The last four decades has seen a significant rise in the use of Corporate Social Responsibility strategies by companies seeking to reinforce their “license to operate”. During that time academics and researchers have extensively investigated the importance and benefits that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and the communication of that activity can play on a company’s reputation, their brand equity, profitability and even their stock market valuation. Whilst more customer experiences and the sharing of those defining brands and their behaviour (Uwins, 2014) has occurred, marketing has started to be re-thought around the use of ethically messages. Along with a rising tendency to make extensive use of CSR as a tool to enhance marketing strategies and brand development plans, we are today witnessing a phenomenon that sees an increasing number of companies from a wide range of industrial sectors, apparently, over-exploiting CSR communication targeted at their particular audiences. In this sense, CSR is somehow criticised and accused to have failed in achieving its original purpose both in contents and communication (Visser & Hollender, 2011). The international crisis in global companies' public relations and the pressure over the ethical content of their messages are, in fact, starting to raise doubts about their reliability and veracity. That is, when messages that appear to be “too good to be true” or too frequent, they may in fact be perceived as hiding something that would, if publicized, otherwise be seen to have entirely the opposite effect. As a cynic or critical commentator might be heard or seen to comment, “Methinks he doth protest too much.”
To begin or to attempt an answer, this paper aims to explore some specific circumstances relating to companies' use of marketing communications over CSR. These are defined by the authors as CSR over-communication – and it is planned to examine them from both the business and customer perspectives. In particular, the research will centre on a specific sector activity - that seemingly, attempts to exploit, more than most, the benefits of communicating ethical behaviours and good processes and practices towards their customers. That is, the banking sector. Furthermore, as these communications are always directed towards changing the perceptions among the target that they are addressed to; the paper will specifically consider customers' perceptions about CSR over-communication in general and will be applied to the sector above.
Given the different nationalities and domiciles of the authors analysing the phenomenon, we will provide an investigation between the situation in the UK compared to that in Italy by building empirical case studies with the aim of observing some significant differences and similarities in the way that banking corporates - some of which have been involved in severe financial and PR scandals - still utilize CSR as a factor in attempting to maintain clients' trust, loyalty and business. In particular, the sample for the case studies will include three banking corporates based in the UK (one of which belonging to the cooperative system) and three banking corporates operating in Italy, including also in this analysis one cooperative bank, in order to give coherence and correspondence to the results. A discussion of trust rather than confidence (Sargeant & Lee, 2001) will also be included to provide greater contextual understanding of these perception difficulties. It will be argued that trust is given in the absence of confidence and it is that trust that is most at risk by the inappropriate and overuse use of marketing communications.
Methodologically the authors plan a mixed methods approach. An earlier work in progress paper entitled “Corporate Philanthropy Magic or Myth" (presented by the authors at the International Social Marketing Conference, in May 2012) will be revisited and information from the Anglo Italian participants reanalysed. Moreover, a book chapter entitled “Meanings and Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility and Branding in Grocer Retailers: A comparative study over Italy and the UK" (published by the authors in Handbook of Research on Retailer-Consumer Relationship Development", Business Science Reference, IGI Global 2014) will be used as framework for the different typologies of CSR communications related to marketing and branding.
However the authors also plan some primary research to look more closely at the range of perceptions from the customers’ point of view by using focus group discussions among a target sample composed of postgraduate students of Marketing Communications & Management from both Italy and the UK. Each focus group has been chosen to include students who have knowledge of marketing, branding and CSR; understanding of the financial market globally and awareness of the latest scandals hitting banking corporates in their nations. These students will be presented with some live case data and a fictitious case study to monitor and measure their reactions to a range of CSR communications.
Results and Discussion
The purpose of this investigation is to create and explore a spectrum of potential customers' perceptions deriving from those CSR communications with the intent of understanding to what extent communication is accepted as coherent and real or when, at the opposite end of the spectrum, it starts becoming unbelievable and raises cynical reactions, despite any ethical intent.
It is planned that in conclusion, this spectrum of perceptions will be applied to the CSR communications of the sample of banking corporates in Italy and the UK so as to inform the communication issue discussed. In short, it was in fact William Shakespeare who, in his 1603 work Hamlet has Queen Gertrude say of the protagonist in the play within the play, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
References and Notes
- Candelo, E.; Casalegno, C.; & Civera, C. Meanings and Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility and Branding in Grocer Retailers: A Comparative Study over Italy and the UK. Handbook of Research on Retailer-Consumer Relationship Development, IGI Global , UK, 2014, pp. 351- 371
- Sargeant, A; Lee, S. "Improving public trust in the voluntary sector: An empirical analysis." International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 2001 7.1, 68-83.
- Maple, P & Civera, C. Corporate Social Responsibility, Magic or Myth? International Social Marketing Conference, May 2012, Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
- Shakespeare, W, (1603) Cited by: accessed 22nd February 2015
- Uwins, 2014
- Visser; Hollender, 2011