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Olive residues as a source of bioactive compounds
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1  Laboratorio de Síntesis Orgánica, Universidad de Talca, Chile
Academic Editor: Julio A. Seijas


The production of olive oils implies the generation of high quantities of solid residues and/or wastewaters that may have a great impact on terrestrial and aquatic environments because of their phytotoxicity. Alperujo is a combination of liquid and solid waste of olive oil processing, few studies are known that show their high biological potential. Indeed, wastes remaining after the production of olive oil are a heterogeneous mixture of many chemical components, such as metal ions, carbohydrates, and polyphenols that may exert different biological activities, primarily acting as antioxidant.

The samples of “alperujo” were obtained as waste given from industries that work on olive oil production. Three ethanolic organic extracts were prepared using solvent maceration, ultrasound and reflux extraction methods. Yields of each extract were determined and evaluated for their ability to trap free radicals, using the DPPH and ABTS assays contributing to the calculation of SC50 (free radical scavenging). The extracts were subjected to preliminary phytochemical testing, analyzing phenolic content by Folin method and heavy metals concentration using atomic absorption spectrometry. The extraction method was decisive for the yield obtained, with the reflux system being highly efficient, the antioxidant activity show the potential of these wastes as a source of bioactive compounds of interest for possible reuse.

Keywords: alperujo, antioxidant activity, extraction.