Two-dimensional (2D) nanostructures can be both single-atomic layers (e.g., graphene, graphite oxide, reduced graphite oxide) and lamellas made of a few atomic layers (e.g., Molybdenum disulphide, Tungsten disulphide, gold nanoplatelets). The small thickness of 2D nanostructures, frequently of only a few angstroms, is needed in order to allow for the arising of anomalous physical properties in the solid phase as a consequence of quantum-confinement effects, prevalence of surface on bulk atoms, high surface free-energy content, etc. Owing to the strict correlation existing between structure and properties in nanomaterials, their morphological characterization represents the first essential information that is required. Electron microscopy techniques (SEM and TEM) are commonly used as approaches for investigating the structure of this very tiny matter form. However, the observation of 2D nanostructures by SEM needs suitable expedients to achieve highly informative images. Indeed, the extremely thin thickness of a single-layer nanostructure makes really challenging the microscopical characterization. Here, a special approach, based on specimen tilting from the 90° sample positioning, has been used to allow for the imaging of single 2D layers of graphene and MoS2 and WS2. Usually, the standard operation of sample tilting from the 0° positioning is unable to provide images with enough contrast. Sample morphology is clearly visualized by using this tilting approach and a number of morphological features (e.g., presence of ripples in the layer, edge structure and defects, holes, etc.) appears in the electronic micrograph. In order to evidence the efficacy of the proposed method, a comparison with the classical top view SEM observation is also provided for these selected 2D nanostructures.
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SEM-Tilting for the Imaging of Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials
04 December 2024
in The 5th International Electronic Conference on Applied Sciences
session Nanosciences, Chemistry and Materials Science
Keywords: 2D-Nanostructures; Morphology; SEM; Tilting.