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Experimental study on the influence of chitosan based solution on eggplant and green pepper plants
1  King Faisal University
Academic Editor: Manoj Gupta


Water shortages are one of the main factors affecting plant growth, development, and yield, particularly in poor counties. Using chitosan biopolymer improves water efficiency and plant growth. It was therefore decided to investigate the effects of chitosan-based solution on eggplant and pepper growth, moisture content, and thermal conductivity. Multiple methods were used in this experiment. After a period of time, the plant whose soil contained chitosan's results showed that the soil moisture content was higher than the plant whose soil did not contain chitosan. As a result of the use of chitosan, the soil moisture level is increased, which reduces water consumption while watering the plants by 70-80%. In the electrical conductivity experiment, it was found that the plant with chitosan had lower electrical conductivity by approximately 50% than the plant without chitosan. This indicates low content of salt, which allowed it to remain in the appropriate range. Results also demonstrated that eggplant plants preserve high water compared to the pepper plants by roughly 10%.

Keywords: Chitosan; biopolymer; eggplant; green pepper; water consumption
