Introduction: Memory is the function that allows us to integrate, retain, and restore information to interact with our environment. Several neural networks are taken into account in multiple forms of memorization. The influence of valproic acid on neurodevelopment is documented. VPA causes behavioral alterations in rodents.
General objective: To evaluate the neurotoxicity effects of valproic acid on the memory ofWistar rats.
Materials and methods: A total of 48 Wistar rats were divided into three groups: (1) the distilled water group, (2) the VPA 200 mg/kg group, and (3) the VPA 400 m/kg group. The products were administered daily by gavage for thirty days. After treatment, all animals were subjected to behavioral tests, including memory tests. Rats were selected from each batch for histologically oriented necropsies and for mating with untreated rats. The young rats resulting from matings were subjected to behavioral tests.
Results: The variables of the different behavioral tests were noted. Rats exposed to VPA and the young rats born to it showed a significant decrease in success rate and performance on behavioral tests. The results revealed stress and anxiety. Histological abnormalities were observed in the VPA-exposed groups.
Conclusion: VPA administered to Wistar rats at the doses studied causes memory alterations. This exposure results in behavioral abnormalities, reduced pass rates on memory tests, stress, and seizures in VPA-treated rats.
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Neurotoxicity of valproic acid in wistar rats : effects on memory
03 April 2024
in The 1st International Electronic Conference on Toxics
session Drugs Toxicity and Safety
Keywords: Neurotoxicity; Valproic acid; Memory ; Behavioral tests; Rat