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Asking Bing with GPT-4 about antibiotical uses of clays
1  Centre for Geological Research, Management and Valorization of Resources
Academic Editor: Marc Maresca


In this work Microsoft Bing chat with GPT-4, which will be henceforth referred to simply as Bing, was used for researching the antibiotical use of clays, by submitting three requests that were literally:

+) Write a bullet list of the most important points concerning research on the use of clay minerals for preparing antibiotics;

+) Write a bullet list of suggestions for future and original research, not done before, on the use of clay minerals for preparing antibiotics;

+) Write a bullet list of the most important results of clinical trials of clay minerals as antibiotics.

Bing's answers were extensive, containing information on mineralogical and health issues.

Bing's also suggested follow up questions, some of which will be also included, and that expanded the topics considered to domains of ethics and arguably even politics, with repeated re references to "respecting the traditional knowledge and practices of indigenous or local communities that have used clay minerals for medicinal purposes for centuries", including the answer to the question, suggested by Bing, "How can we improve the antibiotic activity and specificity of clay minerals?".

Keywords: Generative artificial intelligence, applied mineralogy, novel antibiotics
