The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) on embryogenesis and green plant regeneration in wheat anther culture. Three winter bread wheat genotypes, Altındane, Dariel, and Pehlivan, were used as plant materials. The effect of five nutrient mediums (MS1, MS2, CHB-3, CHB-3+MS2, and CHB-3+1% DMSO) and the addition of 1% DMSO to the sterilization solution were investigated. Spikes of all three genotypes were sterilized with 70% ethanol for one minute. In addition, simultaneously for genotype Pehlivan, we mixed 70% ethanol with 1% DMSO. Our results showed that the Altindane genotype produced the highest (97) embryoids from 45 anthers cultured in CHB-3 medium whereas Dariel and Pehlivan genotypes produced 3 and 0 embryoids respectively. On the other hand, the addition of 1% DMSO to the same medium adversely affected embryoid production compared to the medium without DMSO. A 70% ethanol solution mixed with 1% DMSO for the sterilization of spikes was effective in increasing the embryoid count from approximately 0 to 17.8% and 1 to 48.4% in CHB-3 and CHB-3+DMSO induction medium, respectively. Furthermore, the Altindane genotype produced 10 plantlets (8 albino and 2 green plants) and 8 albino plantlets in CHB-3 and CHB-3+DMSO, respectively. In the Pehlivan genotype which was sterilized with 1% DMSO, the number of embryoids increased from 0 to %4.4 in the CHB-3+DMSO medium. According to our results, the use of DMSO in induction medium did not encourage embryogenesis but the use of 1%DMSO in sterilization solution increased the numbers of embryoids but did not support green plant production.
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Effect of dimethyl sulfoxide on embryogenesis and green plant regeneration in wheat anther culture (Triticum aestivum L.)
25 December 2023
in The 3rd International Electronic Conference on Agronomy
session Plant breeding, genetics, genomics and biotechnology
Keywords: Dimethyl sulfoxide, embryogenesis, doubled haploid, wheat, Triticum aestivum L.