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Pulegone Application Trends: Exploration of Uses Based on Leading Patent Applicants
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1  Chemical Science and Engineering Research Team (ERSIC), Department of Chemistry, Polydisciplinary Faculty of Beni Mellal (FPBM), Sultan Moulay Slimane University (USMS), P.O. Box 592 Mghila, Beni Mellal 23000, Morocco
Academic Editor: Alessandro Paiardini



Pulegone is a natural biomolecule that may be found in essential oils from many medicinal and aromatic plants, especially those from the Lamiaceae family. It is known for its distinguished minty aroma and taste, and it has been studied for its potential use in various therapies due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and cytotoxic effects. Even with its recognized toxicity, pulegone is still widely used as a versatile and valuable compound in many industrial fields.


To identify trends in the application of pulegone, we prospecte patents from specialized patent databases. A search was carried out on the titles, abstracts, and claims of the patents. The patents were then sorted by applicant names, and then the applicant patent portfolio was studied to identify the targeted trends.


The patents reveal that the leading jurisdiction is the United States, with about 44% of the filed patents. The study of the top 10 applicants allows us to distinguish three major areas of innovation. The field of daily-use cleaning, health, and hygiene encompasses 121 patents that take advantage of the aromatic characteristics of pulegone to provide hygiene and cosmetic products. The plant protection field stands out with 58 patents. In this field, pulegone is used for its pesticide and pest-repellent action to develop crop protection products. The third field is the use of pulegone with cannabinoids for pharmacological innovations as well as for recreational uses, as represented by 42 patents.


The pulegone-related patents were based on preparations for medical, dental, or toiletry purposes. Pulegone is valued for its refreshing minty scent; it is utilized in perfumes and body care, as well as being an odor neutralizer and odorizing agent for toilet and cleaning compositions. Furthermore, pulegone is used as a natural pesticide and pest repellent, reducing the need for chemicals.

Keywords: Biomolecules, Pulegone; Innovation; Patent applicant; Patent analysis
Comments on this paper
I would like to extend my congratulations to you on your search, which is very interesting.
However, I believe that it is a preliminary search, as only one database (Lens) was searched.
To obtain more comprehensive results, I recommend that you widen the search to other databases (Espacenet, Chemical Abstract Service, Patentscope).
Additionally, AI-based databases could provide further results.
It is also worth noting that keyword searches are often incomplete and that extending them using the structure formula can yield more accurate results.
Dear Dr. Massimo
Thank you again for your interest, live questions, and comment, especially from you as an imminent patent specialist.
I'm ok with your comment, the poster represents a part of a larger search about some other component of plant from that Lamiaceae (Mint family) that interests my team and I.
I would like to express my gratitude for your reply and congratulate you once more on the poster you have produced.
I have read the majority of your published articles, which I found to be of great value since patent literature is a significant source of technical information that is not readily available in articles, communications, or conferences.
This can help to raise awareness among the scientific community about the importance of patents in technical and scientific advancement.
