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Comparison of Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Antidiabetic, and Anticarcinogenic Potential of Hydro-methanolic Extracts Derived from Dried Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) Fruits and Seeds Growing in Sri Lanka
* 1, 2 , 3 , 4
1  Department of Medical Science in Acupuncture, Faculty of Health Sciences, KIU, Sri Lanka
2  Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
3  Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries, & Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Makandura, Gonawila (NWP), Sri Lanka.
4  Department of Food Science & Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Academic Editor: Maria-Luz Fernandez


The present study aims to comprehensively assess the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer potential of hydro-methanolic extracts derived from dried noni fruits and seeds grown in Sri Lanka. The extraction process involved mixing one gram of fresh fruit flesh samples with 8 mL of 80% methanol, followed by vortexing and centrifugation. The resulting extracts underwent filtration and were subsequently utilized in multiple colorimetric assays. The IC50 values of total antioxidant capacity for dried noni fruits and seeds were found to be 38.17 ± 1.23 µg/ml and 39.79 ± 0.30 µg/ml, respectively. Moreover, the IC50 values of alpha-amylase inhibitory activity for dried noni fruits and seeds were 22.62 ± 0.46 µg/ml and 19.70 ± 0.56 µg/ml, respectively. Additionally, the IC50 values of proteinase inhibitory activity for dried Noni fruits and seeds were observed to be 26.28 ± 0.22 µg/ml and 19.31 ± 0.21 µg/ml, respectively. Further analysis using the MTT assay revealed the median lethal concentrations (LC50) of the dried crude extracts of Noni fruits and seeds on the cytotoxicity of BHK normal cells to be 1.0409 µg/ml and 1.6822 µg/ml, respectively. For Hep2 cancer cells, the LC50 values were 0.9537 µg/ml and 1.08 µg/ml, respectively. These findings suggest that the hydro-methanolic extracts of dried Noni fruits and seeds exhibit promising bioactivity, making them potentially valuable candidates for further investigation and the development of natural remedies for various health conditions, including cancer.

Keywords: Noni fruits, hydro-methanolic extracts, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer potential