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Advances in the chemo- and regio-selective conjugation of proteins
1  Bio-Functional Chemistry, Laboratoire d’Excellence Medalis, UMR7199, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/Université de Strasbourg, Faculté de Pharmacie de Strasbourg, 74 Route du Rhin, 67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden, France; Strasbourg Drug Discove
Academic Editor: William D. Lubell

Published: 15 November 2024 by MDPI in 2nd Canadian Peptide and Protein Community Virtual Meeting session Poster Session

The chemical conjugation of proteins has seen tremendous applications in the past decades, with the booming of antibody-drug conjugates and their use in oncology. While genetic engineering has permitted to produce bespoke proteins with key (un-)natural amino acid residues poised for site-selective modifications, the conjugation of native proteins is riddled with selectivity issues. Chemoselective strategies are plentiful and enable the precise modification of virtually any residue with a reactive side-chain; site-selective methods are less common and usually most effective on small and medium-sized proteins. This presentation will offer some of our lab's recent attempts at addressing these selectivity issues, with the use of multicomponent reactions, and the Ugi reaction more specifically.

Keywords: bioconjugation; antibodies; cancer
