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On the building of theoretic system of information science
1 , 2
1  School of Electronics and Information, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
2  School of Computer Science, Northwestern Polytechnical University,China

Abstract: The objective world consists of material world and information world, each world has two proorties -- existence and activity, then the objective world has four inherences -- material, energy; information, and intelligence.The material science is the study of material world, which is a great disciplines and now is very considerably rich and complete. Information science is the study of information world, which is also a major disciplines, but the development of its theoretical system just started, in which there are many rules needed to be explored. In this paper, the process of building material scientific system will be reviewed carefully, from which we are able to get some important enlightenments for the development of theoretical system of information science.
Keywords: Material world; Information world ;Material science ;Information Science ;Theoretical system