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Comparative analysis of the approach of different countries to the standards of the bridge structures condition management system
* 1 , 2
1  Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
2  Slovak University of Technology
Academic Editor: Simeone Chianese


The work examines the control systems of bridge structures, which are used to assess the condition, forecast repair works and optimize costs. Bridge management is a key element of infrastructure systems in many countries, as it ensures safety, efficiency and economic development. Examples of such systems as Pontis, Bridgit, Danbro and etc. are presented, which are used in different countries to assess the condition of bridges and plan repair works. The importance of safety and optimal operation of bridge structures is highlighted. It is highlighted that bridge management systems are necessary tools for countries with different operation and maintenance strategies. The importance of rational management of bridges to ensure safety and sustainable development of transport networks is brought to the fore.

Keywords: Bridge Management Systems, Bridge Condition Assessment, Maintenance Optimization, 10 Infrastructure Safety
