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Sensorized Garments for biomedical monitoring: Design issues
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1  Politecnico di Milano, Design Dept.


This paper discusses the user and technical requirements in designing smart garments for biomedical monitoring in several and very different applications: in hospital settings, during activities of daily living (ADL), sport and fitness, home care, working environments.

Anthropometric and gender considerations are to be included into design as well as textile requirements like elasticity, washability and chemical agents effects for preserving sensors' efficacy and reliability, and assuring the proper duration of the product for the complete life cycle.

Phisiological issues are mainly due to skin conductance (and related operations: cleaning, scrubbing the external layer of dead skin cells, the presence of hair - expecially in male subjects), skin tolerance and irritation, and the effect of sweat and perspiration.

All these factors strongly affect the design and technical choices (materials in particular) but aesthetical requirements are proved to be crucial as well as.

For this aspect, user's age, target application, and fashiontrend could not be ignored, because they determine the final success of the wearable monitoring approach.

Keywords: Smart garments, wearable sensors, design
Comments on this paper
Rita Salvado
Textile sensor
I think this paper is very interesting as refers the complexity of designing sensorized smart clothing.
I am very interested in exploring the properties of textile materials to improve the performance and the design of such wearable systems. And I think your capacitive textile sensor is very interesting as being fully textile may be low intrusively integrated into clothing. May you report the gage factor? Have you tried other dielectric textile materials, which ones?

Kind regards
Rita Salvado
