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Coffee By-Products: Economic Opportunities for Sustainability and Innovation in the Coffee Industry
1  CoffeeBI, Via Messina 47 , 20154 Milan, Italy
Academic Editor: Steffen Schwarz

Published: 12 August 2023 by MDPI in International Coffee Convention 2023 session Sustainability

The coffee by-product market represents a transformative paradigm in the coffee industry, capitalizing on previously overlooked resources and generating economic value through sustainable practices. We will explore the multifaceted opportunities and economic benefits stemming from the utilization of coffee by-products, and the diverse applications and industries that contribute to its economic significance. The economic value attributed to the coffee by-product market encompasses the overall sum of transactions and economic activities associated with the utilization, processing, and commercialization of coffee by-products. This encompasses the worth derived from diverse applications and industries that harness coffee by-products to generate products, services, and various economic opportunities. Coffee by-products, once considered waste, now serve as valuable feedstock for energy production, driving cost-saving initiatives. From coffee grounds powering biofuel generation to coffee husks fueling biomass energy plants, the industry is witnessing an impactful shift towards renewable and eco-friendly energy sources, mitigating operational expenses and bolstering financial resilience. The convergence of sustainability and innovation finds expression in the food and beverage sector, where coffee cherry pulp and cascara are harnessed for the production of functional food ingredients and nutraceuticals. Leveraging the rich antioxidants and nutritional benefits of coffee by-products, this burgeoning market segment presents lucrative opportunities, while also promoting health-conscious choices for consumers. Apart from its conventional applications, the coffee by-product market has a significant impact on sustainable infrastructure development. Coffee silverskin, renowned for its remarkable insulating properties, presents an opportunity to transform building materials, leading to energy-efficient construction and decreased long-term operational expenses. Furthermore, coffee silverskin offers opportunities for market diversification, particularly in niche segments like artisanal products. Through the transformation of coffee cherry pulp into biochar, agricultural practices experience a rejuvenation, benefiting from improved soil health and enhanced nutrient retention. In conclusion, coffee by-products play a crucial role in driving the coffee industry towards a sustainable future in line with circular economy principles. Coffee by-products possess immense potential to create significant economic opportunities for coffee-producing regions, fostering growth and prosperity within these communities. They can capitalize on their abundant availability of these products and explore various avenues for utilization. The economic value of the coffee by-product market represents a dynamic amalgamation of innovation, environmental consciousness, and sound economic principles. Regulatory support and consumer demand for sustainable practices further amplify the market’s potential, creating a compelling incentive for stakeholders to embrace the transformation from waste to wealth.

Proceedings: Peluso, M. Coffee By-Products: Economic Opportunities for Sustainability and Innovation in the Coffee Industry. Proceedings 2023, 89, 6.

Keywords: biochar; biomass energy; cherry pulp; circular economy principles; coffee by-products; coffee silverskin; coffee husks; cost-saving initiatives; eco-friendly; innovation; market diversification; nutraceuticals; renewable sources; sustainability
