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Assessment of the psycho-social and health impacts of the flooding of 2022 on the population of the north-eastern region of Bangladesh
1  Assistant Professor, Department of Disaster Science and Climate Resilience, University of Dhaka
Academic Editor: Wataru Takeuchi


The research intends to assess the psycho-social and health impacts of flooding of 2022 among the vulnerable communities of the north-eastern region of Bangladesh. It also sheds light on some of the life-cycle based health impacts of chronic flash flooding among the population of the area. In addition, some of the tangible health damages from the flooding have also been calculated. Both qualitative and quantitative data have been used during this study. The data has been collected by using the trio of questionnaire survey, group discussions and interviewing. The samples for the survey have been meticulously determined by following the standard statistical procedures. Site selection for data collection has been done on the basis of inundation maps and reconnaissance surveys. The final questionnaire has been approved by the ethical review committee. Most of the data on the psycho-social shocks and life cycle based impacts were collected by using Likert scales. For calculating the damage, data has been collected with open ended questions. The findings from the survey will be finally used to develop an index of the comprehensive health shocks. Policy suggestions on developing community resilience, introducing adaptive social protections and some other community based adaptation practices will be provided on the basis of the findings.

Keywords: flash food; psychological shocks; health damage; adaptive social protection; community resilience
Comments on this paper
gemma lyly
Many families have been forced to flee their homes, disrupting social networks and support systems. Displacement can lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, bandleBandle and a sense of being uprooted, exacerbating psycho-social distress.
