One of the main factors affecting the development of any country is clean and fresh water. Providing the population with access to safe drinking water is the priority goal of the Government of Mongolia. Groundwater quality issues are crucial for sustainable water resources management in many countries worldwide, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. In the study, focuses on the central settlement of Sukhbaatar province which considered and characterized by semi-arid climate. A total of 48 groundwater samples were collected from 13 soums in 2021, and major ions and trace elements were analyzed to evaluate the suitability of groundwater for drinking purposes. The dominant hydro-chemical facies of groundwater were the Na-HCO3 type, which represents 47.9% of the total analyzed samples, while Ca- HCO3 represents 16.7%, Ca-mixed represents 14.6%, HCO3-Na-Mg, HCO3-Mg-Na each represent 8.3%, and mixed-Na-Mg and mixed-Na each represent 2.1% of the total samples. The water supply wells of West-Urt Sum and the central wells of Asgat, Khalzan, and Erdenetsagaan sums have water that does not meet the requirements of drinking water standards due to the content of magnesium, fluorine, and uranium ions. Also, the fluoride ion content in most wells exceeds the drinking water standard, while the fluoride content of Dariganga Sum water is less than the drinking water standard, and Munkhkhaan Sum is suitable. 22 or 45.8% of all samples do not meet drinking water standards due to uranium content, and 11 or 22.9% of all samples have nitrate pollution. These findings suggests that appropriate groundwater management and the protection of public health in the Sukhbaatar province.
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The Hydrochemical Characteristics of Drinking Water in Central Settlements of Sukhbaatar province, Eastern Mongolia
03 April 2023
in The 7th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences
session Water Quality and Advanced Water Treatment and Reuse
Keywords: Groundwater; Hydrochemistry; Semi-arid; Sukhbaatar province