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Concept and Preliminary Design of a 3D-Printed Mechatronic Robotic Gripper Prototype for Textile Handling Automation
* 1, 2 , 2 , 2, 3, 4
1  Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Aveiro, Portugal.
2  proMetheus, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Viana do Castelo, Portugal.
3  Smile.Tech - Robótica, Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.
4  Instituto Superior Politécnico Gaya (ISPGaya), Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.
Academic Editor: Antonio J. Marques Cardoso


The automation of textile handling processes poses significant challenges due to the complex nature of textile materials. This paper presents the concept and preliminary design of a novel mechatronic robotic gripper prototype specifically developed for textile handling tasks. The proposed gripper leverages the advantages of 3D printing technology, enabling the fabrication of intricate and customizable structures with high precision. The gripper incorporates a combination of soft and rigid materials to ensure gentle yet firm grasping of textiles, while also providing adaptability to different fabric types. The design integrates sensing and actuation components to enable intelligent gripping and manipulation of textiles, thereby enhancing automation capabilities. This paper details the design considerations, mechanical and electrical components, and the control system architecture of the gripper prototype. Preliminary experimental results demonstrate the gripper's capability to handle various textile materials effectively, with promising performance in terms of accuracy, stability, and reliability. The proposed 3D-printed mechatronic robotic gripper prototype represents a significant advancement in textile handling automation, offering potential applications in industries such as apparel manufacturing, logistics, and household textiles. Further research is warranted to optimize the gripper's design, control algorithms, and scalability to meet the diverse requirements of textile handling automation systems for various operating scenarios.

Keywords: Mechatronic robotic gripper; textile handling automation; 3D printing technology; soft and rigid materials; Arduino; servomotor; sensing and actuation; fabric manipulation.
