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GIS-Based Multi‑Criteria Decision Analysis for Flash Flood Hazard and Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Eastern of Minya Area, Egypt
1  Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, Minia University, El Minia 61519, Egypt.


Flash floods are considered one of the most devastating and frequent extreme climatological natural hazards in the world. El Minya area is one of the most vulnerable land in Egypt to flash flood problems. El Minia Area has suffered numerous historical flooding events. These events have resulted in both catastrophic losses of life and severe damage to the infrastructure of the included area. The study area is located in the middle of Egypt about 240 km southern of Cairo. It is situated along the Limestone Plateau facing El Minia governorate. This study aims to assess flash flood hazard and risk in the El Minia watersheds in support of mitigation planning. Mapping Flash flood vulnerability were done using Analytical Hierarchy Process in a GIS environment. A significant Multi-Criteria including Geology, Hydrology, Geomorphology, Morphometry, Soil, and Topographic factors were chosen to evaluate the hazard map. Multi-source optical and radar remotely sensed data were collected, processed and analyzed. All used data are finally integrated in ArcGIS Model to prepare a final flood hazard map for study area. The areas in high-risk flood zones are obtained by overlaying the flood hazard index map with the zone boundaries layer.

Keywords: AHP-GIS; Flash Flood; Minya Area; MCDA; Natural Hazards