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The market of Ilex guayusa. Products, stakeholders, prototypes and trends in the Ecuadorian Amazon Region.
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1  Universidad Estatal Amazónica
2  Universidad Técnica del Norte


Ilex guayusa is an important species for the economy of the Ecuadorian Amazon Region. The plant is well known as a traditional medicine and drink, but is also a promising source of bioactive compounds for functional foods and cosmetic products. The aim of the study is to realize a review regarding the guayusa products, the involved companies and the future trends in the Ecuadorian Amazon Region. For this purpose have been analyzed 55 articles based on international and national studies. Have been identified as relevant topics: innovation, energy drinks, sustainability, natural medicine and market. The study detected 15 products, 32 stakeholders, 5 prototypes. The new trend for I. guayusa is to develop innovative products with added value as phytocosmetics and nutraceuticals. Finally, to improve the I. guayusa value chain can enhance the incomes of local Amazonian communities of the Ecuadorian Amazon.

Keywords: Key words: Ilex guayusa, products, stakeholders, prototypes, trends