre (NEPAM-UNICAMP) and Associate Professor in Ecosystem Science at the Post Graduate program in Environment and Society of NEPAM and in Ecology of Institute of Biology, State University of Campinas (IB/UNICAMP). She graduated in Agronomic Engineering (University of São Paulo, 1990) with a Masters in Forest Science (University of São Paulo, 1998) and a PhD in Science (University of São Paulo, 2003). She was a post-doc researcher at CENA/USP (2004-2008) and University of Lisbon (2008-2010). She has experience in ecosystem ecology, and a major theme of her research has been to study the functioning of Brazilian ecosystems, especially the Amazonian and Atlantic tropical forest, in terms of biogeochemical cycle, including the forest structure and dynamic and how they will be affected by climate change. Vieira is a member of the Steering Committees for Special Programs—BIOTA-FAPESP Program and of the editorial board of Forests, collaborator of Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes—University of Lisbon, Portugal and a nominated UNFCCC Expert.

Dr. Junwei Luan is a Professor of the International Centre for Bamboo and Rattan (ICBR), and currently is the Principle Investigator of the Forest Structure and Function Research Group. He completed his Ph.D. degree in ecology at the Chinese Academy of Forestry in 2010, with a research focus on soil carbon cycling in China’s temperate forests. He has since broadened his research expertise to ecosystem carbon processes in Tibetan meadows and peatland ecosystems as an Assistant Professor of the Chinese Academy of Forestry (2010–2013). From 2013 to 2016, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for the Terrestrial Biogeochemistry and Ecohydrology Research Group (TBERG) of the Memorial University of Newfoundland in Canada, and focused on carbon cycling in Canadian peatland ecosystems. He joined the ICBR in June 2016. As a leading author, he has published more than 40 peer-reviewed papers related to ecosystem ecology. He serves as an Editor Board Member of Forest Ecosystems and CABI Agriculture and Bioscience, and also as the Deputy Coordinator of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Division 8.01.07, hydrologic processes and watershed management, and Division 1.10.00, long-term research on forest ecosystem management.
S2. Forest Ecophysiology and Genetics
S3. Wood Science, Production Chains, Fuelwood and Trade
S4. Forest Operations and Engineering
S5. Forest and Urban Forest Sustainability
S6. Forest Inventory, Quantitative Methods and Remote Sensing
S7. Forest Wildfires and Other Natural Hazards
S8. Forest Economics, Policy and Social Science
S9. Forest Water and Climate Regulation
Instructions for Authors
Submissions should be completed online by authors by registering with Sciforum.net and using the “Submit Abstract” function once logged into the system.
- Scholars interested in participating in the conference can submit their abstract in English (about 200–250 words) online at this website until 31 May 2022 30 June 2022.
- The Conference Committee will evaluate all the submitted abstracts and authors will be notified by 15 June 2022 15 July 2022 in regard to whether theirs has been accepted.
- The authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit at least one type of the following files: proceedings paper (max. 6 pages), presentation slides, poster presentation and/or video presentation (max. 250 MB) before 31 August 2022 30 September 2022.
- All accepted files will be available online for discussion and rating during the conference (15–31 October 2022). After the conference they will remain available to read online on Sciforum.net.
- All accepted proceedings papers will be published in the proceedings of this e-conference within a dedicated volume of the MDPI journal Environmental Sciences Proceedings. The publication of proceedings papers is free of charge.
Note: Before publication, Environmental Sciences Proceedings will review accepted papers using the powerful text comparison tool iThenticate. This procedure aims to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism. Submissions with a high repetition rate and lack of novelty will not be published in the conference proceedings.
- Participants of this e-conference will also be encouraged to submit a full paper to one dedicated Special Issue in Forests with a 20% discount on the article processing charge (APC).
Note: The submission to the journal is independent of the conference proceedings and will follow the usual process of the journal, including peer review, APC, etc. The submission to the journal should be novel and significantly different from the proceedings paper.
Proceedings papers must be prepared in MS Word using the proceedings template and converted into a PDF before submission. The manuscript should be at least 3 pages (including figures, tables and references) and not exceed 6 pages. Authors are asked to keep their papers as concise as possible. Please do not insert any graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) into a movable frame which can superimpose on the text and make the layout very difficult.
The papers should follow this organization:
- Title;
- Full author names;
- Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors' e-mail addresses;
- Abstract;
- Keywords;
- Introduction;
- Methods;
- Results and discussion;
- Conclusions;
- Conflict of interest;
- (Acknowledgements);
- References.
Please note that the manuscript cannot be published in any place other than the conference proceedings. Carefully read the rules outlined in the “Instructions for Authors” on the journal’s website and ensure that your manuscript submission adheres to these guidelines.
Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint or similar software to be displayed online alongside the manuscript. Slides can be prepared in the same way as for any traditional conference. They should be converted into a PDF format before submission.
The following organization is recommended for your presentation:
- Length of the presentation: no more than 30 slides;
- Slide one (strictly one slide): title, authors’ names, affiliation(s), email addresses of the corresponding authors and logos of the laboratory and/or institution (not mandatory);
- Slide two (strictly one slide): graphical abstract, repeat the title of the presentation but avoid other text as much as possible;
- Slide three (strictly one slide): abstract (max. 250 words) and three–five keywords separated by semicolons;
- Slide four and following slides: introduction, results, discussion and conclusions, in this sequence;
- Last slide: acknowledgments and logos of sponsors (not mandatory).
Authors are also encouraged to submit video presentations. This is a unique way of presenting your research and discussing it with peers from all over the world. Video should be no longer than 3-5 minutes and prepared in one of the following formats: .mp4/.webm/.ogg (max size: 250 MB). It should be submitted before 31 August 2022 30 September 2022.
Tips for authors: If you would like to prepare a video based on your PowerPoint presentation you may use the "record slide" function in PowerPoint.
Posters will be available on the conference’s website during and after the event. As with papers presented at the conference, participants will be able to ask questions and make comments about the posters.
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Event Special Issue
Conference have created a Special Issue for selected conference papers in our journal Forests (ISSN 1999-4907, IF 2.634). Papers submitted to this Special Issue, if accepted for publication after peer review, will receive a 20% discount on the Article Processing Charges. More instructions for submission can be found here.
Selected Papers from the 3rd International Electronic Conference on Forests (IECF2022)
Edited by Angela Lo Monaco, Rodolfo Picchio and Mark Vanderwel
Submission deadline: 25 July 2023
Event Awards
Winner Announcement
On behalf of the chairs of IECF2022, we are pleased to announce the winners of the Best Paper Award and Best Poster Award:
The Best Paper Award have been awarded to
- sciforum-065249, "Screening synergistic interactions on essential oils for the improvement of toxicity against the pinewood nematode"
Diogo Gonçalves, Tomás Cavaco, Ana Pombo, Cristina Moiteiro, Dora Martins Teixeira, Maria L. Inácio, Jorge M. S. Faria
The Best Poster Award have been awarded to
- sciforum-064399, "Identification of pathogens in seedlings of Indian sandalwood and screening of fungal endophytes against the plant pathogenic fungi"
Swetha Purushotham, Sundararaj Ramachandran, Kandan Aravindaram , Ananda Kulal, Kirana Mugaranja P
The winners will receive the following:
- 350 Swiss francs (CHF);
- A certificate;
- Opportunities to publish one paper in Forests with a 50% discount before 31 December 2023.
The Awards
Number of Awards Available: 1
The Best Paper Award is presented to the paper judged to make the most significant contribution to the conference.Number of Awards Available: 1
The Best Poster Award was established to recognize the scientific merit exhibited in poster presentation and preparation.Conference Secretariat
Ms. Rainy Han
Ms. Leah Lu
Ms. Emilija Babic
MDPI Branch Office, Beijing, China
E-Mail: iecf2022@mdpi.com
For information regarding submission inquiry and sponsoring opportunities, please feel free to contact us.
S1. Forest Ecology and Management
Session Chair
Prof. Dr. Panayotis Dimopoulos, Department of Biology, School of Natural Sciences, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
S2. Forest Ecophysiology and Genetics
Session Chair
Prof. Dr. Filippos A. Aravanopoulos, Faculty of Agriculture, Forestry & Natural Environment, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 278, University Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
S3. Wood Science, Production Chains, Fuelwood and Trade
Session Chair
Prof. Dr. Miha Humar, Department of Wood Science and Technology, Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
S4. Forest Operations and Engineering
Session Chair
Prof. Dr. Enrico Marchi, Department of Agriculture, Food, Environment and Forestry (DAGRI), University of Florence, Firenze, Italy
S5. Forest and Urban Forest Sustainability
Session Chair
Dr. Elisabetta Salvatori, Department for Sustainability, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Rome, Italy
S6. Forest Inventory, Quantitative Methods and Remote Sensing
Session Chair
Dr. Giorgos Mallinis, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece
S7. Forest Wildfires and Other Natural Hazards
Session Chair
Dr. Olga Viedma, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain
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S8. Forest Economics, Policy and Social Science
Session Chair
Dr. Nikoleta Jones, Institute for Global Sustainable Development, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
S9. Forest Water and Climate Regulation
Session Chair
Dr. Ge Sun, Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center, US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA
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