Despite being a fundamental human right, many developing countries face challenges in accessing clean and safe drinking water due to various obstacles. The study aimed to develop a water quality management plan (WQMP) for Criterion water treatment works (CWTW) in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, to address water quality concerns and health risks. Attained through identifying the principal elements of a potable WQMP relevant to the study area. This was done through comprehensive and extensive literature study. The evaluation of CWTW performance assessed water quality and hydraulic capacity, ensuring compliance with WHO and EPA guidelines, and analyzed effluent samples to ensure integrity. The collected samples were then analyzed at the on-site Criterion laboratory. The quality test results were integrated with a Water Quality Index (WQI) calculation, allowing for a comprehensive performance ranking to evaluate the treatment system's performance. Analysis of the Water Quality Index (WQI) revealed that the treatment system ranking was not always within the range of 0-25, signifying the potential need for a WQMP to optimize performance. Furthermore, the average turbidity removal efficiencies of the clarification and filtration processes, at 19.5% and 61.5%, respectively, indicated a shortfall in meeting established EPA and WHO regulations. A review of essential design drawings and construction data for the plant was undertaken. This analysis aimed to identify potential hydraulic capacity complexities that could impact treatment efficiency. Additionally, the hydraulic assessment evaluated compliance with recommended ranges for hydraulic retention times (HRT) and solid loading rates (SLR) within the treatment units. The study used manual measurements and staff interviews to assess hydraulic capacity, revealing significant deviations from recommended HRT and SLR. This overloading, likely due to exceeding the design population capacity, was identified as a contributing factor to water quality challenges, highlighting the need for a Water Quality Management Plan to address these challenges.
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Designing of a water quality management plan. A case study of criterion water treatment works in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
14 October 2024
in The 8th International Electronic Conference on Water Sciences
session Urban Water, Treatment Technologies, Systems Efficiency and Smart Water Grids
Keywords: Water quality management plan (WQMP); Drinking water quality; Portable water treatment plant; Safe water access
Comments on this paper
Wayne Tshuma
14 October 2024
Well researched!
Samantha Sithole
14 October 2024
Very insisghtful. Impressive research conducted!
Samantha Sithole
14 October 2024
Very insightful. Impressive research conducted!
Nobukhosi Moyo
15 October 2024
Great research! And a neat poster presentation, I can not wait to read the full article paper. We need to reaserch more as African countries so that we may contribute more to the world.