Dilution of Precision (DOP) is routinely used in GNSS to assess the quality of the constellation geometry for the positioning algorithm. Those DOP factors are computed from the estimation covariance of a snapshot weighted least squares (WLS) estimate under certain hypotheses. This paper proposes to define DOP factors for GNSS solutions based on Factor Graph Optimization (FGO). Factor Graph solutions have become popular in the GNSS domain. They allow to easily model probabilistic contraints, called factors, over a large time window, by mixing observations and motion constraints accross consecutive epochs. The solution is solved by performing a batch WLS estimation for the states at all considered epochs, using all available factors. Due to the simple nature of the estimation algorithm - a WLS solution - it is possible to derive the theoretical estimation error covariance, which will indicate the accuracy of the computed solution. In this paper, a formula is proposed to approximate the DOP for the factor graph solution. Then, the formula is validated in various scenarios involving fixed or changing satellite visibility.
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Deriving a dilution of precision indicator for GNSS factor graph optimization solutions
27 November 2024
in European Navigation Conference 2024
topic Algorithms and Methods
Keywords: GNSS; Factor Graph Optimization; Precise Positioning