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Estimating the dependence parameter of Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern type bivariate gamma distribution using ranked set sampling
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1  The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Science, Dokuz Eylul University
2  Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Science, Department of Statistics
Academic Editor: Antonio Di Crescenzo


The Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern (FGM) is a flexible family that has been widely used to model weak dependence between the random variables. The family was introduced by Morgenstern (1956), Gumbel (1960) and Farlie (1960). Characteristic properties of FGM family, see Nelsen (1999). In the literature, we can see some studies that investigate the FGM family when marginals have uniform, normal, exponential, logistic or gamma distributions, see Bekci and Bairamov (1999), Scaria and Nair (1999), Smith and Moffatt (1999), Abo-Eleneen and Nagaraja (2002), Ucer and Yildiz (2012), Yildiz and Ucer (2017). Balakrishnan and Lai (2009) provide different bivariate distributions in the FGM family.

Ranked set sampling (RSS) was introduced by McIntyre (1952) as cost effective sampling method. One of its useful properties is that it can be used to collect data when exact measurements of the sampling units are either difficult and/or expensive. In the literature, it can be seen many applications of RSS in areas such as environmental, ecological, agricultural, biological and medical. Using RSS and its modifications, some authors dealt with the estimation of the dependence parameter. Stokes (1980) investigated maximum likelihood (ML) estimator of the association parameter for bivariate normal distribution. Modarres and Zheng (2004) suggested ML estimator of dependence parameter of bivariate normal distribution and bivariate extreme value distribution using RSS. Estimation of the association parameter based on bivariate RSS proposed by Al-Saleh and Samawi (2005) when the ranked set samples are obtained from bivariate normal distribution. Recently, Sevil and Yildiz (2022) considered the estimation problem of the association parameter for Gumbel (Type Ⅱ) bivariate exponential distribution.

In the present work, we consider FGM type bivariate gamma distribution that is developed by D’Este (1981) and Gupta and Wong (1984). We investigate maximum likelihood (ML) estimators based on simple random sampling (SRS) and RSS. We provide algorithms to generate sampling data from FGM type bivariate gamma distribution. Finally, we present biases and efficiency of the ML estimator based on RSS with respect to the ML estimator based on SRS.

Keywords: Ranked set sampling; algorithm for sampling data; order statistics; dependence parameter; FGM family; maximum likelihood estimation


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Yildiz TO, Ucer BH (2017) Fisher information of dependence in progressive type Ⅱ censored order statistics and their concomitants. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics 56:1-10.

Keywords: Ranked set sampling; algorithm for sampling data; order statistics; dependence parameter; FGM family; maximum likelihood estimation