The observations of the G2 gas cloud motion and the scarcity of observations on the event horizon-scale distances have challenged the comprehensiveness of the central supermassive black hole model. In addition, the Planck Legacy 2018 release has preferred a positively curved early Universe with a confidence level higher than 99%. This study investigates the impact of the background curvature and its evolution over the conformal time on the formation and morphological evolution of central compact objects and the consequent effect on their host galaxies. The formation of a galaxy from the collapse of a supermassive gas cloud in the early Universe is modelled based on interaction field equations as a 4D relativistic cloud-world that flows and spins through a 4D conformal bulk of a primordial positive curvature considering the preference of the Planck release. Owing to the curved background, this scenario of galaxy formation reveals that the core of the galaxy undergoes a forced vortex formation with a central event horizon leading to opposite vortices that spatially shrink while evolving in the conformal time. It indicates that the galaxy and its core are formed in the same process where the surrounding gas clouds form the spiral arms due to the frame-dragging induced by the fast-rotating core. Consequently, it shows that the accretion flow onto the central supermassive compact object only occurs at the central event horizon of the two opposite vortices while their other ends eject the relativistic jets. The background evolution from a preferred positively curved in the early Universe into present flatness deprives the gravitational potential of bulk which could lead to galaxy quenching. These findings could elucidate the relativistic jet formation and explain the G2 gas cloud motion if its orbit is around one of the vortices but at a distance from the central event horizon while the formation of a galaxy and its core simultaneously could explain the supermassive compact galaxy core growth to a mass of ~109 M⊙ at just 6% of the current Universe age.
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The Morphology of the Active Galactic Nucleus and its Impact on Accretion Flows and Relativistic Jets
15 February 2023
in 2nd Electronic Conference on Universe
session Galaxies and Clusters
Keywords: Galaxy Formation; Conformal Spacetime; Brane-World Modified Gravity.