It is well known that the universe is undergoing accelerated expansion during recent times, and that it underwent decelerated expansion at early times. The deceleration parameter, which is essentially the second derivative of the scale factor, can be used to describe these eras, with a negative parameter for acceleration, and a positive parameter for deceleration. Apart from the standard ΛCDM model in general relativity, there are many cosmological models in various other theories of gravity. In order to describe these models, especially the deviation from general relativity, the jerk parameter was introduced, which is basically the third derivative of the scale factor. In the ΛCDM model in general relativity, the jerk parameter j is constant and j = 1. The constant jerk parameter, j = 1, leads to two different scale factor solutions, one power-law and the other exponential. The power law solution corresponds to a model in which our universe expands with deceleration, while the exponential solution corresponds to the model in which it expands by accelerating. In this study, the cosmological consequences of such a selection of the jerk parameter on non-minimally coupled f(R, T) theory of gravity (where R is the Ricci scalar and T is the trace of the energy-momentum tensor) and the dynamic properties of these models are investigated on a flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker background.
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Constant jerk parameter in FLRW spacetime in a modified theory of gravitation
16 February 2023
in 2nd Electronic Conference on Universe
session Gravitation and Cosmology
Keywords: Constant jerk parameter; FLRW spacetime; Late-time cosmic acceleration; f(R, T) gravity