The Namuncurá-Burdwood Bank Marine Protected Area (N-BB MPA) is the first of its kind located on the Continental Shelf of the Argentine Republic. It was designated as an MPA in 2013 due to its oceanographic characteristics, the significance of its ecosystems with a high degree of biodiversity and endemism, and the potential for human impact. Geomorphologically, the Burdwood Bank (53º 40’ - 55º S; 62º - 60º 40’ W) consists of a submerged plateau with an approximate area of 28,000 km², with depths ranging from 50 to 200 meters on the plateau's surface and extending to 4000 meters on the southern bounding slope. In 2018, the southern slope was incorporated as a conservation area, resulting in the formation of the Namuncurá-Burdwood Bank II MPA.
Sea anemones represent a significant component of intertidal and subtidal benthic communities, influencing their structure and function. Understanding the biodiversity of sea anemones within the N-BB MPA is crucial, particularly for conservation decision-making. Preliminary reports and species lists of sea anemones within N-BB MPA I and II and adjacent areas have identified eight species: Dactylanthus antarcticus, Bolocera kerguelensis, Isosicyonis alba, Actinostola crassicornis, Phelliactis cf. lophohelia, Hormathia pectinata, Actinauge langicornis, and Paractis leavis. Detailed analysis of samples and data obtained from campaigns conducted in the area by CONICET (Argentina) in 2016 and 2017 has expanded this knowledge. This study adds the species Stomphia selaginella and Scytophorus striatus to the list of species present in the N-BB MPA and adjacent areas. Additionally, these are the first records of S. striatus on the Argentine Continental Shelf, thus expanding the list of sea anemones documented in Argentine territory.