Internet rumors with the help of micro-blog, WeChat and other emerging carriers showed great destructive power, can not only discredit belittle personal reputation, also to the social order, the stability of the country to form a strong impact and destruction. Therefore, it is of practical significance to explore the formation mechanism of the network rumors. From Schramm's model of mass communication, communication in the process of people playing as receivers and decoding communicators, encoding and code release role, while the philosophy of information theory, based on the understanding of people we know, as well as the information system in the theory of information creation is complex and random. Based on the above, this paper try to give a survey of Internet rumors generated the mechanism of ideas: the dissemination process plays an important role in the understanding of people is complex and random, and decoding is equivalent to the information creation, encoding and release code work is complex and random in this paper. This paper tries to construct the framework of the generation mechanism of Internet rumors from the above point of view, and investigates the formation process of the network rumors, in order to dig out the governance strategies of the network rumors in the deep level.
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The generation mechanism of Internet rumors——based on consideration of information philosophy
09 June 2017
session Third International Conference on Philosophy of Information
Keywords: Internet; rumors; information system ;information philosophy;recognition