The development of physical methods of high-energy impact on the material makes obtaining a substance in a nano-dispersed state possible. The difference between nanoparticles obtained by the electrospark method, when condensation of the metal vapor phase occurs in a dispersion medium (water), the temperature of which does not exceed 30-40 degrees C, is a relatively narrow distribution of particles of the dispersed phase (20 - 100 nm). The field of application of such substances is not limited to agrobiological purposes. The authors investigated the electrospark metal granular dispersion method in an aqueous medium. The particles obtained by the above method have a size of 20-100 nm and several competitive advantages compared with similar methods of synthesis of metal nanoparticles. The level of defects in the crystal structure of nanoparticles after electro spark treatment is significantly higher than the values achieved by known methods of hardening metals and alloys. The high level of dislocation density in nanoparticles determines their high energy saturation. The study of the fine structure showed that the level of dislocation density in nanoparticles is close to the limit values of 1014 cm-2 as a result of the joint action of shock waves that arise in the process of pulse expansion of electric spark channels under the influence of pressure of several hundred atmospheres, high cooling rate of more than 103-104 °C/s. Analysis of the internal structure of the obtained nanoparticles shows that their composition is heterogeneous. The particle is a metallic nucleus on which an oxide film is formed. In addition, iron particles can have a complex phase composition, namely, contain (consist of) alpha-iron and gamma-iron, which further expands the physical and technological aspects of using particles with a sharply non-equilibrium structural and phase composition.
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Modern iron nanoparticles production methods for steel modification
04 December 2024
in The 5th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences
session Nanosciences, Chemistry and Materials Science
Keywords: steel modification; electrospark method; metal nanoparticles; nanoparticles production;
Comments on this paper
Carolyn Mitchell
19 December 2024
I really appreciate the Sol-Gel method. A chemical solution transitions into a solid gel phase, allowing for the formation of iron nanoparticles. This is often followed by heat treatment. It produces uniform nanoparticles and allows for doping with other elements. Moreover, I also really like the laser ablation method. A high-energy laser is used to vaporize iron in a controlled environment, often in the presence of a gas or liquid that helps condense the vapor into nanoparticles. It produces high-purity nanoparticles with controlled size and shape. In conclusion, the choice of production method depends on the desired properties of the iron nanoparticles and the specific application in steel modification. Each method offers distinct advantages and can be selected based on scalability, cost, and the required characteristics of the final product.
Carolyn Mitchell
20 December 2024
Hello, I think the electrospark method for producing metal nanoparticles presents a unique approach to achieving a nano-dispersed state through high-energy impacts. The electrospark method involves the condensation of metal vapor in a dispersion medium (typically water) at relatively low temperatures (30-40 °C)(geometry dash lite). This results in the formation of nanoparticles with a size range of 20-100 nm.
Volodymyr Nazarenko
27 December 2024
Dear colleague, your positive assessment of our research is very important. We have conducted these studies for 15 years at the Department of Structural Materials Technology and Materials Science with the "Physical and Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of the NAAS of Ukraine." Our work mainly used nanoparticles of the corresponding metals to modify the same metals (i.e., the creation of copper-copper, iron-iron, aluminum-aluminum, and titanium-titanium systems). This approach allows us to modify the base metal without changing its chemical composition. This is a relevant direction in the field of materials science.