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comparative study between the experimental implementation of an open loop observer and EKF observer with DTC of induction motor
* 1 , 2 , 3 , 2
1  Laboratoire Énergie, Environnement et Systèmes Informatiques (LEESI),Université Ahemd Draia, 01000 Adrar, 6 Rue National, Alegria.
2  Energy, Environment and Computer Systems Laboratory (LEESI), Department of Technology Sciences, Faculty of Technology Sciences, Ahemd Draia University, 01000 Adrar, 6 Rue National, Algeria.
3  Energy, Environment and Computer Systems Laboratory (LEESI), Ahemd Draia University, 01000 Adrar, 6 Rue National, Algeria.
Academic Editor: Stefania Campopiano


Estimation technique is a very important tool in the control of electrical machines, especially in the control of induction motors. The technique is based on the concept of "observing" unobservable states of the system by a mathematical model. There are two kinds of observer techniques available in the literature: the open loop type and the close loop type (observer).

In our study we use Direct Torque Control (DTC)which is a control strategy that allows direct control of the motor’s torque and flux. This technique uses estimators or observers to calculate motor parameters, including rotor speed, torque, and stator flux.

A comparative study between the experimental implementation of an open loop observer and an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) observer with Direct Torque Control (DTC) of an induction motor can be framed around several performance criteria. These criteria include accuracy, dynamic response, robustness, computational cost, noise sensitivity, and ease of implementation. The Open Loop Observer is a simpler observer, based on the mathematical model of the induction motor. It assumes perfect knowledge of the system and does not correct for measurement or model inaccuracies. Where Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) Observer is the more advanced observer that uses a stochastic approach, incorporating statistical models of noise. It estimates motor parameters by recursively updating based on measurement and system dynamics, correcting for errors and noise.

Keywords: DTC-SVPWM; open loop observer ; Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) observer accuracy; induction motor; accuracy; noise sensitivity
