The power shortage is a common case prevailing in today's power scenario. Load Shedding occurs when the demand power is greater than generation power, then the excessive load is to cut avoid power shortage. Usually, load shedding will make use of complex circuitry and system along with expensive materials. This necessitates the need for a simple and efficient solution that meets all the requirements. The intelligent system is created with the help of microcontrollers achieving Real-time Load shedding. The power limit in the system is obtained from the utility company. The measured value in the system is obtained from the sensor and the value is compared to the power limit. If it is within the limit, no action is taken. When the limit exceeds the calculated value, the power supply is cut off. Graded Load shedding is achieved through the above-mentioned method. Through this graded load-shedding method, the need for changing the existing infrastructure is removed and the existing system is made useful for more amount of time. As this proposed design uses the simplest of the components and technologies, the financial and technical capital that is required to make this is lower as compared to the existing technologies. The proposed design is a global standard design proposing that it could be used in countries using the 250V 50Hz infrastructure or the 125V 60Hz infrastructure, with the appropriate power adapters. The future is dependent on renewable sources of energy. Even the latest developments in the field of renewable energy show that renewable energy sources are intermittent. To cope with this, a system like this becomes necessary.
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14 November 2023
in The 4th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences
session Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering
Keywords: Load-Shedding; Intelligent system;IoT;Arduino Mega