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The Nanostructuring of the Functional Surface of the Oil Pipelines
26 May 2014
in The 1st International Electronic Conference on Materials
session Functional Materials and Interfaces for Energy and Sustainable Development
Abstract: The current state of oil pipelines is characterized by decrease of operational reliability and efficiency which are caused by intensive corrosion processes and accumulation of asphaltens-resinous-wax formations on internal surfaces. Formation of accumulations is the reason of essential increase in hydraulic resistance of pipeline. The most suitable way for decrease of hydraulic resistance of oil pipelines is the modifying of internal surfaces at the expense of formation of molecular fluorine SAS layers. Nano-structural modification of internal surfaces is carried out at the expense of the focused adsorption of fluorine SAS molecules from the transported environment and formation so-called «a paling of Lengmjura». It is established that updating of internal surfaces of the pipeline at the expense of formation on them of molecular fluorine SAS layers leads to reduction of their hydraulic resistance on 30 ÷ 23 %. Molecular fluorine SAS layers, generated on a metal surface, considerably improves its hydraulic characteristics without dependence from roughness size. This peculiarity of molecular fluorine SAS layers allows not only to restore hydraulic resistance of the oil pipelines which have grown during of operating process, but also to improve their initial hydraulic characteristics. Characteristics of interaction of a stream of oil and an internal surface are optimized by nano-structural processing. The given technology allows to lower hydraulic resistance by changing the roughness of the internal surface of the pipeline, to lower power expenses for transportation of hydrocarbons raw materials, to raise operational reliability and to extend the between-repairs period.
Keywords: nano-structural processing, oil pipeline, hydraulic resistance, hydrophobization, a paling of Lengmjura, fluorine surface active substance, relative thickness, adsorption layer