Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM) is being developed to extend RAIM to multiple constellations and dual frequency, with the goal of providing first an increased coverage of horizontal guidance, and later, worldwide coverage of vertical guidance for aircraft operations.
To date, lots of effort is dedicated to assist the relevant standardization groups in consolidating the ARAIM concept for the development of future aviation standards. Those contributions focus on the specific aspects of algorithm processing and performance using real or simulated static user grid data.
However, significant differences in the quality of measurements made by a ground receiver compared to an avionics receiver may arise due to the operational constraints such as space weather (troposphere and/or ionosphere), multipath, satellite outages, and cycle slips.
The objective of our work is to present the results of H-ARAIM (Horizontal-ARAIM) reference algorithm using GPS and GALILEO dual-frequency flight data. Performances are analysed for typical arrival and approach manoeuvres with respect to positioning accuracy and integrity for RNP (Required Navigation Performance) operations, examining in detail the algorithm computational load during dynamics of the aircraft. More than 100 approaches and up to 18 hours of flight data have been post-processed using the EUROCONTROL PEGASUS tool.
Our work aims to provide an improved understanding of algorithm sensitivity to aircraft manoeuvres. We will show in detail the algorithm parameters setting used to compute horizontal position error and integrity bound for both Fault Detection and Fault Detection and Exclusion. Comprehensive integrity and accuracy performance will be discussed together with algorithm computational load with respect estimated airborne biases such as multipath, ionosphere delay and signal outages due to dynamics of aircraft.
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Evaluation of H-ARAIM reference algorithm performance using flight data
20 September 2024
in European Navigation Conference 2024
topic Navigation for the Mass Market
Keywords: ARAIM; DFMC; GPS; GALILEO; aviation.