In the present work an analytical model of the vortex motion elementary state of the dry atmosphere with nonzero air velocity divergence is constructed. It is shown that the air parcel moves along the open curve trajectory of spiral geometry. It is found that for the case of nonzero velocity divergence the atmospheric elementary state presents an unlimited sequence of vortex cells transiting from one to another. On the other hand, at zero divergence, the elementary state presents a pair of connected vortices, and the trajectory is a closed curve. If in some cell the air parcel moves upward then in the adjacent cell it will move downward and vice versa. At reaching the cell middle height the parcel reverses the direction of rotation. When parcel moves upward, the motion is of anticyclonic type in the lower part of the vortex cell and of the cyclonic type in the upper part. When parcel moves downward, the motion is of anticyclonic type in the upper part of the vortex cell and of the cyclonic type in the lower part.
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Vortex motion state of the dry atmosphere with nonzero velocity divergence
17 July 2017
in The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Atmospheric Sciences
session Synoptic and Dynamic Meteorology