Jamming and Spoofing events are nowadays more and more present over the whole globe. Aircraft avionics and navigation systems that use GNSS can be significantly impacted by these events in many ways, possibly leading to spurious or missed ground proximity warnings, route deviations, loss of approach capability or even risk of misleading approach guidance. It is necessary to raise the awareness of these challenges and provide reliable protection to the avionics systems against the threats.
The GNSS-Inertial integration brings great potential to detect and mitigate the effect of erroneous (spoofed) GNSS data. When GNSS trajectory diverges from (or is inconsistent with) inertial data, the integrated system may detect this erroneous GNSS trajectory and may be able to maintain navigation integrity by rejecting this data.
GNSS Aided Inertial System can provide both self-contained detection of a GNSS spoofing event as well as mitigation, where mitigation is hard to achieve globally with other commercial aviation systems relying on good ground system coverage.
This paper provides an overview of developed Inertial Spoofing Monitor including results of performance validation using simulations. Simulations were performed to evaluate and demonstrate the detection, mitigation, and recovery capability of the spoofing monitor. The performance validation followed the process prescribed by the MOPS RTCA DO-384 in Appendix Q.
In summary, Honeywell is in the process of adding this new patented technology to its inertial products for certification in the near future available as field loadable SW upgrade for most aircraft platforms. It will dramatically improve aircraft resilience to GNSS spoofing and reinforce the value of Honeywell’s GPS-Aided Inertial Systems as the trusted source of navigation.