The objective of this study was to evaluate growth (cm), yield (kg/m2), crude protein (CP %), crude fiber (CF %), ether extract (EE %), NDF (%), ADF (%), gross energy (GE kcal /kg), ELN (%), Ash (%) and in vitro digestibility (IVD %) of Brachiaria mutica grass; under three silvopastoral systems, guava (Inga edulis), poplar (Populus alba) and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus labill) and a treeless system (TS) in the northeastern of peru. Were analyzed under a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments and four repetitions and the results were analyzed by analysis of variance (α = 0.05 %) and Tukey's means test (p ≤ 0.05). The SPS with guava showed higher growth at 30 days (59.57 cm), and the there was no difference between systems at 45 (98.43-107.14 cm), 60 (138.86-146.57 cm) and 75 days (159.81-165.67 cm); the highest yield at 30 days was for SPS with guava (0.41 kg/m2), at 45 and 60 days there was no difference (1.01-1.15 and 1.57-1.76 kg/m2) and for 75 days was for TS (2.88 kg/m2); the nutritional composition was evaluated in two cut-off frequencies (30 and 75 days); for 30 days, the SPS with guava has a higher value for CP (16.03%), IVD (68.13%) and GE (4502 kcal/kg), the SPS with eucalyptus has a higher percentage for CF (21.08), NDF (33.17), FDA (56.42), and ash (7.74), the highest EE content was in the SPS with poplar (2.46%) and the TS presented the highest percentage of ELN (50.88); for 75 days, the SPS with guava presented a higher value for CP (13.61%), FDA (36.78) and GE (4504.33 kcal/kg), the SPS with eucalyptus had a higher percentage for CF (23.51) and ash (6.42), and the highest percentage of EE (2.24), ELN (59.18) FDN (62.67) and IVD (56.59) was for the SPS with poplar.
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Influence of the arboreal component in the productive and nutritional parameters of Brachiaria mutica grass in northeastern Peru
15 October 2022
in The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Forests — Exploring New Discoveries and New Directions in Forests
session Forest Ecology and Management
Keywords: sustainable production, silvopastoral systems, productivity and nutritional composition