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Water Information and Theory
07 November 2014
in 1st International Electronic Conference on Entropy and Its Applications
session Posters
Abstract: Last two decades of research history on water, are focused on the Jacques Benveniste famous adventure on the “Ultra-High Dilutions” that ended with the definition of water memory. This approach was unreasonably destroyed by a referee articles appeared on Nature. Later the interest on water physics, biology and chemistry has been developed and improved a lot all over the world. Peculiarly, basing the observations that the effects of “Ultra-High Dilutions” were abolished by magnetic fields J. Benveniste suggested that signaling might involve EM waves potentially transmittable to cells and water by electromagnetic means. Here is developed a system approach to the water memory by using the information theory and peculiarly the Bekenstein Law concerning the quantity of information contained in a sphere. Actually, the information theory, by itself, does negate completely the wording of Nature referee. Observing almost two decades, it appears that physics, biology and chemistry researchers devote a lot of effort to find relevant ways and methods according to which water maintain information memory and to transfer data among and inside molecules. Those researches are based upon physical, biologic and chemical processes but non the pure information aspect is neglected. These are typically, Nobel Price Luc Montagnier work, V. Voeikov work, Jerry Pollack and many others. However, for the coded information inside the water molecule it is applicable all the information theory that is much more than the mechanical Lock and Key criteria. So just limiting this work to the simple calculation of the information quantity included in a water molecule enough to negate the article appeared on Nature. Life principles processes could be grasped by introducing the water molecule information theory of the memory based on the Giuliano Preparata Coherence Dominium theory too.
Keywords: Water memory; information